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Georges Amvame-Nze, Cláudia Jacy Barenco Abbas,

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1 Performance Evaluation of Mobile IP Agents' Auto-Reconfiguration Mechanisms in MANET
Georges Amvame-Nze, Cláudia Jacy Barenco Abbas, Electrical Engineering School, University of Brasilia Luis J. García Villalba Dept. Computer Systems and Programming, Complutense University of Madrid Presented by Franson, C.W. Chen 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

2 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Agenda Introduction Dynamic MIP Agent in MANET Proposed Algorithm Implementation Simulation Analysis Conclusion 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

3 Introduction (1/6) – MANET
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamically reconfigurable wireless network with no fixed infrastructure, and it communicates among nodes can be quickly constructed. Some characteristics in a MANET Dynamic topologies Bandwidth-constrained, variable capacity links Energy constrained operation Limited physical security Mobile Network 可以分成 infrastructure network 與 Ad hoc network,infrastructure network 有固定的結構,由 AP 承擔有線與與無限的連接工作。Ad hoc network 則相反,他沒有固定的結構,而是由無線主機所臨時組成的網路。因為Ad Hoc Network 具有自我組織(self-organization)的能力,一方面它不但可以簡化網路的管理,提高其強健性 (robustness) 和彈性,另一方面,它更能在處於動態的狀況如位置移動,不定的連結,和無法預測的流量負載的既定基礎結構下,作最理想的資源有效使用。由於它容易佈建的特性,Ad Hoc Network 有許多實際的用途,如個人區域網路、家庭區域網路、軍事用途、緊急救災及搜救行動。 Mobile Ad Hoc Network 有幾個特性 動態的網路拓撲 – 每個網路的節點都可隨意的移動,因此網路的拓撲會隨機的快速改變。 頻寬的限制 – 因為Wireless所使用CSMA/CA等等的負擔,使資料在無線環境並不能以最快的速度傳輸。如802.11b雖然號稱11Mbps,但實際上只能傳輸約5Mbps;802.11g 54Mbps,但實際傳輸約10Mbps。 能源的限制 – 利用 MANET 的網路節點有一些,甚至全部都需要靠電池等等的能源維持電力,因此能源的管理也是這種網路的特徵。 安全性的問題 – 對四面八方發送訊號的無線網路比一般有線網路更有安全上的威脅。無線網路更容易遭到竊聽、偽裝、DoS等等,一些存在於有線網路的安全技術也直接移植到無線網路,來增加無線網路的安全性。MANET 雖然有很多安全性的問題,但因為它是分散式的架構,因此單一節點錯誤所造成的危害會比 centralized 的架構網路小。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

4 Introduction (2/6) – MANET
Ad hoc mobile routing protocols can be categorized into three, namely, proactive, reactive and the hybrid protocols. In proactive protocols, nodes continuously search for routing information within a network, so that when a route is needed, the route is already known. For reactive protocols, it creates routes only when desired by source nodes. When a node requires a route to destination, it initiates route discovery process within the network. This process completes once one route is found or all possible route permutations are examined. Once a route is discovered and established, it is maintained by route maintenance procedure until either destination becomes inaccessible along every path from source or route is no longer desired. Proactive routing protocol: 每個 mobile node 間隔固定一段時間就會發送一些路徑相關資訊,各個mobile node就依據蒐集進來的資訊去改變自己的 routing table ,Proactive routing protocol 可以讓每個送出去的封包立刻得知到達目的地的路徑,不會有任何的 delay。但是這種 protocol 必須週期性的去廣播訊息,所以相當的浪費無線網路的頻寬與 mobile node 的電源,但是如果要降低廣播所造成大量頻寬的消耗,就要拉長每次廣播的間隔時間,這又將會造成 routing table 不能正確反應網路拓樸的變化。 DSDV 就是此類,各節點不斷的交換自已的 routing table,好處是反應快,因為 routing table 會快速反應現實情況;缺點是,太多的 message overhead。 Reactive routing protocol: 當 mobile node 要發送packet到它所要傳送的 destination node,它就會先廣播 Route Requests (RREQs) 去找尋到達 destination node 的路徑。 當 RREQs 的訊息到達它所指定的 destination node,便會傳回 Route Replies (RREPs)給原本發送 RREQs 的 mobile node,並將路徑存到 Routing Table 中。 處理封包在轉送的途中發生找不到路徑的情況時,即 Route Errors (RERRs)之處理。 當 mobile node 要再傳送一個 packet 時,先到 Routing Table 中尋找路徑,如果找不到,則再重複以上的步驟。 像 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)、Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV)等就屬於這一類。這類 protocol 的最大好處就是頻寬的使用量較小,只是某一個 mobile node 欲送封包時未必能從routing table找到路徑,所以平均延遲時間較長。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

