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幼兒托育服務行政專題研究 英文期刊報告 第二組 指導教授:楊敏鈴 教授 組員:陳麗雪 黃淑惠 王嘉彗 曾玉娣.

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Presentation on theme: "幼兒托育服務行政專題研究 英文期刊報告 第二組 指導教授:楊敏鈴 教授 組員:陳麗雪 黃淑惠 王嘉彗 曾玉娣."— Presentation transcript:

1 幼兒托育服務行政專題研究 英文期刊報告 第二組 指導教授:楊敏鈴 教授 組員:陳麗雪 黃淑惠 王嘉彗 曾玉娣

2 題目:Using Guided Participation to Support Young Children’s Development

3 前言 FAMILIES AND TEACHERS spend countless hours supporting preschoolers and primary age children in the development of mental tools like focus, memory, and other problem-solving skills that help children think better, pay attention, and remember what they have experienced. 家人與教師長花了數不盡的時間在幼兒在學齡前兒童的的智能發展,如:專心、記憶力、解決問題的技巧,這些幫助兒童思考、專心與記憶生活中的相關經驗。

4 前言-續 Young children can also apply mental tools to build social problem-solving skills. While teachers and parents often focus on the ABC's and the 123's, they may pay limited attention to young children's needs to develop socially, make friends, be a friend, and be part of a group. 幼兒同樣適用心理工具建立社交問題解決的能力,但是教師和家長卻常關注於ABC和123的學習,因此減少關注幼兒在社交發展的學習需要,如:交朋友、融入群體中。

5 前言-續 教師可以利用指導參與來著手幫助兒童學習如何去解決社交上遇到的問題。
Teachers can use guided participation as part of their approach to helping children learn how to solve social problems. Rogoff and her colleagues define guided participation as the process teachers use to help children as they learn to communicate with and join in activities with other children . 教師可以利用指導參與來著手幫助兒童學習如何去解決社交上遇到的問題。 Rogoff和他的同事為〝guided particition〞定義為:教師協助兒童學習社交技巧以參與其他兒童活動的過程。

6 前言-續 They suggest using guided participation to help children improve their thinking skills. While interacting with an accomplished adult to solve a problem ,children can build the skills needed to join other children in play . 他們建議教師使用指導參與來幫助兒童思考的技巧,當兒童與一個有教養的成人在解決問題中相互影響時,兒童可以建立這些在參與其他兒童遊戲時所需的技巧。

7 前言-續 Focus, attention, memory, and problem-solving skills allow children to attend to a question or issue at hand. Children use the same cognitive processes to complete a puzzle, participate in interactive story reading, and form friendships with classmates . 專注、專心、記憶力和解決問題的技巧可以讓兒童處理問題或手邊的工作,兒童用同樣的認知過程去完成拼圖,參與互動式的故事閱讀,或從同學身上去形塑友情。

8 前言-續 學齡前的兒童,若缺少練習使用這些技巧,也許無法有效率的學得遵守簡單的規則或與同儕分享物品等這些任務。
Without practice in using these skills, preschoolers may be unable to learn tasks such as following simple rules and sharing objects effectively and efficiently. 學齡前的兒童,若缺少練習使用這些技巧,也許無法有效率的學得遵守簡單的規則或與同儕分享物品等這些任務。

9 The zone of proximal development and guided participation
Guided participation has its roots in sociocultural theory. It Is a direct extension of Lev Vygotsky's theory of the zone of proximal development, or ZPD, in which an adult or a more competent peer provides just the right level and amount of support to help a younger, less capable learner acquire skills and knowledge. 指導參與是根據社會文化理論Vygotsky提出的ZPD〈近側發展區〉延伸出來的,由一位成人或一個以上較有能力的同儕身上,提供較小的或能力需再學習的兒童所需的技巧與知識〈鷹架學習理論〉。

10 The zone of proximal development and guided participation-續
In a classroom, during activities between a teacher and a child, the teacher usually has a skill in mind that is within the child's cognitive or mental reach and offers individualized support that fits the child and the situation. 在教室中,教師通常心中早有想法,對於如何在和兒童互動中幫助兒童認知或精神上活動的延伸,來提供兒童個別的幫助,以適合當下的對象與情境。

