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第一章 绪论 Introduction Medical Psychology.

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1 第一章 绪论 Introduction Medical Psychology

2 医学心理学概述 About Medical Psychology 医学心理学的研究方法 Research Methods

3 About Medical Pchology
Medical Psychology 的概念和研究范围 Medical Psychology 是医学和心理学相结合的交叉学科,它研究心理学变量与健康或疾病变量之间的关系,研究解决医学领域中有关健康和疾病的心理行为问题。

4 Key Words Medical psychology
Medical psychology is a branch of applied psychology devoted to psychological problems arising in the practice of medicine, including psychological aspects of pain, terminal illness, bereavement, disability, and reactions to medical advice.

5 研究心理行为的生物学和社会学基础及在健康和疾病中的意义 心理的实质
研究心身相互作用的规律和机制 研究心理行为因素在疾病发生、发展、诊断、治疗和康复及健康维护过程中的作用和规律性格与疾病 研究各种疾病过程中的心理行为变化及干预方法 研究如何将心理行为的科学知识和技术应用于医学其他领域

6 心理的实质 心理是脑的机能,即任何心理活动都产生于脑,所有心理活动都是脑的高级机能的表现 (如前额叶损伤与异常社会行为有关等)
心理是客观现实的主观能动的反映,即所有心理活动的内容都来源于外界,是客观事物在脑中的主观反映。 (狼孩、代沟、性格与成长环境等)

7 A型性格与冠心病 "A型行为模式"表现为:个性强,过分的抱负,强烈的竞争意识,固执,好争辩,说话带有挑衅性,急噪,紧张,好冲动,大声说话,做事快,走路快,说话快,总是匆匆忙忙,富含敌意,具有攻击性等. 抑郁型性格与健康 抑郁是常见的心理感冒,许多人都不同程度的感受过情绪低落给人带来的精神上的痛苦.表现出:对自己不满,对生活不满,悲观绝望,失眠或嗜睡,食欲下降,不愿活动和参加社交活动,思维迟钝,反应缓慢,注意力不能集中,厌世并有自杀念头. 癌症敏感型性格 调查发现:克己、压抑、焦虑、易怒、抑郁、无助、敌视、完美主义、过分为别人着想等性格与癌症有关.外界社会生活压力作用于有上述性格的人,产生抑郁、愤怒和悲观的情绪,影响内分泌的正常功能,造成肾上腺激素和肾上腺皮质激素分泌增加,使免疫功能下降,产生肿瘤.

8 About Medical Pchology
Medical Psychology 的分支和相关学科 Clinical Psychology (临床心理学) Neuropsychology (神经心理学) Physiological Psychology & Psychological Physiology (生理心理学与心理生理学 ) Abnormal Psychology (变态心理学) Health Psychology (健康心理学) Psychosomatic Medicine (心身医学) Behavioral Medicine (行为医学)

9 About Medical Pchology
Medical Model(医学模式)与 Medical Model的转变 Medical Model是从总体上认识健康和疾病及其相互转化的哲学观点 Biological Medical Model(生物医学模式) Bio-psycho-social Medical Model (生物-心理-社会医学模式) Holistic Medical Model(整体医学模式)

10 神灵主义的医学模式 自然哲学的医学模式 Biological Medical Model 身心二元论 Bio-psycho-social Medical Model 身心统一论 Holistic Medical Model 健康是整体素质健康,即身体素质、心理素质和素质三者完整结合:疾病是整体素质不好,主要是不良的行为习惯和行为方式导致。

11 Key Words Medical model
Medical model means the concepts, assumptions and rules that doctors and researchers in their pursuit of knowledge and the solution of problems, the brief definition is the opinion of health and disease. Bio- Psych-Social medical model Biological factors, psychological factors and social factors can all effect health and disease, and also effect the treatment.

12 Key Words The holistic medical model
Health consists of physical health, psychological health and having a good social function. Holistic medical model thinks that the behavior is more important factor effecting health and disease.

13 Research Methods 描述心理行为状况 检验变量间的关系 预测对象将来的发展

14 Research Methods Cross-section studie&Longitudinal study (横断研究与纵向研究)
Prospective study & Retrospective study (前瞻性研究与回顾性研究)

15 Research Methods Observation method(观察法) Case study(个案法)
Correlational research(相关研究) Test method(测验法) Survey method(调查法) Experimental method(实验法)

16 Key Words Observational method
A research methodology most often used in certain areas of social psychology, developmental psychology, and ethology in which the investigator records behavior as far as possible without influencing it. An observational field study is conducted in a naturally occurring situation, and an observational laboratory study is carried out in an artificial laboratory environment.

17 Key Words Survey research
Research methods for investigating the distribution of attitudes, opinions, mental disorders, and other characteristics of individuals in specific sections of a population, or in a whole population, often broken down into demographic groups defined by geographical location, ethnic identity, age, sex, social class, marital status, education, and similar criteria. Surveys designed to compare different cultures or subcultures are called cross-cultural survey.

18 Key Words Case study A research method involving a detailed investigation of a single individual or a single organized group, used extensively in clinical psychology and also, though less often, in other branches of the discipline. In case studies of organized groups, participant observation is often used.

19 Key Words Correlation study
A non- experimental type of research design, without manipulation of an independent variables, in which patterns of correlations between two or more variables are analyzed. Experimental design The general plan of an experiment, including the method of assigning research participants or subjects to treatment conditions, controlling extraneous variables, manipulating the independent variable, and measuring the dependent variable.

20 Summary Medical psychology revolves around the idea that both the body and mind are one, indivisible structure. Continuing with this line of thought, all diseases whether of the mind or of the physical body must be treated as if they have both been affected. The intent of Medical Psychology is to apply knowledge from all branches of psychology and medicine in the prevention, assessment, and treatment of all forms of physical diseases. Medical psychology asserts its main function in the determination of personality styles of coping and the examination of attitudes of an individual in response to subjective and objective stressors. Medical psychologists also help in the determination of genetic, biochemical, and physiologic factors in illnesses and reaction to illnesses. These are joined with psychosocial factors deemed contributory to diseases processes. Specific behavioral methods are then used to help the person match coping and management skills to the person’s ability, character, and personality style.

21 Summary The biopsychosocial model was developed by Dr. George Engel who was a Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine. The biopsychosocial model takes into account the psychological, interpersonal and societal influences in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.  The components of the biopsychosocial model add to the purely biomedical model of clinical care which focuses on pathology and the mechanisms of disease and therapeutics.  A medical man had to pay attention to the biopsychosocial aspects in conjunction with the biomedical principles in delivering clinical care, providing education, community service and conducting research.

22 Summary Study methods of medical psychology are varying, just as the various disciplines within psychology vary. Among the various methods are: experimental method, survey method and case study, act. The experimental method involves beginning with a theory and then testing that theory. Experiments must be carefully planned and repeated so that coincidence and random phenomena will not be misinterpreted as proof of the hypothesis.

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