5 Introduction (3/6) – MANET
Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) is a protocol used under hybrid category for ad hoc mobile routing protocols. It incorporates the merits of on-demand and proactive routing protocols. ZRP is similar to a cluster with the exception that every node acts as a cluster head and a member of other clusters. The routing zone comprises a few mobile ad hoc nodes within one, two or more hops away where the central node is formed. Hybrid Routing Protocols: Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) 結合了 Proactive & Reactive 兩種 Routing Protocols。一方面讓網路裡的一個裝置隨時紀錄鄰近其他裝置的位置資訊,當需要與鄰近裝置溝通時,能立刻得到路徑資訊;另一方面,如果要和較遠的裝置連結時,只讓網路裡少數裝置參與 Routing。 ZRP 定義對每一個裝置而言,鄰近數個 Hop 距離以內的所有其他裝置,成為其 Routing Zone,這個 Hop 數稱為 Routing Zone 的半徑。 在同一個 Zone 裡面的 Routing 稱為 Intra-Zone Routing,主要是利用 Proactive Routing protocols,也就是每個裝置會定期收集自己 Zone 範圍內其他裝置的 Routing Table。 當目的端不在傳送端的 Routing Zone 內時,傳送端會傳送 Routing Request 給 Routing Zone 內的所有節點,每個節點檢查目的端是否在其 Routing Zone 內,如果沒有就繼續進行廣播,如果有就可以 Reply,表示已經找到可以連到目的端的路徑。這樣的過程跨越了多個 Zone,因此稱為 Inter-Zone Routing。 ZRP 可以有效的控制 Routing Table 的大小,以及同時兼顧廣播封包的數量,但是 Routing Zone 的大小會直接影響到整個 ZRP 的效能,必須針對網路的狀況選擇。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

6 Introduction (4/6) – Mobile IP
Terms about Mobile IP Mobile Node (MN) Correspondent Node (CN) Home Network (HN) Foreign Network (FN) Home Agent (HA) Foreign Agent (FA) Home Address Care-of-Address (CoA) MN with Home Address MN with CoA Mobile Node – 具備IP行動能力之網際網路節點,該節點可以漫遊其他網路但仍可以透過其原位址(Home Address)進行封包傳遞。 Correspondent Node – 與MN進行通訊之任何一個網際網路節點。 Home Network – MN所在的原網路 Foreign Network – MN漫遊到的其他網路 Home Address – 原位址 Care of Address – MN在漫遊至其他網路之暫時網路位址 Home Agent – 在MN原網路上負責記錄MN位置,Care of Address (CoA)轉送封包之代理人。 Foreign Agent – 在漫遊至其他網路,負責封包轉送之代理人。 FA HA Foreign Network Home Network CN 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

7 Introduction (5/6) – Mobile IP
The need for a mobile node (MN) attached to its Home Network to be able to move to other networks (called Foreign Networks) keeping its Home Address throughout the path until destination, and having the possibility to keep track of local services it had at the Home Network. Two IP addresses have to be assigned to the mobile node, so it would be reached in the Home Network by a fixed and permanent IP address and at the Foreign Address by the so called Care-of-Address (COA), which would represent its new point of attachment away from home. 一個 Mobile Node 使用同一個 Home Address 從 Home Network 移動到 Foreign Network ,讓移動到 Foreign Network 的 Mobile Node 也能繼續使用原本在 Home Network 所使用的服務。 一個 Mobile Node 會擁有兩個 IP 位址,一個是用來辨識並可以在 Home Network 中永久使用的 address ,也就是 Home Address;另一個是當這個 Mobile Node 移動到 Foreign Network 時,Foreign Network ,所 assign 給這個 Node 的位址,稱為 Care of Address,讓想要找這個 Node 的人可以透過這個 Address 找得到他。 Mobile IP的作用,簡單地說,就是讓同一台電腦,從原本所在的網路移至另一個網路時,可使用原來的 address。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

