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Ch.8 Input and Output Units 輸入與輸出部件

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1 Ch.8 Input and Output Units 輸入與輸出部件
S.4-5 CS&IT CE Course 中四及中五電腦與資訊科技會考課程

2 輸入設備 Input Devices 鍵盤Keyboard

3 滑鼠 Mouse 指點器 Pointing Devices 滑鼠指示標會根據滑鼠的移動方向而移動
Mouse pointer will move according to the movement of the mouse

4 追蹤球 Trackball 利用一個小球的移動,來控制滑鼠指示標
uses the movement of a ball to control the mouse pointer

5 控制桿 Joystick 利用一根沿垂桿子的移動來控制指示標
uses the movement of a vertical rod to control the pointer

6 觸屏 Touch screen 容許用戶以手指觸碰屏幕進行輸入
allows users to input by touching the screen with a finger

7 數字化轉換器Digitiser 可用來描摹或複製繪圖或相片
can be used to trace or copy a drawing or a photograph

8 數字化輸入板 容許用戶把手寫文字或繪圖輸入電腦
allows users to input hand-writings and drawings into the computer

9 掃瞄器 Scanning Devices 能擷取圖形或文本供電腦處理
captures graphics or text to the computer.

10 光字符閱讀器 Optical Character Reader (OCR)
能辨認具特別字型的字符 can recognise characters with special typefaces

11 磁卡片閱讀機 Magnetic strip card reader
閱讀貯存在磁卡片上磁帶內的數據 reads data stored in the magnetic strip on magnetic strip cards such as credit cards 磁卡片閱讀機

12 聰明卡閱讀機 Smart card reader
閱讀聰明卡上的數據 reads data on a smart card 聰明卡閱讀機正在閱讀聰明卡

13 條形碼掃描器 Bar code reader 能夠閱讀印在貨品上的條形碼
can read the bar codes printed on products

14 多媒體輸入設備 Multimedia Input Devices
話筒 Microphone 把聲音輸入電腦中 To input sound into the computer

15 數碼相機 Digital camera 以數碼數據的形式貯存,而不是菲林上
Data store in digital form, but not on film

16 數碼攝像機 Digital video recorders
容許用戶以數碼形式把視像輸入電腦中 allow users to input video to the computer in digital format

17 直觀顯示部件 輸出設備 Output Devices Visual Display Unit (VDU) 直觀顯示部件主要分兩類
There are two main kinds of VDUs 陰極射線管監視器 CRT 液晶顯示監視器LCD

18 屏幕影像投影器 Screen image projector
屏幕影像投影器主要分兩類 There are two main types of screen image projector 液晶顯示投影器LCD projector 液晶顯示控制板LCD Panel

19 打印機 Printer 點陣打印機 Dot-matrix printers 噪音較多 noisy 列印速度及輸出質素低
Printing speed and output quality are low

20 打印機 Printer 噴墨式打印機 Ink-jet printers 較寧靜quiet 輸出質素較佳
have better quality outputs

21 打印機 Printer 激光打印機Laser printers 高速 high speed 高質素 high quality

22 繪圖機 Plotter 例如地圖、圖表、建築圖則和電路圖
Such as maps, charts, building plans and circuit diagrams

23 揚聲器及耳筒 Speakers and headphones

24 堂課 Class work P.123 MC Q.1-14 P.126 Q.8

25 功課 Homework 作業 Homework P.125 Q.1-7

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