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The Survival of God’s People 神百姓的存留之恩

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1 The Survival of God’s People 神百姓的存留之恩
Rev. Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director Chosen People Ministries (Canada) Peace Evangelical Church Richmond, BC – January 29, 2017

2 Introduction 引言 The history of Israel is a story of survival. 以色列歷史:存亡的故事 Since the time of Abraham, the story of the Jews has been one of defending ourselves from enemies that have attempted to destroy God's people. 自亞伯拉罕起,猶太人一直受到滅族的危險 Lot (Gen. 19), Isaac (Gen. 26), Jacob (Gen. 27, 31). 羅得(創19)、 以撒(創26)、 雅 各 (創27,31)、 Joseph’s story (Gen ) 約瑟的故事(創37-45) Sold as slave (ch. 37) 被賣為奴 Put in prison (ch. 39) 下獄 Pharaoh’s right hand man (ch. 41) 法老的宰相 Famine in Canaan brought brothers to Egypt (ch. 42) 迦南飢荒與兄長 下埃及 Israel’s whole family to Egypt (ch. 46) 以色列全家下埃及

3 Introduction (cont.) 引言
God’s plan revealed: 神計劃的啓示 "To preserve life" (Gen. 45:5) 保存生命( 創45:5 ) "To establish a remnant" (Gen. 45:7a) 存留餘種( 創45:7 ) "To keep you alive through deliverance" (45:7b) 大施拯救保全生命 “The survival of many people” (50:20) 保全許多人的性命

4 I. Survival Beyond Genesis 存留超越創世記
The Passover story: God’s miraculous deliverance of Israel from the slavery in Egypt (Ex.1-14). 逾越節故事:神奇妙的拯救 Edom (Numb. 20), Balak’s curse (Num.22-24). 以東, 巴勒的咒詛 Sisera, Midian, and Ammon (Joshua and Judges). 米甸,亞捫 The Phillistines attempted to destroy Israel through the period of the Kings (I - II Samuel, I - II Kings) 非利士攻打以色列(撒下, 列王記等的 歷史) Divided kingdom and exile to Assyria and Babylon. 王國分列:被擄到 亞述和巴比倫 The Purim story (Book of Esther) 以斯帖記中的普珥節 Return to the land (Ezra and Nehemiah) 歸回的歷史:以斯拉, 尼希米

5 II. Survival in the Intertestamental Period 兩約中間史:選民的存留
This era can be divided into 3 parts: 可分為三期 Israel under Greek domination: BC 希臘統治下 Brief independence period: BC = Maccabean revolt, resulting in reconquering the Temple = Hanukkah = Feast of Dedication, remembering God's deliverance once again. 馬迦比起義、重奪聖殿、重光 節、記念神的拯救 Roman domination: 63 BC to Christian Era 羅馬人的統 治到基督徒時代

6 III. Survival During the Roman Empire 羅馬帝國:選民的存留
Romans also tried to annihilate Israel and the Jews. 羅馬人的纖滅 In 70 AD, the Romans blamed the Jews for the burning of Rome. The destruction of the Jerusalem Temple that same year was no coincidence. 主後70年耶路撒冷被圍困、聖殿被毁 Important revolt against Rome in Israel in 165 AD called the Barkochba revolt, where many Jewish lives were lost. 以色列人反叛 羅馬統治,被殺的人甚多 In 325 AD, Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the empire, eliminating everything connecting Christian faith to its Jewish roots. 主後325年君士坦丁王宣佈基督教為官方宗 教,此後切斷基督徒信仰中猶太人歷史之根

7 IV. Survival: Middle Ages to Modern Times 中世記到現在:選民的存留
The Crusades 十字軍 The Spanish Inquisition: "Confess Christ or die!” 西班牙 宗教栽判所: 承認基督或選擇死亡 The 1800’s: "pogroms" appeared all over Europe 年代欧洲大暴動 Climax in 20th century: Hitler’s “final solution”, Holocaust. 20 世紀的高潮: 希特拉的大屠殺

8 V. Post Holocaust Survival to Present Day 大屠殺後的生還到現在
Zachariah 12-14: events before Christ’s Second Coming: 撒迦利亞預言基督再來前(12-14 章) Israel to return to its own land. 以色列人歸回故土 Jerusalem to be once again under Jewish control 猶太人再次獲得耶路撒冷控制權 Many nations will be enemies of Israel 多國將與以色列為 敵

9 Conclusion/Application 總結/ 應用
How has Israel survived since Joseph's time? 從約瑟時代至今以色列怎樣得以保存? Why has Israel survived throughout history? Jeremiah 31:3 以色列在人類歷史上為何得以保存?耶31:3

10 Conclusion/Application 總結/ 應用
For what purpose has Israel survived so far? 以色列存留之目 的: To bring glory to God 叫神得榮耀 To be a blessing to all the nations of the world 使世上萬國得福 To bring salvation to Jews and Gentiles through Jesus 藉耶穌把 救恩帶給猶太人和外邦人 If Jewish people had not survived, Jesus would not have come, and you and I would not be here! 若猶太人不存留,耶穌不會再 來,你和我都不會在這裡。 Body of Messiah will be preserved until the end 彌賽亞的身體將 會保存到末期 Praise God for His faithfulness in preserving His People! 讚美神因 衪的信實保存衪的子民

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