11 The zone of proximal development and guided participation-續
Within the ZPD, the teacher usually provides opportunities for children to begin at a certain point and then to build their skills by participating in meaningful activities. Asking questions such as, "What can you do instead of hurting your friends?" and "What are some better ways to play with a friend?" are ways that teachers can facilitate problem solving within the zone. 利用ZPD〈近側發展區〉教師通常可以提供許多機會使兒童在一個有把握的開始,然後利用參與一個有意義的活動過程中建立他的技巧,例如,詢問:「你可以怎麼做,而不傷害你的朋友?」「還有什麼更好的辦法可以讓你和你的朋友一起玩?」教師可以在這個區間內使問題更容易解決 。

12 The zone of proximal development and guided participation-續
例子Jewel和Luis 之間的衝突 Jewel未經過詢問便進入了積木區,並拿了兩個Luis已經拿在身邊的兩個積木 Luis用另一個積木打了Jewel,Jewel就開始哭了 老師可以讓他們兩個都離開積木區,並告誡他們直到他們可以在積木區相安無事才可以再回到積木區玩 但是這位老師觀察到Luis是要用那兩個積木使他蓋的塔可以更高,她從經驗中得知Jewel有時很難從他人的觀點去看事情 這種〝可教導的時刻〞就和教導字母和數數一樣重要,所以老師的處理方式是:

13 The zone of proximal development and guided participation-續
例子Jewel和Luis 之間的衝突 老師對Luis說:「Luis,我知道Jewel拿走你的積木讓你很不高興,但是我不能讓任何一個小朋友在教室裡打人,我想Jewel並不知道你對那兩個積木已有計畫了。」 對Jewel老師說:「Luis想用你拿走的那兩個積木使她蓋的塔可以更高,所以他才會生氣。」 老師想要讓兩個孩子繼續他們的活動,所以幫助他們兩個使用他們自己的社交問題解決工具,而問他們說:「你們還有沒有需要老師幫忙的?」進而決定〝鷹架〞的需要與否 然後老師再問:「那裡的積木足夠兩個人玩嗎?」如果老師覺察到需要隨侍在一旁提供協助或確保安全,她也可以說:「我想,我需要在這裡也蓋一個高塔。」當孩子找到解決問題的方法、老師也注意到他們的需求後,老師可以繼續其他的活動。

14 Difficulties In social development
To understand how guided participation might help young children develop the skills used for positive peer interactions, it is important to identify the social skills lacking in children who have difficulty playing, learning, and getting along with others. 了解了指導參與也許可以幫助幼兒發展與同儕的正向互動,那麼確認那些兒童和同儕相處、遊玩、學習有困難的社交技巧有哪些項目就很重要。

15 Difficulties In social development-續
Many children who lack social competence may be ostracized by classmates and unpopular. They tend to be most at risk for continued poor social behavior. Their peers often ignore or reject their attempts to enter play situations. These challenges, if not addressed early, may lead to a lifetime of rejection. 許多缺乏社交能力的兒童可能因此被同學排擠而不受歡迎,他們因缺少社交行為,容易讓他們的同儕忽視或拒絕他們想要加入遊戲的要求,這些技巧如果沒有及早建立,可能使他們的人生充滿被拒絕。

16 Difficulties In social development-續
Peers are most welcoming when another child voices a desire to play with them by using positive language, such as, "I will let you ride in my boat to the island," indicating that she can add to the play .Children whose language skills let them express how they can add a new dimension or creative outlet to the play are more likely to be invited to participate. 當兒童使用正向的語言,例如:「我要和你一起划船去那個島」要求加入同儕遊戲時,同儕會較歡迎他,兒童的語言技巧使他們表現出他們有能力增加遊戲的新範圍或遊戲的創意,這些兒童利用語言技巧接受同儕邀請而參與。

