管理學分組報告(CH3) Organizational Culture and Environment The United Kingdom

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1 管理學分組報告(CH3) Organizational Culture and Environment --The United Kingdom
黃舒縵 楊雅晴 1

2 Self-Introduction 黃舒縵 ♥聽音樂 單純 ♥可愛的 誠懇 小動物, 小孩子 討厭蟑螂!! 2

3 楊雅晴 ♥跳舞 羊牙 早餐一定要吃 介紹興趣.專長.喜歡的.最近的煩惱XD ♥吃吃吃 想去英國旅行♥ 減肥 3

4 The United Kingdom is made up of:
England-(London) Scotland- (Edinburgh) Wales – (Cardiff) Northern Ireland- (Belfast) England + Scotland + Wales = “Great Britain” Great Britain + Northern Ireland =“United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” (UK) 4

5 Economy of the UK 5

6 Facts The Industrial Revolution started in the UK
Today, UK is the sixth largest economy in the world and the third largest in Europe after Germany and France London is the world's largest financial center GDP(Purchasing power parity)( 2009 estimate) -  Total : $2.165 trillion (6th) -  Per capita: $35,400(24th) Currency : Pound Sterling GBP = Great British Pound £ 6

7 Growth in Output (GDP) and Household Spending, UK, 1998–2008

8 These are all from the UK!
BBC Bernard Matthews The Body Shop British Airways Burberry Mini E Morgan Motor Company Harry Potter Britain’s Got Talent Simon Cowell David Beckham British Post Penguin Books Reebok 8

9 Government and Politics ----Who runs the UK?

10 10

11 國會 Parliament To change in the near future Role1:Lagislation(立法)
西敏宮(palace of westminster) 又稱國會大廈(Houses of Parliament) 君主 Queen 上議院House of Lords To change in the near future Role1:Lagislation(立法) Role2:Law(司法) Role3:Select committee 國會 Parliament 下議院House of Commons To represent the people of the UK Role1: Constituencies Role2: Bills Role3: Other commons debates 11

12 Politics in UK Parliamentary democracy(議會民主制)
Constitutional monarchy(君主立憲制) Unitary state(單一制國家) 三大主要政黨: 1.工黨 (Labour) 2.保守黨(Conservative) 3.自由民主黨(LibDems) 2005 election results by age group: voters for Conservative (blue), Labour (red), Lib Dem (yellow), other parties (green); and those not voting (grey). 18歲以上的英國公民可投票 12

13 Internationalization
---Rich culture! 13

14 Culture of the UK Food (afternoon tea) 注重生活質量,追求精神享受
Traditional clothes -bowler hat -Scottish skirt(男生穿的花格子、       從腰部到膝蓋的短裙) -gown、wiggery (judge) 早餐吃飽,午餐潦草,晚餐吃好。 注重生活質量,追求精神享受 通常是下午三到四點的時候,喝杯咖啡或道地英國奶茶,順便連絡彼此的感情。 波樂帽=紳士圓禮帽 蘇格蘭裙:在某些傳統節日時才穿 法官開庭所穿的假髮與長袍 14

15 Something special 不能插隊 刀叉的擺置 不要問男士工資和女士年齡 用餐中:八字形
 用餐中途暫時休息:將刀叉分放盤中,刀頭與叉尖相對成“一”字形或“八”字形 不能殺價 拜年時:  英國人過新年到別人家拜訪時,必須攜帶一塊煤,並且親手把煤放進人家的爐子裡,作為賀新年的禮品。  談話時:可拿著刀叉,無須放下,但若需要作手勢就應放下刀叉,不可手執刀叉在空中揮舞搖晃。 英國人有排隊的習慣。你可以看到他們一個挨一個地排隊上公共汽車、火車或買報紙。插隊是一種令人不齒的行為。 甚至他家裡的家具值多少錢,也是不該問的。 在英國購物,最忌諱的是砍價。英國人不喜歡討價還價,認為這是很丟面子的事情。 15

16 Festival Easter(commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ)
春分後第一個月圓之後的星期日 人們用象徵春天和再生的彩蛋、鮮花、小動物造型的飾品打扮得花枝招展 16

17 Thanks for listening 17

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