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UnFranchise™DNA Creating A Shopping Annuity 超连锁™DNA 创造购物年金

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1 UnFranchise™DNA Creating A Shopping Annuity 超连锁™DNA 创造购物年金

2 Creating A Shopping Annuity
Market Singapore’s number one selling product is its UnFranchise™ Business Development System “System for entrepreneurs to create a significant ongoing income, while providing consumers world wide with a better way to shop. ” At the heart of this system is Market Singapore’s Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP) that rewards each UnFranchise™ Owner (UFO) for changing what they shop for and how they shop for it. 创造购物年金 美安新加坡最热销的产品是超连锁™事业发展系统 “这套系统让创业家创造可观的永续收入,并且提供全球消费者更佳的购 物方式。” 这一系统的核心为美安新加坡的管理业绩红利计划(MPCP),奖励每位改变购物内容及购物方式的超连锁™店主(UFO)。

3 Creating A Shopping Annuity “4 Basic Steps”
The MASG Shopping Annuity begins with each UnFranchise ™ Owner: Change the brands of products they are currently buying for their households each and every month to MASGBranded products. Change from MAC to Motives® Change from Attack to SNAP Change from Centrum to Isotonix® Change from Clinique to Cellular Labs *UFOs get “PAID” (compensated/BV) for using their own MASGBranded Products 创造购物年金“四项基本步骤” 美安新加坡购物年金由每位超连锁店主™开始创造: 1. 将目前每个月所买的居家个人用品换成美安新加坡品牌的产品。 将MAC换成Motives® 将Attack换成SNAP 将Centrum换成Isotonix® 将Clinique换成Cellular Labs *超连锁店主™使用自己的美安新加坡产品获得“报酬”(奖励∕BV)

4 Creating A Shopping Annuity “4 Basic Steps”
The MASG Shopping Annuity begins with each UnFranchise™ Owner (cont’d): Change how they buy all other brands of products they buy monthly or periodically (such as clothes, electronics, appliances, etc.) from “brick and mortar” establishments to “click and order” through their own SG.SHOP.COM website from those same establishments. Access from SG.SHOP.COM/ Access RedMart from SG.SHOP.COM/ Access Gap from SG.SHOP.COM/ *UFOs get “PAID” (IBV and Cashback) to purchase through SG.SHOP.COM/kcb vs. going direct to 创造购物年金“四项基本步骤” 美安新加坡购物年金由每位超连锁店主™开始创造(接上页): 2. 改变每个月或定期的购物方式(例如衣服、电子用品、家电等),不再前往“传统实体商店”购买,改成透过自己的SG.SHOP.COM网站从网上商店“线上购物”。 从SG.SHOP.COM/连结至 从SG.SHOP.COM/连结至RedMart 从SG.SHOP.COM/连结至Gap *超连锁店主™透过SG.SHOP.COM/kcb消费可获得“报酬”(IBV∕现金回馈),而直接前往Hotels.com则无此类好处

5 Creating A Shopping Annuity “4 Basic Steps”
Identifying individuals to do the exact same thing and build relationships to create lifetime value in customers or future business partners (UFOs). *Customers get “PAID” (cashback) for purchasing MASGBranded products. *Customers get “PAID” (cashback) for purchasing through SG.SHOP.COM/kcb. * Customers get “PAID” (cashback) for referring Customers to SG.SHOP.COM/kcb to do the same. Identifying 2 or more individuals committed to improving their financial situation by performing Steps 1-4! 创造购物年金“四项基本步骤” 3. 找到10-15人一起做同样的事并建立良好关系,由此创造顾客终生价值,或从中产生未来的事业伙伴(超连锁店主™)。 *顾客购买美安新加坡品牌产品可获得“报酬”(现金回馈)。 *顾客透过SG.SHOP.COM/kcb购物可获得“报酬”(现金回馈)。 *顾客推荐其他顾客透过SG.SHOP.COM/kcb购物可获得“报酬”现金回馈)。 4. 至少找到两个人投入事业,执行这四项步骤增加他们的财力!

6 Creating A Shopping Annuity
The result is the creation of a never-ending flow of BV and IBV, which is the lifeblood of the MPCP. Each UFO’s objective is to become a “Shop Consultant”. Making the shopping experience for their household and the households of their customers as efficient as possible! 创造购物年金 最终将有源源不绝的BV及IBV,这正是管理业绩红利计划的精髓所在。 每位超连锁店主™的目标就是成为“购物顾问”,让自己与顾客高效率地购买生活用品!

7 C - - C

8 C - - C

9 BV 1200 BV 9 9

10 Creating A Shopping Annuity
An “Annuity” is a process by which a fixed payment is made to you at specified intervals for a specified length of time. To fund the “Annuity” you must contribute a fixed sum payment before payouts to you may begin. Market Singapore’s “Shopping Annuity” works the same way with one major difference. A UFO’s specified fixed sum payment is made not in legal tender, but in time. 创造购物年金 “年金”指的是在特定期间内,每隔一段时间所发放给您的一笔固定款项。 为了累积“年金”,您必须在年金开始发放前缴交“固定支付额”。 美安新加坡的“购物年金”运作方式相同,只有一点大为不同。 超连锁店主™所缴交的“固定支付额”不是指法定货币,而是指投入的时间。

11 Creating A Shopping Annuity
By investing 8-15 hours per week for months you create your “fixed sum payment”. Performing the “4 Basic Steps” above and ensuring all business partners within your two sales and distribution organizations duplicate these steps... You can reasonably expect to earn S$1,875 per week or more forever! 创造购物年金 一星期投入8-15小时,持续24-36个月,您就能建立自己的“固定支付额”。 执行上述的四项基本步骤,并确保您两边销售组织内的所有事业伙伴也复制这些步骤… 从此您可预期每周持续赚取S$1,875,甚至更多!

12 Creating A Shopping Annuity
Starts with Household Assessment: Surveying (taking inventory) of what you spend or buy monthly and quarterly. Discover how many things you could use to fund your shopping annuity and simply convert SPENDING INTO EARNING! Create a My List Starts with You, then conduct with each Business Partner and duplicate with each Customer 创造购物年金 从居家用品开始评估: 检视(一一盘点)您每月及每季的消费项目。 查看有几样用品能让您累积购物年金,轻轻松松转消费为收入! 建立“我的清单” 从您开始做起,鼓励每位事业伙伴也这么做,然后让每位顾客复制同样的过程。

13 UnFranchise™DNA Creating A Shopping Annuity 超连锁™DNA 创造购物年金

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