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國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 5.3 USE OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH 2018/12/3 授課老師:任維廉 報告學生:蘇世名

2 Outline Reasons for reviewing research related to your chosen problem
Bibliographic Aids and Preliminary Sources of Information Library Research Techniques and Sources of Information Criteria for analyzing a research report Writing the Section “Related Research” For Your Research Proposal A. 回顧與研究問題相關研究的理由 B. 書目協助與初步資訊來源 C. 圖書館研究技術與 資訊取得 D. 分析相關研究得準則 E. 撰寫研究企劃書的 “相關研究” 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

3 Reasons for reviewing research related to your chosen problem(1/2)
Primary purposes: Helping you delimit your problem Introducing you to new approaches toward solving your problem Helping you avoid errors in planning your study Suggesting new ideas to you Acquainting you with new sources of data 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

4 Reasons for reviewing research related to your chosen problem(2/2)
How far afield you should go in looking for material? 1. Recommending the use of more than one of these facilities 2. When dealing with specific sources, The primary target would be studies under the same heading Reports in other subject areas should be reviewed 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

5 Bibliographic Aids and Preliminary Sources of Information
The reference librarian General bibliographic guides Ex: “Documentation in Education”, 1967 An important preliminary source for the researcher Enhance the usefulness of logical and arrangement into sections 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

6 Library Research Techniques and Sources of Information (1/2)
1. List the synonyms and alternate search terms of key concepts in your study Ex: “self-concept”, “self-image”, … 2. Consult preliminary sources, such as indexes and abstracts, rather than going directly to journals 3. Time and money permitting, use the services of one or more information retrieval systems Data centers Computer-based systems Think Tanks 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

7 Library Research Techniques and Sources of Information (2/2)
4. Accurate and complete note-taking is essential when reviewing research materials Use a index card to record the complete reference Author, title, page reference Use a separate sheet of notebook paper or a index card to record systematically for all important sources: Problem, method used, findings, conclusions, comments 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

8 Criteria for analyzing a research report
D. An understanding of research findings and the ability to ask and answer certain crucial question pertaining to a given research report Checklist for evaluating a research report (Appendix A ) Is previous research related to the study presented by the investigator? 2. How relevant is the cited research to the study presented? 3. Is the previous research integrated or merely enumerated? 4. Is a succinct and meaningful summary presented? 被引用的相關研究如何相關 以往的研究是綜合或只是列舉 是一個簡潔而有意義的簡要介紹 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

9 E. Writing the Section “Related Research” For Your Research Proposal (1/2) For descriptive and experimental studies: 1. Present a critical review of these studies 2. Show how relate to your problem, your hypotheses, and your procedures 3. Grouping related research 4. Integration (similar problems, used similar techniques, …) 5. Conclusion- a succinct summary 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

10 E. Writing the Section “Related Research” For Your Research Proposal (2/2) A proper review of the related literature in historical, documentary, bibliographical and construction type projects: 1. A brief introduction indicating library and preliminary sources used 2. Present the thesis and a brief outline of the content 3. Group the literature 4. The relation to your problem and procedure 5. Conclusion- a brief summary to be logical common topical headings and chronological periods符合邏輯的共同主題標題和年代時期 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

11 APPENDIX D Evaluation From of a Proposal of a Research Study
Title Problem – Introduction Related Research Operational Definitions Assumption – Delimitations Hypothesis(es) or Question(s) Method Results, Conclusions, Generalizations, Implications, Suggestions References of Bibliography Other Comments 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

12 Thanks for Listening~~~
Q & A 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

13 問題討論與評論(1/4) 1. 文獻資料庫就像是個黑森林 NTIS(多是對公共部門)
(1)第一次搜尋是在尋求主題與刺激想法 (2)第二次是要開始定位研究問題與縮小問題 (3)多利用and,or,not 其他好用的資料庫 Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) IT IS智網 (對產業、產品、廠商、技術四大層面的深入分析與探討。) NTIS(多是對公共部門) 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

14 問題討論與評論(2/4) Thesaurus (學術專用術語/控制詞彙) Q. 有時報告引用網路資料不夠嚴謹?
用來表示一串有著相似、相關意思的單字 有時學術研究用詞有個特定的名稱 也可視為一般俗稱的”行話” Q. 有時報告引用網路資料不夠嚴謹? Wikipedia,google這些資料庫/資訊平台日新又新, 可能過幾年又更新,且會註明來源出處,是有相當 潛力的資料庫,但也不要只有引用這些 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

15 問題討論與評論(3/4) Q. 如何才能引用到全部的文獻? 學術上會幾年定期邀請一些大師級學者做學術 的回顧
以前學術研究沒太多文獻,還可以這樣做 現在一個領域的研究就是幾萬甚至幾十萬,文章參 差不齊,很難全部都用 要找重要的理論或常被引用的中心學者/文章 不要漏掉重要的,而不是不漏掉所有的 學術上會幾年定期邀請一些大師級學者做學術 的回顧 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3

16 問題討論與評論(4/4) 好的學生分兩類 Q. E部分撰寫相關研究的兩頁有何不同? 兩者皆有其優劣
韌性強又耐操,抓很多文章,研究可以一直深入 聰明型,善於遊移,會適時調整,研究可能會換題目 兩者皆有其優劣 Q. E部分撰寫相關研究的兩頁有何不同? A.(p.10)屬於實證型研究,偏一般常做的研究 B. (p.11)屬於文獻式研究,做歷史性的回顧整理 國立交通大學 運管系碩一@蘇世名 2018/12/3


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