我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe.

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Presentation on theme: "我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe."— Presentation transcript:

1 我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe

2 如何能描述祢有多美麗 言語無法形容 實在奧妙非能明暸 也從來未曾聽見過
c 如何能描述祢有多美麗 You are beautiful beyond description 言語無法形容 Too marvelous for words 實在奧妙非能明暸 Too wonderful for comprehension 也從來未曾聽見過 Like nothing ever seen or heard

3 誰能曉得祢無限的智慧 誰能測度祢愛的高深 如何能描述祢有多美麗 尊貴王祢今掌權
我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe 誰能曉得祢無限的智慧 Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? 誰能測度祢愛的高深 Who can fathom the depth of Your love? 如何能描述祢有多美麗 You are beautiful beyond description 尊貴王祢今掌權 Majesty enthroned above

4 我敬畏站立在祢面前 敬畏站立在祢面前 聖潔神配得所有讚美 我站立敬畏祢
我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe 我敬畏站立在祢面前 And I stand, I stand in awe of You 敬畏站立在祢面前 I stand, I stand in awe of You 聖潔神配得所有讚美 Holy God, to Whom all praise is due 我站立敬畏祢 I stand in awe of You (x2)

5 如何能描述祢有多美麗 言語無法形容 實在奧妙非能明暸 也從來未曾聽見過
我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe 如何能描述祢有多美麗 You are beautiful beyond description 言語無法形容 Too marvelous for words 實在奧妙非能明暸 Too wonderful for comprehension 也從來未曾聽見過 Like nothing ever seen or heard

6 誰能曉得祢無限的智慧 誰能測度祢愛的高深 如何能描述祢有多美麗 尊貴王祢今掌權
我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe 誰能曉得祢無限的智慧 Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom? 誰能測度祢愛的高深 Who can fathom the depth of Your love? 如何能描述祢有多美麗 You are beautiful beyond description 尊貴王祢今掌權 Majesty enthroned above

7 我敬畏站立在祢面前 敬畏站立在祢面前 聖潔神配得所有讚美 我站立敬畏祢 And I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God, to Whom all praise is due 我站立敬畏祢 I stand in awe of You (x2)

8 我站立敬畏你 I Stand In Awe 我站立敬畏祢 I stand in awe of You

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