8 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Introduction (6/6) MANET Mobile IP DRMIPA MANET: 當有資訊要從 Source 傳遞到 Destination 時,Source 會先找尋一條到 Destination 的路徑,然後再由路徑上的 Node 一個一個幫忙將資訊 relay 到 Destination。 Mobile IP: Mobile Node 漫遊至其他網路,會收到 Foreign Agent 廣播的 Agent Advertisement 信息,得知已移至其他網路,同時得知 Foreign Agent 位址,並獲得 Care of Address。 Mobile Node 透過 Foreign Agent 轉送註冊信息給 Home Agent,並告知 Home Agent 其拜訪網路 Foreign Network 的 Care of Address。 要與 Mobile Node 通訊的電腦 CN 將封包傳送至 Home Network 將路由至 Home Agent,Home Agent 查表得知 Mobile Node 的 Care of Address 透過通道機制 (Tunneling) 將封包包裝後再送至 Foreign Network 的 Foreign Agent。 Foreign Agent 收到後,將通道封包解開,再把原封包轉送至 Mobile Node。 Mobile Node 送至外部之封包可以直接遞送,也可以透過 Foreign Agent 轉送至 Home Agent 再行傳送到要求通訊的電腦 CN。 這篇 Paper 所 Propose 的 Mobile Protocol,結合了 Ad hoc network 與 Mobile IP 。使用Mobile IP來做子網路之間的資料封包傳遞,對於子網路之內的資料封包傳遞,我們則用Ad Hoc AODV protocol來做轉送。 除此之外,更讓所有作為中樞控制的 Agent 也可以任意移動,所涵蓋的範圍也更廣。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

9 Dynamic MIP Agent in MANET
2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

10 Mobile IP in Ad hoc Network
When mobile nodes move from one IP network to another one, their current services should be available as needed at the foreign Ad hoc Network. The MANET and MIP should be combined to allow the registry of any mobile nodes entering and leaving its IP network and forcing all MANETs to implement a Mobile Home and Foreign Agents (named in this work as MHA and MFA), for further node connectivity. When away from home network, all mobile nodes data transaction has to be between active agents so that MIP mechanisms behave as before, when they were part of the WLAN topology. 當 Mobile Node 從一個 Network 移動到另一個 Network 後,之前的服務還是能持續正常運作。 結合 MANET 與 MIP 讓 Mobile Node 進出 Network 可以正常註冊與運作,並讓這些 Node 可以扮演 Mobile Home or Foreign Agent 的角色。 當 Mobile Node 從 Home Network 移動到其他的網路,則要到 Mobile Node 的資料就必須經過 Agent 來傳遞,就是 Wireless LAN topology 中的 MIP 結構。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

11 Issues facing Agent Mobility
Any MHA (MFA) can shutdown, leave its IP Home Network or move to another IP Network at anytime. Mobile Agent should be duplicated, one serving as an active agent and the other as a passive agent. A MA is being deactivated or leaves its functionality of MFA (MHA), it will be replaced by a previously preconfigured passive MFA (MHA), which would then exercise its activities as a new active MFA(MHA) and in turn elects the next passive MFA (MHA). 這些 Agent 可以隨時關機、停止服務或是移動到其他的網路。 Mobile Agent 要有備援,一台為提供服務的節點,稱為 Active Agent ,另一台為備援 idle 在那裡的節點,稱為 Passive Agent。 當一個 Active Agent 停止服務,之前選為備援的 Passive Agent 就會取代他成為新的 Active Agent ,並選出下一個 Passive Agent。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

