Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Unit 2 Introduction of industrial robot
Task: Part1 Main parts of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms Part3 Technical parameters Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 2 Introduction of industrial robot URL :

4 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms
1. rigid body In physics, a rigid body is an idealization of a solid body in which deformation is neglected. In other words, the distance between any two given points of a rigid body remains constant in time regardless of external forces exerted on it. Figure 2-2 revolute pair of EDUBOT-PUMA 560

5 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms
2. revolute joint A revolute joint (also called pin joint or hinge joint) is a one-degree-of-freedom kinematic pair used in mechanisms. Revolute joints provide single-axis rotation function used in many places such as door hinges, folding mechanisms, and other uni-axial rotation devices. 3. kinematic pair A kinematic pair is a connection between two bodies that imposes constraints on their relative movement.

6 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms
4. Articulated Robot An articulated robot is one which uses rotary joints to access its work space. Usually the joints are arranged in a “chain”, so that one joint supports another further in the chain. 5. Continuous Path A control scheme whereby the inputs or commands specify every point along a desired path of motion. The path is controlled by the coordinated motion of the manipulator joints.

7 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms
6. Kinematics The actual arrangement of rigid members and joints in the robot, which determines the robot's possible motions. Classes of robot kinematics include articulated, cartesian, parallel and SCARA. 7. Motion control For some applications, such as simple pick-and-place assembly, the robot need merely return repeatably to a limited number of pre-taught positions. For more sophisticated applications, such as welding and finishing (spray painting), motion must be continuously controlled to follow a path in space, with controlled orientation and velocity.

8 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms
8. Power source Some robots use electric motors, others use hydraulic actuators. The former are faster, the latter are stronger and advantageous in applications such as spray painting, where a spark could set off an explosion.

9 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms 9. Drive
Some robots connect electric motors to the joints via gears; others connect the motor to the joint directly (direct drive). Using gears results in measurable 'backlash' which is free movement in an axis. Smaller robot arms frequently employ high speed, low torque DC motors, which generally require high gearing ratios; this has the disadvantage of backlash. In such cases the harmonic drive is often used.

10 6 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Vocabulary
Part2 Basic terms Vocabulary deformation ['difɔr'meʃən] n.变形 neglected [nɪ'ɡlɛktɪd] adj.被忽视的 v.忽视;疏忽 pin [pɪn] n.针;栓 vt.钉住;压住 hinge [hɪndʒ] n.铰链 vt.给…安装铰链 chain [tʃen] n.链;束缚 vt.束缚;囚禁 articulated [ɑr'tɪkjuletɪd] adj.铰接式的 v.铰接 cartesian [kɑrˈtɪʒən] adj.笛卡尔的 n.笛卡尔信徒 finishing ['fɪnɪʃɪŋ] adj.最后的 n.完成 v.完成 backlash ['bæklæʃ] n.反冲;强烈抵制 vt.强烈 slightly ['slaɪtli] adv.些微地,轻微地;纤细地 axis ['æksɪs] n.轴;轴线;轴心国 [复数]axes

11 配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看)
书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网( ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

12 E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn
海渡学院APP 工业机器人 教育网 专业建设 尹老师: 喻老师: 培训服务 俞老师: 郑老师: 工业机器人技术交流QQ群: 哈工海渡: 海渡学院: 工业机器人教育网:www. Irobot-edu.com 网址: 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育


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