17 Difficulties In social development-續
For example, 4-year-olds Hadley and Mioki are playing at the art center when Saul attempts to join them. "Can I play?" Saul asks. "I got some stickers in my pocket that you can put on your paining." Because Saul proposes a new activity, Mioki and Hadley allow him to join in. Had Saul used little language or persuasion, his attempts to join the ongoing play might have been unsuccessful. 例如: 4歲的Hadley和Mioki正在藝術角遊玩,而Saul想加入他們,Saul問他們:「我可以一起玩嗎?我的包包中有一些小貼紙,你們可以貼在圖畫上。」如果Saul少了語言的輔助,他想要加入正在進行的活動,可能就不會這麼順利了。

18 Difficulties In social development-續
Often, children who have difficulty entering play situations are more successful when an adult or a more accomplished peer guides their participation, especially if their limited language skills hinder them in taking a role in the ongoing play. 對加入遊戲有困難的兒童而言,通常在成人或較善社交的同儕協助下,較能成功參與同儕,尤其當他們是受限於語言技巧方面時。

19 Apprenticeship and guided participation
During the preschool years social competence begins to emerge and stabilize. Environments that support guided participation to ensure that children succeed in their bids to enter play include adults who value children's learning on their own and peers who are actively engaged in activities. When adults offer assistance to foster creativity and independence, the outcome can benefit everyone. 在學前階段,社交能力開始浮現和穩定,一個支持指導參與的環境,可以成為兒童容易成功融入同儕的保證,這樣的環境包含了重視兒童自我學習的成人和活躍於活動中的同儕,當成人提供培養創造力和獨立的幫助時,結果也會對每個人都有益處。

20 Apprenticeship and guided participation-續
For instance, in the dramatic play center, 5-year-old Mario grabs the steering wheel and disrupts the other children's bus ride. His desire to join the play is obvious, but he needs tutoring from more experienced children or the teacher. His teacher says, “Mario, here is a seat on the bus for you. Would you like to sign up for a turn to be the bus driver?" Other children join the scaffolding by offering to share a seat and a chance to “honk the horn.” 例如:5歲的Mario在戲劇表演角霸佔了駕駛座,並破壞其他人停好的巴士,Mario很明顯的表現出想和大家一起玩的企圖,但是他需要一位有經驗的兒童或老師來協助輔導他,他的老師這時對他說:「Mario巴士上有你的座位喔!你可以和大家一起輪流當司機嗎?」其他的兒童也參與提供分享座位和「鳴按喇叭」的機會,藉此搭起Mario的學習鷹架。

21 Apprenticeship and guided participation-續
Here is another example of how guided participation can work. When a child has difficulty in social situations, the teacher may step in and model how to use language to engage peers. Four-year-old Sam walks over to the block center and steps on Julio's blocks. 還有例子說明了,指導參與在兒童社交情境發生困難時,教師的介入和示範使用語言鼓勵同儕是有作用的。 4歲的Sam走到積木區並踩住了Julio的積木。

22 Apprenticeship and guided participation-續
Ms. Anne says. "Sam, you could use this block to build a car wash for Julio's truck." This gives Sam a way to enter Julio's play scenario, encourages Julio to play with Sam, and leads to more rewarding play for both boys. Ms. Anne's actions have in effect guided Sam's participation. When a child begins to show the ability to engage in an activity or make a successful bid for play, the adult will see this success and withhold the scaffolding or guidance. 這時Anne女士對Sam說:「Sam你可以用這些積木替Julio的卡車蓋一座洗車機嗎?」因此Sam有機會融入到Julio遊玩的情境中,並鼓勵Julio和Sam一起玩。Anne女士的舉動對指導Sam的參與產生了影響,當成人看到了兒童表現出能成功加入遊戲的能力或成功邀請同儕加入時,便可以保留「鷹架」或指導的介入。

