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我歌頌你 I Sing of Thee Hymnary 198 Charles F Weigle CCLI #

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1 我歌頌你 I Sing of Thee Hymnary 198 Charles F Weigle CCLI #1133585

2 I sing of Thee, O blessed Christ, 因你藉恩將我救贖;
1. 我歌頌你,尊貴的主, I sing of Thee, O blessed Christ, 因你藉恩將我救贖; Since Thou hast saved me by Thy grace; 甘付代價至昂至重, Redeemed by Thee at dreadful price, 與眾天使向你歌頌。 With angels I would sing Thy praise. 1 of 6 CCLI # 2

3 I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已;
Chorus: 我歌頌你,尊貴的救主, I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已; Thy praise shall now my tongue employ 我歌頌你,永遠不止住, I’ll sing of Thee, O Lord, forever, 因你使我喜樂滿溢。 For Thou hast filled my soul with joy. 2 of 6 CCLI # 3

4 I’ll sing of Thee, and smile thro’ tears, 淚痕滿面,猶露微笑;
2. 我歌頌你,雖心如絞, I’ll sing of Thee, and smile thro’ tears, 淚痕滿面,猶露微笑; When sorrow comes to make me sad; 因我牢記主恩深重, For I remember thro’ the years 我心歡愉,我口歌頌。 Thy grace, and sing because I’m glad. 3 of 6 CCLI # 4

5 I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已;
Chorus: 我歌頌你,尊貴的救主, I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已; Thy praise shall now my tongue employ 我歌頌你,永遠不止住, I’ll sing of Thee, O Lord, forever, 因你使我喜樂滿溢。 For Thou hast filled my soul with joy. 4 of 6 CCLI # 5

6 Of Thee I’ll sing while life shall last, 不分晝夜,不論何處;
3. 我歌頌你,一生不住: Of Thee I’ll sing while life shall last, 不分晝夜,不論何處; At home, abroad, on land or sea; 有日離世進入永主, And when thro’ death to life I’ve passed, 我要永遠向你歌頌。 Forevermore I’ll sing of Thee. 5 of 6 CCLI # 6

7 I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已;
Chorus: 我歌頌你,尊貴的救主, I sing of Thee, O blessed Saviour, 盡我口舌讚美不已; Thy praise shall now my tongue employ 我歌頌你,永遠不止住, I’ll sing of Thee, O Lord, forever, 因你使我喜樂滿溢。 For Thou hast filled my soul with joy. 6 of 6 CCLI # 7

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