12 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Proposed Algorithm DRMIPA (Dynamic Reconfiguration Mobile IP Agents) protocol 相較於傳統的 Mobile IP protocol 最主要多了選出 Passive Agent 的演算法,因此接下來會說明這麼 protocol 如何運作。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

13 Passive Agent Election
Mobile Node Agent Advertisement 一個 Ad hoc Network 透過 Gateway 跟其他的網路相連接 外面的兩台電腦可以透過中間的電腦連到 Active Agent Active Agent 會先發出「Agent Advertisement」給他所負責網域中的所有電腦,以建立出 Agent 所能 Reach 到 Node 的 Routing Table (或稱為 Visiting List),並讓 Mobile Node 知道自己在 Home Network 或是 Foreign Network。 此時這個網域中還沒有 Passive Agent Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

14 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Passive Agent Election Mobile Node Passive Agent Request 在 Gateway 涵蓋範圍,且支援 DRMIPA protocol ,並願意成為 Passive Agent 的 Mobile Node 送出「Passive Agent Request」給 Active Agent,跟他說我願意成為 Passive Agent 的候選人。 Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

15 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Passive Agent Election Passive Agent Mobile Node MNnodelect Active Agent 接著會從 Passive Agent 候選人中選一個最好的成為 Passive Agent,並發送「MNnodelect」訊號給網域中所有的節點。讓網域中的所有節點都知道 Passive Agent 已經選出來了。 但此篇 Paper 並沒有說明是依據什麼選,只說經過徹底的研究選出。 Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

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Passive Agent Election Passive Agent Mobile Node Mobile Node MNnodelect_ack 被選中的 Passive Agent 在收到「MNnodelect」後,就會傳回「ack」給 Active Agent,跟他說我知道了。 Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

17 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Passive Agent Election Passive Agent Mobile Node Mobile Node Binding 接著 Active Agent 就會將一開始廣播「Advertisement」訊號時所建立的 Routing Table ( Visiting List),傳給 Passive Agent 。因此如果 Active Agent 停止服務, Passive Agent 就可以直接接手,而不用再發送一次「Agent Advertisement」。 Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

18 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Passive Agent Election Passive Agent Mobile Node Mobile Node Binding_ack Passive Agent 收到 Active Agent 的 Data 後,就會回傳「ack」訊號給 Active Agent ,以確保所收到的 Data 正確。 這大概就是整個 Passive Agent Election 的流程。 Gateway MHA or MFA 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

19 MNnodelect state diagram (1/2)
set DRMIPA_ON=true Flag_A=false, H=1 or F=1 Listen Flag_A=true, F=1, A=01, set pass_agent=true Flag_A=true, H=1, A=01, set pass_agent=true Lifetime<Threshold Lifetime<Threshold set pass_agent=false set pass_agent=false MNnodelect is MFA pass_agent MNnodelect is MHA pass_agent Lifetime>Threshold, activate MHA, set act_agent=true Lifetime>Threshold, activate MFA, set act_agent=true set act_agent=false set act_agent=false 接下來看他的 State Diagram。因為 Foreign Network 跟 Home Network 的 state diagram 很類似,因此我們先討論 Foreign Network。 除了開始與結束,大概可以區分成三個基本的 state Listen – 就是一般的 Mobile Node Passive Agent – 當 Mobile Node 被選為 Passive Agent Active Agent – 當 Passive Agent 變成 Active Agent DRMIPA protocol 啟動。 如果沒有 A-Flag 表示這個 Node 只有 Mobile IP protocol,而沒有 DRMIPA protocol,因此不能要求當作 Passive Agent ,因此只能在 Listen state。H=1 代表在 Home Network,F=1 代表在 Foreign Network。 Node 被選為 Passive Agent,其中表示 Foreign Network 的 Flag 會被設為 1。 當 Passive Agent 的 Lifetime 比 Threshold 小的時候,Passive Agent 會定時去監看 Active Agent ,看看是否還正常,並會對 Visiting List 做同步。 當 Lifetime 大於 Threshold 或 Active Agent 停止運作,Passive Agent 就會取代 Active Agent。 當 Passive Agent 或 Active Agent 停止運作,則會回到 Listen state。 當結束時,就會到 end state。 Home Network 的 state 也很相似,只是其中表示 Home Network 的 Flag 會被設為 1。 MNnodelect is MFA act_agent MNnodelect is MHA act_agent end end end 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

