我要忠誠 I Would be True 我要純潔,因為有人關懷; 我要堅強,人間痛苦才能當;

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Presentation on theme: "我要忠誠 I Would be True 我要純潔,因為有人關懷; 我要堅強,人間痛苦才能當;"— Presentation transcript:

1 我要忠誠 I Would be True 我要純潔,因為有人關懷; 我要堅強,人間痛苦才能當;
我要忠誠,因別人對我信賴; 我要純潔,因為有人關懷; 我要堅強,人間痛苦才能當; 我要膽壯,才能抵擋強敵; I would be true, for there are those who trust me; I would be pure, for there are those who care; I would be strong, for there is much to suffer; I would be brave, for there is much to dare.

2 我要愛人,愛敵也愛孤苦者; 我要施贈,不求任何酬謝; 我要謙卑,不忘我身多弱點;
我要仰望,歡笑,博愛,互助。 I would be friend of all- the foe, the friendless; I would be giving, and forget the gift; I would be humble, for I know my weakness; I would look up, and laugh, and love, and lift.

3 因主聖潔,對我祂也關懷; 基督堅強,一切痛苦祂擔當; 向我彰顯至聖大愛無量。
因主忠誠,對我祂也願信賴; 因主聖潔,對我祂也關懷; 基督堅強,一切痛苦祂擔當; 向我彰顯至聖大愛無量。 For Christ is true, and He it is who trusts me; For Christ is pure, and He it is who cares; Jesus is strong, and He it is who suffered; He showed to me majestic love laid bare.

4 He is the friend of all- the foe, the friendless;
我主愛人,愛敵也愛孤苦者; 祂施恩惠,永不吝嗇施贈; 我主謙卑,為我們成為軟弱; 我主仰望,歡笑,博愛,扶助。 He is the friend of all- the foe, the friendless; He is the giver who withholds no gift; And He is humble, showing God’s own weakness; And He looks up, and laughs, and loves, and lifts.

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