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Web of Science新平台纵览 Jan. 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Web of Science新平台纵览 Jan. 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web of Science新平台纵览 Jan. 2014
This brief session will update you on new features added to the Web of Knowledge in the Spring 2011 upgrade. Download the slides from this presentation by clicking the Attachments tab to the left of the viewing window. Jan. 2014

2 Web of Knowledge平台界面 So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

3 提纲 Web of Science新平台发生了哪些变化 Web of Science新平台哪些没有变化

4 系统需求 Thomson Reuters 不支持任何测试版的 Web 浏览器。 Windows® 操作系统 Windows 7(推荐使用)
Windows XP(完全支持) 适用于 Windows 操作系统的 Web 浏览 器 Internet Explorer 8.0(推荐使用) Internet Explorer 9.0(完全支持) Firefox 20(完全支持) Macintosh® 操作系统 Mac OS X10.7(推荐使用) Mac OS X10.6(完全支持) 适用于 Macintosh 操作系统的 Web 浏览 器 Safari 6.0(推荐使用) Thomson Reuters 不支持任何测试版的 Web 浏览器。

5 Web of Science平台新界面 变化一:平台名称的改变
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

6 Web of Science平台新界面

7 数据库介绍页面 变化二:Web of Science数据库更名为Web of Science Core Collection即Web of Science核心合集 变化三:平台中新增SciELO Citation Index

8 什么是SciELO Citation Index
SciELO:Scientific Electronic Library Online的简称,通过SciELO Citation Index可以访问拉丁美洲、葡萄牙、西班牙及南非等国在自然科学、社会科学、艺术和人文领域的前沿公开访问期刊中发表的权威学术文献。 主要内容涵盖: 阿根廷,巴西,西班牙,葡萄牙,墨西哥,南非等11个国家的学术期刊; 650本期刊,其中超过350本被原Web of Knowledge平台收录; 学科范围: Agricultural sciences Applied social science Biological sciences Engineering Exact and earth sciences Health sciences Linguistics, letters and arts Mathematics Physics Social sciences So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

9 Web of Science平台新界面 So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

10 Web of Science平台新界面 InCites/JCR/ESI/EndNote 网络版的入口 汤森路透-AJE学术写作助手
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis. 汤森路透-AJE学术写作助手

11 Web of Science核心合集 检索方式下拉列表
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

12 标题:”stem cell” 数据库:SCIE
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

13 Web of Science核心合集检索结果
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis. 变化四:新增对OA期刊文章的筛选

14 变化五:检索结果中添加对ESI高被引/高热点论文的标识
So, in summary, all terms in the topic field are searched – even very common words; there are no stop words. Lemmatization helps automatically find variants of your search terms. Left hand truncation is now allowed. The NEAR operator lets you specify the distance between your search terms . And all search results are returned, allowing for the most accurate set combinations and results analysis.

15 摘要页面 变化六:新增Google Scholar链接 变化七:摘要页面中可以直接了解期刊JCR分区

16 摘要页面 变化八:摘要页面可以直接实现关键词的二次检索

17 提纲 Web of Science新平台发生了哪些变化 Web of Science新平台哪些没有变化

18 Web of Science新平台哪些没有变化

19 小结 变化一:Web of Knowledge平台更名为Web of Science
变化二:原Web of Science数据库更名为Web of Science核心合集 变化三:平台新增SciELO Citation Index 变化四:平台新增OA期刊文章的精炼功能 变化五:检索结果中增加ESI高被引与热点论文的标识 变化六:新增Google Scholar的链接 变化七:摘要页面可以直接了解期刊的学科分类及分区信息 变化八:可以直接实现关键词的二次检索

20 敬请期待! 新平台将于北京时间 2014 年 1 月 12 日 22:00 至 2014 年 1 月 13 日10:00 期间推出。
敬请期待! 新平台将于北京时间 2014 年 1 月 12 日 22:00 至 2014 年 1 月 13 日10:00 期间推出。

21 谢谢! This brief session will update you on new features added to the Web of Knowledge in the Spring 2011 upgrade. Download the slides from this presentation by clicking the Attachments tab to the left of the viewing window.

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