20 MNnodelect state diagram (2/2)
Exit set DRMIPA_ON=false set DRMIPA_ON=false set DRMIPA_ON=true Working_OK=true Flag_A=false, H=1, F=1 Listen Flag_A=true, F=1, A=01, set pass_agent=true Flag_A=true, H=1, A=01, set pass_agent=true Lifetime<Threshold Lifetime<Threshold set pass_agent=false set pass_agent=false MNnodelect is MFA pass_agent MNnodelect is MHA pass_agent Lifetime>Threshold, activate MHA, set act_agent=true Lifetime>Threshold, activate MFA, set act_agent=true set act_agent=false set act_agent=false 中間綠色的部分為 DRMIPA protocol 正常運作的 state,當 DRMIPA 機制停擺,則會到 Exit state。 MNnodelect is MFA act_agent MNnodelect is MHA act_agent end end end 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

21 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Activation Algorithm Gratuitous_exit := true pass_agent := true receive (Gratuitous_exit, MHA/MFA, MNnodelect ) message from MHA/MFA; if Gratuitous_exit ∧ pass_agent then begin unicast (Gratuitous_exit_ack, MNnodelect, MHA/MFA) message to MHA/MFA; activate MFA/MHA algorithm; set A=11 ∧ broadcast (Agt_adv, MHA/MFA,…,A, Lifetime) message to Network nodes; set pass_agent := false; set act_agent := true; end else if (Adv_Lifetime > Threshold) ∧ pass_agent then set A=11 ∧ broadcast (Agt_adv,MHA/MFA,…,A, Lifetime) message to Network nodes; 這個是 Passive Agent Activate 成 Active Agent 的 Algorithm 當 Active Agent 要停止運作或離開,他會送一個 「Exit msg.」 給 Passive Agent 如果是這種狀況,Passive Agent 會回傳 「ack」來確認,然後對網域中的所有節點發送「Advertisement」訊息,並將自己 Activate 成 Active Agent。 如果是 Lifetime 大於 Threshold 的情況,跟前一個情況很類似,只是不用傳 ack msg. 給原來的 Active Agent。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

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Implementation 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

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Setting The initial configuration of the system requires a manual setup of the MHA and MFA. The present work does not allow more than one active and passive agents in the same network. All MANETs’ MN implements the DRMIPA algorithm. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) timestamp request and reply could be activated on the kernel side to provide synchronization during transactional messages between nodes. For the purpose of tracing DRMIPAs’ messages, we have downloaded the Ethereal version tar.gz source code and have modified it to show the new messages along with MIP’s. Initial MHA/MFA 是人去設的 一個 Network 只有一個 Active and Passive Agent Network 中的 Node 都有 implement DRMIPA protocol。 用 ICMP timestamp 來做 Synchronization,讓 Data 在 Node 之間傳遞有所依據。例如:多久沒收到 Active Agent 的 Advertisement msg. 就表示 Active Agent 掛了。 利用 Ethereal 經過修改 IP packet 與 Mobile IP 相關的 source code,讓他能夠分辨表示出 DRMIPA protocol。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

24 Two kinds of Adv message
Agent Advertisement with DRMIPA flag MNnodelect Advertisement DRMIPA protocol 的 Advertisement msg. 跟 Mobile IP 不同的是,他將 Mobile IP 所保留的 8 bits Reserved field 拿來表示 DRMIPA 與 A-Flag 。 另一個特別的 msg. 是 MNnodelect,他除了表示 protocol 的 DRMIPA 與 A-Flag 外,還有 32 bits 表示所選到的 Passive Agent 的 Address。 Bit Set Service Advertisement  R Set if the registration-required parameter enabled. B Set if number of visitors reached limit parameter. H Set if interface is home link to mobile host (group). F Set if foreign-agent service is enabled. M Never set. G Always set. V Never set. reserved Never set. → DRMIPA and A-flag 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

