China Standardization activities of ITS

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1 China Standardization activities of ITS
Good afternoon, ladies and gentelmen. I’m yangqi form the national ITS standardization technical committee of china, which we call SAC/TC268. I’m very glad to give you some information about the standardization activiteies of SAC/tc268 China National ITS Standardization Technical Committee Research Institute of highway, MOT YangQi

2 Quick view of SAC/TC268 Set up in 2003 A P-member of ISO/TC204 Have 200 members

3 Standard Architecture Hierarchical Structure
Subsystem Basic ITS general standards terms & definitions basis info. codes Data management &security Figure 2: Hierarchical Structure of ITS Standard diagram information service electronic toll collection automatic highway and assistant drive multi-modal trans.& transit management traffic and emergency management dedicated communication

4 Till 2014,ETC users up to 13 million over 29 provinces, 20 companies provide the OBU and RSU.
Based modular electronic toll collection system of technical standards, according to incomplete statistics, as of the end of 2014, China's construction of more than 6,000 ETC lanes open, MTC lanes totaling 32,556, ETC users reached 10 million. In addition, the major banks have over 3000 outlets cooperation. ETC transactions accounted for 8% -9% of the national total trading volume of toll roads. 依据组合式电子收费技术标准体系,据不完全统计,截至2014年底,我国建设开通ETC车道6000多条,MTC车道共计32556条,ETC用户数达到1000万。此外,全国各大银行合作网点已超过3000个。ETC交易量占到全国收费公路总交易量的8%-9%。随着ETC系统在全国高速公路大规模建设与应用,ETC以其安全、便捷、绿色、环保的特点引起社会各界广泛关注。 加全国联网

5 Test Systems These equipments are used test DSRC physical parameters. Besides test instruments, we also have a integrated test systems, the system can help test engineer to control all instruments through one interface, and it helps to change test parameters and manage test result easily. These are our test instruments in our lab, and some test environment. This is our ETC test system in MOC test field. There are 4 ETC and MTC lanes in this test system, and mainly used for ETC application test. 4 RSU can be installed in this system simultaneously.

6 Published cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems National Standards
GB/T Cooperative Intelligent Transport System dedicated short range communication - Part 1: General Technical Requirements GB/T Part 2: MAC layer and physical layer specifications With our own intellectual property rights and patents, its main technical indicators and US IEEE802.11p fairly, our businesses and communications research institutions actively participated in the preparation of standards. 以合作式智能运输系统为核心的互联车辆及运输系统技术应用及标准化,为交通运输、汽车产业车型升级和信息通信创新发展带来重要机遇,这个领域国外从技术、标准化和产业方面,美丽也是争夺非常激烈的 受到了国务院相关领导的重视,国务院副总理马凯专门就此作出了重要批示:发改委、国标委、交通部、 工信部 2014年8月5日,国家质检总局、国家标准委批准发布的合作式智能运输系统专用短程通信等两项国家标准,具有我国自主的知识产权和专利,其主要技术指标与美国IEEE802.11p相当,我国的众多企业和通信领域研究机构都积极的参加了标准的编制工作。 6 6

7 unpublished cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems National Standards
Cooperative Intelligent Transport System dedicated short range communication - Part 3:Network and application layer Cooperative Intelligent Transport System dedicated short range communication - Part 4: equipment Technical Requirements 7 7

8 Multi-model Transport and Transit Management
Data exchange for passenger transport settlement based on XML On-board information terminal of urban public transit dispatching Data communication protocol between public transit on-board equipment and control center Public parking lots information interconnection general technique requirements Data bus interface specification for communication of the on-board electronic terminal in urban public transit Intelligent system of bus rapid transit (BRT) Technical specification for application of RFID system of inland navigation vessels 8 8

9 Data security Intelligent transportation – Data security services
Intelligent Transport — Digital certificate format Intelligent transportation – Certificate Application Interface 9 9

10 Thank You!

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