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Agricultural System 農業系統

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1 Agricultural System 農業系統
Spatial Patterns in Agricultural Landscapes 農業景觀的空間模式

2 Classical Theory: Von Thunen Model 傳統的理論︰范杜能模式
Assumptions假設 Some basic concepts基本概念 Von Thunen’s land rent model地租模式 4. Assessment: weaknesses and merits 分析︰缺點及優點 Case studies個案研究 ( )

3 Assumptions of Von Thunen’s Model 范杜能模式的假設
An isolated state and an isotropic surface 孤立國和均質平原 All prices are set in the single central market 所有價錢都訂於唯一的中心市場 Uniform transportation and transport costs 統一的運輸方法和運輸費 Farmers are rational economic men 農民為理性的經濟人

4 An isolated state and an isotropic surface 孤立國和均質平原
Self-sufficient community 自給自足的社區 Homogeneous/ uniform physical conditions 一致的自然條件 ∴production costs per hectare were the same 均地的生產成本都為一致

5 All prices are set in the single central market 所有價錢都訂於唯一的中心市場
All products are sold at the same market price 所有貨物均以一致的售價出售 埋黎睇 埋黎揀啦﹗﹗

6 Uniform transportation and transport costs 統一的運輸方法和運輸費
Only one mode of transportation-horse-drawn cart 單一運輸方法—馬拉木頭車 Transport costs were uniform in any direction 運輸成本在任何地方均一致 i.e. proportional to distance at the same rate 與距離以相同比例成正比

7 Farmers are rational economic men 農民為理性的經濟人
Economic men/ profit maximizers 經濟人/ 利潤最大者 having perfect information on marketing and production 對市場及生產有絕對的資訊

8 Some basic concepts 基本概念
Economic Rent/ Locational Rent 經濟地租/ 區位地租 Distance-decay Mechanism 距離遞減機制

9 Economic Rent/ Locational Rent 經濟地租/ 區位地租
Economic Rent=P-(C+T) P=Market price C=Production cost T=Transport cost

10 Crop M PC TrC Yield 0km 5km A 60 30 3.00 10 B 45 25 1.00 20 C 24 0.40
ER at various distance from the market 0km 5km A 60 30 3.00 10 B 45 25 1.00 20 C 24 0.40 8 D 15 5 0.20 Crop M PC TrC Yield EC at various distance from the market 0km 5km A 60 30 3.00 10 B 45 25 1.00 20 C 24 0.40 8 D 15 5 0.20

11 Margin of Transference 轉移邊際
If more than one farming activity are considered in the area, the point at which one type of farming is replaced by a different type is known as margin of transference. 若在同一地方考慮設立多於一種的農業活動,轉移邊際就是一農業活動取代另一活動的地點。

12 Two Theories Suggested 兩個提出了的理論
The intensity theory 集約度定理 The crop theory 作物定理

13 距離市場越近,集約程度越高。 距離市場越遠,集約程度越低。 Intensity集約度 Distance from market市場距離

14 在較遠的距離增加成本以令集約度上升,這是很不化算的
距離市場越近,經濟地租會增加。 距離市場越遠,經濟地租會下降。 在較遠的距離增加成本以令集約度上升,這是很不化算的 Intensity集約度 Distance from market市場距離

15 More to know: Slope of Locational Rent Curves 知多一點點︰區位地租線的坡度
Intensive 集約 Locational rent區位地租 Extensive 粗放 Distance from market 市場距離

16 ↓ distance距離 from the market, ↑intensity 集約度

17 農夫 距離 集約度 生產成本 收成 運輸成本 總成本 總收入 區位地租 大明 1 集約 2000 80 2080 4400 粗放 1000 50 1050 2750 小明 30 2400 1500 2500

18 Two Theories Suggested 兩個提出了的理論
The intensity theory 集約度定理 The crop theory 作物定理

19 for any location, crops with the highest economic rent will be grown.

20 The Crop Theory 作物定理 埋黎睇 埋黎揀啦﹗﹗ 1 2 3 4 5 6

21 Zone 1: Market Gardening and Dairying 一區︰園藝式農業及酪農業
Vegetables and fresh milk 蔬菜及鮮奶 Perishable 易腐 Fresh produce were highly demanded 新鮮農產品的需求很高 Prices were high 價格高昂

22 Zone 2: Firewood/ forestry 二區︰木材區
Great demand at that time 當時的需求很高 Bulky, high transport cost if it was located far away 由於木材龐大笨重,若設於遠離中心的距離,運輸費用會變得很高

23 Zone 3-5: cereals growing with different intensities 三-五區︰不同集約程度的穀物種植
Rye, maize, barley, wheat, etc 黑麥、玉米、大麥、小麥等等

24 Zone 3: 6-year crop rotation without fallow 三區︰六年輪作(不含休耕)
Rye 黑麥 Potato 薯仔 Barley 大麥 Clover 苜蓿 Vetch 豌豆 Vetch 豌豆 Rye 黑麥 Potato 薯仔 Barley 大麥 Clover 苜蓿 Clover 苜蓿 Vetch 豌豆 Rye 黑麥 Potato 薯仔 Barley 大麥

25 Zone 4: 7-year crop rotation with fallow 四區︰七年輪作(含休耕)
Pasture 牧草 Barley 大麥 Oats 燕麥 Rye 黑麥 Fallow 休耕 Fallow 休耕 Pasture 牧草 Barley 大麥 Oats 燕麥 Rye 黑麥 Rye 黑麥 Fallow 休耕 Pasture 牧草 Barley 大麥 Oats 燕麥

