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一卡通打印使用指南 One Card Solution Printing User Guides

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Presentation on theme: "一卡通打印使用指南 One Card Solution Printing User Guides"— Presentation transcript:

1 一卡通打印使用指南 One Card Solution Printing User Guides
步骤1: 在电脑桌面上登入打印系统 Step 1: Login to printing system at computer desktop 步骤2: 输入您的e-账号用户名与密码. Step 2: Enter your e-Account username and password.

2 步骤 3:选择 “Follow-You Printing on NEUCPS01”发送打印作业。
Step 3: Choose “Follow-You Printing on NEUCPS01” to print. 步骤4:“Logoff” 您的电脑。过后请到图书馆底楼的一卡通影 印机列印出您所要打印的文件。 Step 4: Logoff or restart your computer and proceed to the printing machine at Library ground floor to collect. *打印完毕后请记得登出电脑,以免被下一个用户使用您的户口打印。 *Always remember to logoff your computer after use,  prevent others from accessing your account.

3 打印Printing 步骤 1:以学生证轻触读卡机登入至一卡通影印机。 Step 1: Tap your Student ID card on the card reader to login to printing machine. 步骤 2:点击“Follow-You-Printing”,选择欲打印的档案 Step 2: Tap on “Follow-You-Printing”, Select document sent from your computer and press on “Start” button.

4 步骤 3:选择欲打印的档案,按影印机上的“Start”键。 Step 3: Select document sent from your computer and press on “Start” button on the printing machine. 步骤 4: 点击“Logout”登出一卡通影印机。 Step 4: Tap on “Logout” button to Logout from printing machine

5 扫描Scanning 步骤 1:以学生证轻触读卡机登入。 Step 1: Tap your Student ID card on the card reader to login. 步骤 2: 点击 “Scan” 开始扫描文件 Step 2: Tap “Scan” to scan your documents

6 Step 4: Tap “Scan” to continue next page scanning OR Tap “Done”
文件将会发送到你的学校电邮 信箱。 Step 4: Tap “Scan” to continue next page scanning OR Tap “Done” to send documents to your * 如有任何电邮登入问题,请到电脑中心询问。 * Kindly proceed to Computer Centre, if you have login issue on . 步骤 5: 如要扫描另一组文件,请点 击 “Scan Another Document” 完成扫描点击“Logout”登出。 Step 5: For separate document scanning, tap on “Scan Another Document” , To finish scanning job, tap on “Logout”

7 复印Photocopy 步骤 1:以学生证轻触读卡机登入。 Step 1: Tap your Student ID card on the card reader to login. 步骤 2: 点击 “Copy” 您会看见以下界面,您可以以个人需求调整复印设定。 Step 2: Press on “Copy” button and you will see the screen below. 步骤 3: 点击“Start” 开 始复印. Step 3: Press on “Start” button to photocopy your documents.

8 * Any enquiry, kindly proceed to the library counter.
余额查询 Check Balance 方法1: 登入影印机,余额 会显示在上方。 Option 1: Tap your Student ID card on the card reader at printing machine. 方法 2: 浏览网页 碼(QR Code) Option 2: Check from website at OR Scan the QR Code * 如有任何问题,请洽图书馆柜台。 * Any enquiry, kindly proceed to the library counter.

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