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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Through the Life Cycle

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1 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Through the Life Cycle

2 History of ADHD Mid-1800s: Minimal Brain Damage
Mid 1900s: Minimal Brain Dysfunction 1960s: Hyperkinesia 1980: Attention-Deficit Disorder With or Without Hyperactivity 1987: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 1994-present: ADHD Primarily Inattentive Primarily Hyperactive Combined Type

3 「注意力缺失/過動疾患 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder」
(1) 列6/9項注意力不集中(Inattention)症狀, (2) 列6/9項過動及衝動(Hyperactivity-Impulsivity)症狀, 且症狀持續出現至少6個月, 致足以達到適應不良且造成與其應有的發展程度不相符合。

4 一、注意力不集中 無法注意到小細節或因粗心大意使學校功課、工作或其他活動發生錯誤。 在工作或遊戲活動中無法持續維持注意力。
別人說話時似乎沒在聽。 無法完成老師、家長或他人交辦的事務,包括學校課業、家事零 工、或工作場所的職責(並非由於對抗行為或不了解指示)。  缺乏組織能力。  常逃避、不喜歡或拒絕參與需持續使用腦力的工作;如:工作或家庭作業。 容易遺失或忘了工作或遊戲所須的東西;如:玩具、鉛筆、書等。 容易被外界刺激所吸引。 容易忘記每日常規活動,需大人時常提醒。

5 二、過動及衝動 (過動) (衝動) 在坐位上無法安靜地坐著,身體動來動去。 在課堂中或其它須乖乖坐好的場合,時常離席、坐不住。
在教室或活動場合中不適當地跑、跳及爬高等(在青少年或成人可僅限於主觀感覺到不能安靜)。 無法安靜地參與遊戲及休閒活動。 經常處於活躍狀態,或常像「馬達推動」般四處活動。 經常說話過多。 (衝動) 問題尚未問完前,便搶先答題。 不能輪流等待 (在需輪流的地方,無法耐心地等待)。 常中斷或干擾其他人 (如:貿然插嘴或打斷別人的遊戲)。

6 注意力缺陷過動症的特徵 主要症狀在早期即發生 症狀具有情境變異性 病程相當漫長 不是每一位過動兒都有以上所有症狀 注意力不足為主
活動量及衝動為主 同時合併以上三種特性

7 ADHD Statistics 3-5% of all U.S. school-age children are estimated to have this disorder. 3-3.5% DSM-IV; 1.3% ICD-10; 14-19% primary-school-age boys; Males are 3 to 6 times more likely to have ADHD than are females. At least 50% of ADHD sufferers have another diagnosable mental disorder.

8 Prevalence rate of children with ADHD in Chinese Culture
Gau (2004): % in G7-9 junior high school children Hou (2003): 6.4% in school age children Tzang (2002): % in elementary school children Chao (1998): 7.5-9% elementary boys Leung (1996): 8.9% school boys in Hong Kong Tao (1991): % in China What is the prevalence rates of children with ADHD in Taiwan or in Chinese culature Studies showed With the population in Taiwan, we certainly did not see these amount of children and it is well know that the identification and referring rate are much lower than expectation. My personal experience from the study in 1998, less than 10% of the children will come to clinic for evaluation and non of the children that we identified in this study continuously receive treatment after 2 years

9 ADHD and the Brain Diminished arousal of the Nervous System
Decreased blood flow to prefrontal cortex and pathways connecting to limbic system (caudate nucleus and striatum) PET scan shows decreased glucose metabolism throughout brain Comparison of normal brain (left) and brain of ADHD patient.

10 ADHD & Brain Arch Gen Psy 2006, 63(5):540-9
163 ADHD vs 166 control Average at 9 y/o followed up 5.7 years later 60 % f/u rate Thinner cortex, most prominently in frontal areas that control attention and motor activity Best outcomes, an area of the cortex associated with attention (right parietal cortex) increased thickness resembled of health Comparison of normal brain thinner cortex are part of circuitry that controls attention and motor activity

11 Shaw, P. et al. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 19649-19654
Kaplan–Meier curves illustrating the proportion of cortical points that had attained peak thickness at each age for all cerebral cortical points (Left) and the prefrontal cortex (Right). The median age by which 50% of cortical points had attained their peak differed significantly between the groups (all P < 1.0 x 10–20) Shaw, P. et al. (2007) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, Copyright ©2007 by the National Academy of Sciences

12 臨床晤談 1. 家長晤談 2. 兒童晤談 3. 老師晤談 醫學檢查 1. 身體檢查 2. 醫技檢驗 行為觀察 1. ADHD症狀觀察 2. 親子互動觀察 父母量表 4-16歲兒童行為檢核表 ADHD量表(家長用) 活動量量表(家長用) 家庭情境量表 教師量表 ADHD量表(學校版) 活動量量表(教師用) 學校情境量表 學業表現量表

13 (2).刪除測驗(Cancellation tasks) (3).魏氏兒童智力測驗第三版--專心注意因素 2. 衝動控制
四、心理測驗 1. 注意力測驗 (1).持續表現測驗(CPT) (2).刪除測驗(Cancellation tasks) (3).魏氏兒童智力測驗第三版--專心注意因素 2. 衝動控制 (2).相似圖形比對測驗(MFFT) 3. 神經心理功能

14 治療 包含四大類: (一)藥物治療 (二)行為管理或治療 (三)認知行為治療 (四)親職訓練 尚需配合 (五)課業輔導

15 藥物治療的考量 主要用在兒童症狀嚴重妨礙到學習、人際關係及人格發展時 學齡前兒童因環境要求較少,除非症狀特別嚴重,大多不用藥物治療
約70%~80%病童可因服用利他能而症狀改善 台灣家長或老師排斥用藥的理由﹕副作用、無法根治疾病、藥效沒有立即顯現 「藥物輔助治療」

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