23 AIR-Assess, Inquire, and Respond
AIR-assess, inquire, and respond-is a three-step process for guided participation. The teacher first Assesses the circumstances in which a child is having difficulty entering a play situation. Statements such as, "It appears that . . ." or "Why do you think. . . ?” allow a child to stop and think about what she Is doing and why This first step can prevent further escalation of the disagreement. AIR,評估、調查和反應是指導參與的三個步驟,教師首先評估兒童參與遊戲時的困難,可能是先詢問兒童:「你為何這樣想……」允許兒童停下並思考她在做什麼,並且為何這樣做。第一個步驟可以預防爭吵的擴大 。

24 AIR-Assess, Inquire, and Respond-續
Next, the teacher makes an Inquiry to try to determine the child's perception of what is happening. Divergent or open-ended questions (questions with many possible answers) can stimulate children's critical thinking and cognitive competence. 接下來老師調查,兒童在發生事情時的感覺,察覺或開放性的問題可以促使兒童思考和認知能力的發展,這些問題相較於直接問「這是誰做的?」更能刺激兒童思考

25 AIR-Assess, Inquire, and Respond-續
This kind of questioning is much more thought provoking for children than just finding out, "Who did it?” If teachers use questions such as, "What would happen if . . .?” or "Why do you think ?” children are much more likely to become invested in finding a remedy. Rather than discounting them-the teacher counts on them to help find and try out a solution. 這些問題相較於直接問「這是誰做的?」更能刺激兒童思考,如果教師使用「如果你這麼做會發生什麼事?」或「你為什麼這樣想……」兒童較有可能投入精神去找出補救措施,避免低估他們,低估他們可以自己找出解決辦法。

26 AIR-Assess, Inquire, and Respond-續
Finally the adult Responds to the child or children and continues to monitor and modify until no further assistance is needed. Responses that stimulate further thinking about possible alternatives include. "So we agree that " and "What is the plan for next time?" Also, "When you feel_____,then try to ____,instead of _____.” 最後,成人對兒童的行為有所反應並持續觀察和修正策略,直到兒童不需要進一步的協助。 成人的反應可以促進兒童思考找出可能的解決辦法,包括:「因此我門同意……」、「下次可以怎麼做?」和「當你覺得……你可以試著……,而不是……」。

27 More accomplished peers and scaffolding
More accomplished peers can also help children join play. When a child makes a bid to join ongoing play, the children playing often rebuff the outsider, considering the bid an intrusion. But if at least one child says something to accept or invite the outsider in, the play experience can be enhanced and extended . 更多同儕的支持也可以幫助兒童加入遊戲,當兒童要求加入正在進行中的遊戲時,正在玩的兒童通常會回絕這樣的要求,並視加入的要求為打擾,但如果其中有一個同意或邀請旁觀者加入,那遊戲的經驗就可以被拓展和延伸。

28 More accomplished peers and scaffolding-續
例如:由三個孩子正在沙池中遊玩,他們假裝正在廚房中工作,有一個兒童走過去也想加入遊戲,但在玩的其中兩個大叫:「不可以,你不可以在這裡玩,我們正在煮晚餐」想加入的兒童因為被拒絕,所以就開始哭了,但在玩的另一個卻說:「他可以一起玩,他可以幫我們烤餅乾」另外兩個還沒想好他們要做什麼點心,所以這樣聽起來是個好主意。 Sometimes more accomplished peers can guide another child's participation. 有時能力較好的同儕可以指導其他兒童一起參與。

29 Taking down the scaffolding
Adult support is lessened as the child's experience and abilities increase. It is the same with social development; once a child succeeds in using his own words or creativity to get involved in play, teacher scaffolding is unnecessary. 當兒童的經驗和能力提升後,成人的協助就可以減少,同樣的,在社交能力發展上,一旦兒童可以成功的使用自己的語言融入遊戲中時,教師的鷹架作用就可以功成身退了。

30 Taking down the scaffolding-續
In fact, adults can actually hinder a child's social development if they continue to provide scaffolding after the child no longer needs it. Wink and Putney (2002) write that a tendency to offer unnecessary amounts of scaffolding can diminish children's confidence in doing things themselves. This may cause social regression, preventing the child from reaching the highest possible level of competence. 事實上當兒童在社交發展上已不需鷹架作用協助,而成人卻持續提供協助,此時便會阻礙到兒童的社交發展,Wink和Putney 2002年提出,提供兒童不需的鷹架作用時,會降低兒童獨立完成任務的自信心。這也許會至使兒童社會性退化,阻礙兒童達到他自己最高能力水準的原因。