25 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
DRMIPA A-flag A-Flag From-To 00 Mobile Node unicasts a Pass_Agent_REQ message to Active Agent (Active MFA/MHA). 01 Active Agent broadcasts MNnodelect advertisements to Mobile Nodes in the Network. 10 Passive Agent (Passive MFA/MHA) unicasts a MNnodelect_ACK message to Active Agent. 11 Active Agent broadcasts advertisements to Mobile Nodes in the Network. A-Flag 用來分辨 DRMIPA 最主要的幾個 message 00 – MN 發出的 Passive Agent Request 給 Active Agent 01 – Active Agent 廣播 MNnoedelect Advertisement 給所有的 MNs 10 – Passive Agent 回傳 MNnodelect_ack 給 Active Agent 11 – Active Agent 廣播 Advertisement 給所有的 MNs 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

26 Messages from Ethereal
這是一個由 Active Agent 廣播 給網域內所有節點的 MNnodelect Advertisement 。 表示 Broadcast A-Flag = 01 Active Agent Address = 選到的 Passive Agent Address = 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

27 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Simulation Analysis 這篇 Paper 用 Utilization 、Delay、Overload 與 選出 Passive Agent 所花費的時間來分析 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

28 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Utilization The utilization is the percentage of bandwidth utilization between active and passive agents can be obtained. Active Agent exchange the message, data_sent = data_recv = 54bytes, with Passive Agent in sec. Due to overhead messages used in the WLAN b scenarios, a bandwidth of 5,5 Mbps is used instead of 11Mbps. 頻寬利用率 – Active Agent 與 Passive Agent 之間的資料交換佔整個無線網路可傳輸量的百分比,分子為資料傳輸的總byte數轉換成bits,分母為這段傳輸時間內總共能夠傳輸的bits數,再乘以百分之百。 Active 與 Passive Agent 之間的傳輸 sent 與 receive data 各為 54 bytes,在 b 的無線網路環境下運作,11Mbps 的傳輸速率中扣掉 Overload 剩下大概 50% 左右,因此 Bandwidth 是 5.5Mbps,共傳了 0.011sec 。因此可看出 DRMIPA 的 msg. 佔整個頻寬的 1.43%,並不會很多。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

29 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Delay (1/2) One-way mean delay calculation The Act_Agt (created_and_sent_msg) reflects the time a message spends to leave the active agent. The Pass_Agt (processed_msg) is the time used by the passive agent to process a message. The Pass_Agent (created_and_sent_msg) is the time a passive agent spends for creating and sending a message to respond. DRMIPA 最主要的 Delay 發生在 Active Agent 選出 Passive Agent 的過程 Act_Agt (created_and_sent_msg) – Active Agent 選出 Passive Agent 並送出 MNnodelect 所花費的時間 Pass_Agt (processed_msg) – 被選為 Passive Agent 的 Node 將自己從 Listen state 轉換為 Passive Agent State 所花費的時間。 Pass_Agent (created_and_sent_msg) – Passive Agent 傳送 MNnodelect_ack 回去給 Active Agent 所花費的時間。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

30 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Delay (2/2) Flag Mean Delay (ms) From - To MIP_agt_ADV H=1/F=1 1,89 DRMIPA_agt_ADV A=11 Active MFA (MHA) - MN Reg_Request - 2,11 DRMIPA_pass_REQ A=00 MN - Active MFA (MHA) Req_Reply 2,16 MNnodelect_ADV A=01 4,31 Active MFA (MHA) - Passive MFA (MHA) MNnodelect_ACK A=10 2,64 Passive MFA (MHA) - Active MFA (MHA) DRMIPA 與 Mobile IP 發送 Advertisement 所花費的時間相同 Mobile IP 費時最長的地方為「註冊」 Registration = Request + Reply = 4.27 ms DRMIPA 費時最長的地方為「選出 Passive Agent」 Passive Agent Request + MNnodelect + MNmodelect_ack = 9.06 ms 雖然跟 Mobile IP 比較起來費時較長,不過還可以接受。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

