What is Easter何為復活節? The Easter Bunny兔子? Easter Island復活島?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Easter何為復活節? The Easter Bunny兔子? Easter Island復活島?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Easter何為復活節? The Easter Bunny兔子? Easter Island復活島? Easter Egg hunt復活蛋? The Crucifixion十字架?? Or a Happy Easter快樂復活節??? ?

2 Easter is a Very Happy occasion! 復活節是個快樂的節日!!

3 . 這似乎是個結束, 耶穌的身體被布包裹著放在墓穴裡, 用石頭擋住!!
It looked like the End! Jesus body was put in a SHROUD, placed in a tomb, sealed by a stone 這似乎是個結束, 耶穌的身體被布包裹著放在墓穴裡, 用石頭擋住!! .

4 There was a big earthquake..

5 Jesus had risen from the dead!

6 墓穴空了!! 石塊竟然被移開了!

7 The Angel said to the women,
天使對那些女人 說

8 Then Mary ran to tell Peter & John:
但是Mary 跑去告訴peter and john:



11   . go to My Brothers!

12 Two disciples walked to Emmaeus 兩個門徒在路上行走


14 Then Jesus went up into the sky and a cloud 耶穌回到天上


16 Shroud of Turin! The negative copy
THE SHROUD OF TURIN! The Positive Copy Shroud of Turin! The negative copy

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