Seoul 首爾 3,120 3 Days 3天 01Feb - 30Jun 早鳥優惠 :於指定日子出機票及 2人成行 GV2

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Presentation on theme: "Seoul 首爾 3,120 3 Days 3天 01Feb - 30Jun 早鳥優惠 :於指定日子出機票及 2人成行 GV2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seoul 首爾 3,120 3 Days 3天 01Feb - 30Jun 早鳥優惠 :於指定日子出機票及 2人成行 GV2
首爾 Seoul Price Includes 費用包括: Round trip economy class air ticket on CX 來回國泰航空經濟客位機票 2 nights hotel accommodation 兩晚酒店住宿 HK$100,000 Travel Insurance [Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) 24-hour emergency hotline ] HK$100,000旅遊保險 [蘇黎世保險(香港) 24小時緊急支援服務 ] 0.15% TIC Levy 旅遊業賠償基金  3天 3 Days 凡訂購套票,折扣價 購買來回車票 香港站$205 $154 九龍站$185 $140 青衣站$120 $94 01Feb - 30Jun 2人成行 GV2 訂位代號 Booking Class : S *所有機票訂位代號及附加費,請參閱尾頁國泰 首爾機票附加費表* *Please refer to the last page for booking class & airfare surcharge* 早鳥優惠 :於指定日子出機票及 出發勁減高達HK$1000 [詳情請參閱機票附加費表] 有關套票的條款及細則請參閱最後一頁 Page 1 of 3 Ref No. : (Supersedes Ref No. : 38783)

2 Seoul 首爾 3 Days 3天 01Feb - 30Jun Price Includes :
Round trip economy class air ticket on CX 2 nights hotel accommodation HK$100,000 Travel Insurance [Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) 24-hour emergency hotline ] 0.15% TIC Levy Child travel with min 2 adults price : Twin sharing / Extra bed adult price less : $590 Terms & Conditions : Package price is per person ( in HK$ ) and valid between 01Feb-30Jun18; and hotel stay must be completed by 30Jun Booking class : S (except specified periods) Ticket validity : 2-7 days Twin room is based on 2 single beds or 1 double bed Minimum 2 adults traveling together on same outbound & inbound flights, and booking must be reserved under the same record locator (PNR) for all passengers "OSI:CX GV2 FARE IN DATE OUT DATE AT HOTEL NAME" must be input in OSI field of PNR Airport tax, HK security charge & fuel surcharge(if any) are not included Check whether the Security Bureau has issued any Outbound Travel Alert for your destination before firming up your travel plan to ensure personal safety All the above benefits are only applicable for maximum 2 persons per room per stay Hotel star ratings are for reference only, please visit hotel’s official website for more information A non-refundable deposit of HK$1000 per person required upon reservation Full payment must be made after confirmation with no refund Upon confirmation, any amendment is subject to our company’s discretion All prices and conditions are subject to change without prior notice Package operated by Westminster Travel Ltd 費用包括: 來回國泰航空經濟客位機票 兩晚酒店住宿 HK$100,000旅遊保險[蘇黎世保險(香港) 24小時緊急支援服務 ] 0.15%旅遊業賠償基金  小童最少要與兩位成人同行價錢: 佔床或加床收費按成人減收: $590 條款及細則: 以上套票價錢以每成人計算,有效日期為2018年2月1日至6月30日; 酒店入住必須於6月30日或之前完成 訂位代號:S (指定日子除外) 機票有效期 : 2-7日 雙人房之房種2張單人床或1張雙人床 來回程均要最少兩位成人同行,訂位時亦必須最少兩位客人在同一個PNR內 PNR必須註明住宿酒店名稱及日期如下: “OSI : CX GV2 FARE IN DATE OUT DATE AT HOTEL NAME” 費用並未包括兩地機場稅, 香港機場保安稅及燃油附加費(如適用) 為確保自身安全,旅客在落實行程前,應留意保安局有沒有對 目的地發出外遊警示 以上優惠每次每房最多適用於兩位客人 酒店星級只供參考,詳情請到訪酒店官方網頁查詢 訂位時須繳交訂金港幣每位$1000 餘款需於機票及酒店確認後繳付及恕不退還 於機票及酒店確認後,如需更改本公司擁有最終決定權 所有費用如有更改,恕不另行通知 Page 2 of 3 Ref No. : (Supersedes Ref No. : 38783)

3 CX Seoul Airfare Surcharge 出發日期: 2018年2月1日- 6月30日
凡訂購套票,折扣價 購買來回車票 香港站$205 $154 九龍站$185 $140 青衣站$120 $94 國泰首爾機票附加費表 CX Seoul Airfare Surcharge 出發日期: 2018年2月1日- 6月30日 Travel Period : 01Feb – 30Jun2018 For information, please to TEL: (852) FAX: (852) Wed: 3/F, Park Hovan Commercial Building, No. 18 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. 九龍 尖沙咀 山林道18號柏豪商業大廈 3樓 Page 3 of 3 Ref No. : (Supersedes Ref No. : 38783)

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