31 Transmissions Overhead (1/2)
The MNnodelect_ADV have the highest overhead in transmissions of DRMIPA messages. Once elected, the passive agent sends small MNnodelect_ACK messages to the active agent. The DRMIPA_pass_REQ stays between both messages in overhead transmissions because each node has to send a unicast message to the active agent. 在選擇 Passive Agent 的過程中,MNnodelect 是需要花費最多傳輸資源的,因為他要將這個 msg. 廣播給所有在他網域中的 Node。 而 MNnodelect_ack 只有 Passive Agent 傳給 Active Agent,所以花費的 Overhead 最少 。 而 Passive Agent Request 是有意願成為 Passive Agent 的 Mobile Node 才要傳送給 Active Agent,因此它所要花費的傳輸資源介於前兩者之間。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

32 Transmissions Overhead (2/2)
最上面那條是 MNnodelect Advertisement 中間為 Passive Agent Request 最下面為 MNnodelect_ack MNnodelect_ack 的 Data 傳輸量都差不多。 而 Passive Agent Request 到一定數量會趨飽和,因為在 Gateway 範圍內有 DRMIPA protocol 的 Mobile Node 數量有限。 而 MNnodelect Advertisement 會發送給所有的 Mobile Node,因此 Node 越多,發送的也越多。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

33 Time taken for DRMIPA's Passive Agent election (1/2)
左邊的圖表示由 10 個 Mobile Node 中,選 7 為 Passive Agent 右邊的圖表示由 12 個 Mobile Node 中,選 5 為 Passive Agent 這兩張圖除了 Node 數不同外,兩者的結構很類似。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

34 Time taken for DRMIPA's Passive Agent election (2/2)
紅色的圈圈是由 12 個 Mobile Node 中,選 5 為 Passive Agent 所花費的時間為 sec 藍色的圈圈是由 10 個 Mobile Node 中,選 7 為 Passive Agent 所花費的時間為 sec 由此可以看出,Mobile Node 越多,Active Agent 選 Passive Agent 的時間越長 在看左下角的紅圈圈是由 2 個 Mobile Node 中,選 1 為 Passive Agent 所花費的時間為 sec,他花費較長的時間是因為這兩個 Mobile Node 的距離較長,或是因為 Node 1 一直等待 Node 2 對它發出 Passive Agent Request。 所以選擇 Passive Node 會因為 Node 數與 Node 間的距離而影響選擇的時間。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

35 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Conclusion 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

36 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Conclusion DRMIPA’s solution can help in the integration and mobility of Mobile IP Agents and Hosts between several MANET-Internet-MANET networks. The principal gain is to maintain the interworking of multiple MIP and MANETs using MFA (MHA) in a failure free architecture scenario. 這篇 Paper 所 Propose 的 DRMIPA protocol 可以在 Mobile Ad hoc Network 間有效整合,並增加 Mobile IP Agent 的移動性。 這篇 Paper 最主要的 contribution 是使用 Active Agent 與 Passive Agent 讓 Mobile IP 與 Ad hoc Network 整合,並產生一個 False Tolerance 很高的 Scenario。只要 Active Agent 停止服務,就由 Passive Agent 提供服務。 Nextel 是美國的一家 Mobile IP provider,它最為人所知的是它所開發的 Black Berry,我們稱為黑梅機,就是使用 Mobile IP 的技術,Nextel 在全美建構約 20 個 HA 及約 200 個 FA,目前約有 700 萬用戶。Nextel 必須佈建這些 Handle 700 萬用戶的 HA and FA,那些 Agent 的 Load 想必很高,而沒有被這些 Agent 涵蓋的地區就無法使用這種服務。若是應用此篇 paper 的 protocol,網路中所有的節點都有機會成為 Agent ,而不需要在每個無線網路出入口架設,只要在發送無線訊號的 Gateway 範圍內有 implement 這個 protocol 的電腦即可,因此我覺得這也是此篇 paper 的一個 contribution。 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

37 Thanks for Your Listening !
2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

38 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU
Reference Chao-Yang Lee: A Reliable On-Demand Multi-path QoS Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Jun 2005 2018/12/5 Optimization LAB, Department of Information Management, NTU

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