26 Zone 5: 3-field system 五區︰三區農業系統
Pasture 牧草 Cereals 穀物 Fallow 休耕 Fallow 休耕 Pasture 牧草 Cereals 穀物 Cereals 穀物 Fallow 休耕 Pasture 牧草

27 Zone 6: Extensive livestock farming 六區︰粗放式畜牧業

28 1 2 3 4 5 6

29 Modifications by Von Thunen 由范杜能所作的變化
Addition of a navigable river 可供航行的河流 Small town as a competing market centre 競爭性的市場中心 3. Improved transport routes 改善了的運輸路徑

30 Different land qualities
不同的土地質素 5. Farmers’ behaviour 農民行為

31 Addition of a navigable river 可供航行的河流
Cheaper transport route 較相宜的運輸渠道 -90% Each zone of production became elongated in the direction roughly parallel to the river. 農業分區會因而伸延,並與河流呈平行狀。

32 Small town as a competing market centre 競爭性的市場中心
The small town would had its own land use zones 小型市鎮會擁有獨立的土地分區 The scale was smaller 規模會較小 The concentric zone look more complex 同心圓分區會變得更為複雜

33 Improved transport routes 改善了的運輸路徑
The influence is similar to the ‘first’ one e.g. railway, river 如鐵路、河流

34 Different land qualities 不同的土地質素
District with low production costs or high productivity expands in size at the expense of the other. 擁有低生產成本或高生產力的農業活動會比其他的面積為大 Areas with infertile soil or hilly terrain favour extensive cultivation at the expense of intensive one. 一些土壤貧瘠,或山地地形的農田,較適合作粗放成農業活動

35 Labour cost, social services, etc.

36 Farmers’ behaviour 農民行為
Management abilities 管理能力 Amount of knowledge 知識 Preferences 喜好 Speculation 投機

37 Influence of changes on land use pattern 變化對土地利用模式的影響
Economic Rent=P-(C+T) Market price 市場價格 Production costs 生產成本 Transport costs 運輸成本

38 Increase in market price 市場價格上升
$ Distance from market 市場距離

39 Decrease in production cost 生產成本下降
$ Distance from market 市場距離

40 A decrease in transport cost 運輸成本下降
$ Distance from market 市場距離

41 Weaknesses of Von Thunen Model 范杜能模式的缺點
Some of the assumptions may not be found in the real world. 一些假設難於真實世界中找到 There are many variations that may add complexity to con Thunen’ ring pattern of farming land use. 許多變數都會令范杜能的同心圓模式變得複雜

42 Natural Environmental Variations 自然環境的變數
No areas are uniform in conditions. 沒有地區在條件上是一致的 Physical conditions – climate, relief and drainage may vary. 如氣候、地形和排水狀況等自然條件都會有變 Soil fertility may vary spatially. 土壤肥沃度會隨空間而改變 Therefore, the von Thunen’s regular pattern may be distorted. 所以范杜能的規則性分佈將被破壞

43 Market Factor 市場因素 The single market situation is uncommon in reality.
現實上難以發現單一的市場 A competing market 競爭性市場

44 Technological Factor 科技因素

45 Effects of improved transport 運輸方法的改良
More alternatives of modes of transport 更多的運輸方法選擇 Refrigerated transport 冷凍運輸工具 Transport costs may not be directly proportional to distance 運輸費用不一定和距離成正比

46 Improved production and storage techniques 生產和儲存技術的改良
Scale economies規模經濟 Mass-transportation of farm products 農產品作出大規模的運送 Specialization in distant but physically-ideal regions 在較遠但自然條件較佳的地區作農業專門化

47 Governmental influence 政府影響
Direct 直接 Indirect 間接 Financial (e.g. grants, loans, subsidies, tax allowances) 財務(如借貸、津貼、稅務優惠) Agricultural research and education 農業研究和教育 Tariff, quota, price control 關稅、(中文係乜?)、價格控制 Land use control 土地利用管制

48 Behavioural Factors 行為因素
Imperfect information and knowledge 非完美的資訊和知識 Crops may been grown in inappropriate zone 作物可能被種於不合適的地區 Even is well-informed, crops with maximum profits may not been grown. 即使擁有絕對資訊,給予最高利潤的作物亦不一定被種植

49 Farmers may be profit-maximizers or profit-satisfiers 農民可為利潤最大者或滿足者
Profit-satisfiers change the land only when it is uneconomic. 利潤滿足者只會在土地帶來虧損時才轉換土地用途 Risk minimization=>diversification 風險最低化=>分門 Own preference?個人喜好? Tradition/ skills inherited… 傳統/技術繼承

50 Merits of von Thunen’s Model 范杜能模式的優點
It was quite applicable to reality throughout his lifetime. 在范杜能的年代,其模式亦頗為正確。 2. It has shown the importance of economic factors instead of physical factors for explaining agricultural land use pattern. 這顯示了除自然因素外,經濟因素亦是影響農業利用區位的主要因素。

51 It has shown the economic rent is the main factors affecting the agricultural land use pattern.
顯示了經濟地租是影響農業土地利用模式的主因。 4. Agricultural land use pattern is a result of transport costs. 農業土地利用模式亦受到運輸成本的影響。 5. It was the first theory to show the spatial distribution of agricultural activities. 這是第一次利用理論來解釋農業活動的分佈。

52 在市中心附近,只有利潤高的作物才被種植。
6.In areas close to city, only very valuable crops can be grown. 在市中心附近,只有利潤高的作物才被種植。 7. It can still be found in some LDCs. 仍可見於部分欠發展國家。

53 例子︰請參閱參考資料﹗

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