Words and Music by Lelta N. Morris

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1 Words and Music by Lelta N. Morris
頌主大愛 Sweeter As The Years Go By Words and Music by Lelta N. Morris CCLI #

2 我要頌主大慈愛, 口舌永說不盡 甘願擔當我重刑, 流血贖我罪身 身靈安居主愛裏, 永遠滿足我心
我要頌主大慈愛, 口舌永說不盡 Of Jesus’ love that sought me, when I was lost in sin 甘願擔當我重刑, 流血贖我罪身 Of wondrous grace that brought me back to His fold again 將我污穢洗潔淨, 日日與神親近 Of heights and depths of mercy, far deeper than the sea 身靈安居主愛裏, 永遠滿足我心 And higher than the heavens, my theme shall ever be

3 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 主的愛越久越深 主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by,
主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by, sweeter as the years go by 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus’ love is sweeter 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by

4 我要頌主大慈愛, 與眾聖同歌吟 欣感主愛激勵我, 滿心火熱如焚 甘願與我為密友, 彼此靈交日新 情意最厚恩無盡, 主愛越久越深
我要頌主大慈愛, 與眾聖同歌吟 He trod in old Judea, life’s pathway long ago 欣感主愛激勵我, 滿心火熱如焚 The people thronged about Him, his saving grace to know 甘願與我為密友, 彼此靈交日新 He healed the broken hearted, and caused the blind to see 情意最厚恩無盡, 主愛越久越深 And still His great heart yearneth, in love for even me

5 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 主的愛越久越深 主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by,
主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by, sweeter as the years go by 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus’ love is sweeter 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by

6 我要頌主大慈愛, 遠超吾人心願 從主莫測之豐富, 充滿無量充滿 永遠沉潛主愛中, 時時有新效驗 愛我終必愛到底, 主愛永不改變
我要頌主大慈愛, 遠超吾人心願 ‘Twas wondrous love which led Him, for us to suffer loss 從主莫測之豐富, 充滿無量充滿 To bear without a murmur, the anguish of the cross 永遠沉潛主愛中, 時時有新效驗 With saints redeemed in glory, let us our voices raise 愛我終必愛到底, 主愛永不改變 Till heaven and earth re-echo, with our Redeemer’s praise

7 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 主的愛越久越深 主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by,
主的愛越久越深, 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by, sweeter as the years go by 何等長闊高深, 我要時時歌唱 Richer, fuller, deeper, Jesus’ love is sweeter 主的愛越久越深 Sweeter as the years go by

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