31 Taking down the scaffolding-續
A keen observer can tell when assistance or guidance is no longer needed. A child's turn of the head, actually moving away, or even making statements such as "I can do it myself!" are sure signs that the adult's job is done for now. 一個敏銳的觀察者可以分辨何時不需協助或指導,情況可能是兒童自己表示「我可以自己做到」,而成人當前的引導工作則告一段落。

32 Conclusion Since learning to get along with others-adults and peers-is one of the single most important skills acquired in childhood, adults' use of guided participation is paramount in social development. Humans possess an innate need to establish positive social relationships throughout life . Children who have at least one peer they consider a friend will thrive in a classroom environment compared to those who cannot identify a single friend . 學習如何與他人─成人或同儕─相處,是一項需要在童年時期養成的重要技能。成人主要使用指導參與來協助兒童社交發展,人類天生具有建立正向社交關係的本能,至少有一位同伴的兒童會因考慮到朋友,所以相較於沒有朋友的兒童較能帶動班級的環境氣氛,再者,擁有較佳社交能力的兒童,課外活動或日常社交表現也較佳。

33 Conclusion-續 Since learning to get along with others-adults and peers-is one of the single most important skills acquired in childhood, adults' use of guided participation is paramount in social development. Humans possess an innate need to establish positive social relationships throughout life . Children who have at least one peer they consider a friend will thrive in a classroom environment compared to those who cannot identify a single friend. It is also known that children who can behave prosocially fare better in school, extracurricular activities, and other social aspects of daily living. 學習如何與他人─成人或同儕─相處,是一項需要在童年時期養成的重要技能。成人主要使用指導參與來協助兒童社交發展,人類天生具有建立正向社交關係的本能,至少有一位同伴的兒童會因考慮到朋友,所以相較於沒有朋友的兒童較能帶動班級的環境氣氛,再者,在校課外活動中具較佳社交能力的兒童,日常社交表現也較佳。

34 Conclusion-續 Teacher education programs should include learning how to observe and assess children's social development as well as how to provide appropriate interventions. Such teaching skills are as important as the ability to teach other curriculum content. Giving children opportunities to practice using their social skills in everyday encounters before they are fully competent is teaching at the highest level. Changes in the way educators interact with and guide children can facilitate their social development for decades to come. 教師的教學計畫應該包括如何觀察和評估兒童的社交發展,以及如何提供適當的介入。這些教學技巧和教導其他學科能力一樣重要,在兒童發展到較高層次前應該給予他們每天練習使用社交技巧的機會〈Wink & Putney 2002〉和教師互動的改變以及指導兒童將促進他們未來十年社交能力的發展。

35 Key Point 幫助兒童發展與同儕或成人間良好的互動關係,對兒童現在與未來均有很大的幫助。
P.81 Helping young children develop social skills as they interact with peers and adults can support them now and in the future. 幫助兒童發展與同儕或成人間良好的互動關係,對兒童現在與未來均有很大的幫助。 P.82 Children whose language skills let them express how they can add a new dimension or creative outlet to the play are more likely to be invited to participate. 兒童的語言技巧使他們表現出他們有能力增加遊戲的新範圍或遊戲的創意,這些兒童利用語言技巧接受同儕邀請而參與。

36 Key Point-續 如果其中有一個兒童同意或邀請旁觀者加入,那遊戲的經驗就可以被拓展和延伸 。
P.83 If at least one child says something to accept or invite the outsider in, the play experience can be enhanced and extended. 如果其中有一個兒童同意或邀請旁觀者加入,那遊戲的經驗就可以被拓展和延伸 。 P.84 Children who can behave prosocially fare better in school, extracurricular activities, and other social aspects of daily living. 在校課外活動中具較佳社交能力的兒童,日常社交表現也較佳 。

37 感謝您的參與和聆聽

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