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RefAware 無限知識的開端 Select and insert images as appropriate (see “image menu” next slide). Note that you can remove any of the “image placement” squares by.

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Presentation on theme: "RefAware 無限知識的開端 Select and insert images as appropriate (see “image menu” next slide). Note that you can remove any of the “image placement” squares by."— Presentation transcript:

1 RefAware 無限知識的開端 Select and insert images as appropriate (see “image menu” next slide). Note that you can remove any of the “image placement” squares by right-clicking and choosing “cut”.

2 RefAware 研究工作 RefAware 當今研究工作的競爭日益激烈並經常變化,研究人員需要時刻了解研究領域的最新發展。
是一個創新的在線最新情報通報系統,預報世界各地最新研究和出版。 協助各地研究人員、教授、學者等掌握所在研究領域的最新發展動態,使他們能夠保持在研究領域的最前沿位置。

3 RefAware 内容 RefAware 包含超過9200 個重要資料來源 RefAware 提供了全面、世界各地最新研究和出版
同行評審期刊、高影響因子出版物、特刊和定制出版物等 RefAware 提供了全面、世界各地最新研究和出版 RefAware 包含不同領域 : 生命科學、生物技術、醫藥 物理科學 工程 社會科學 藝術與人文 商業… Non-reference sources: (i.e. New York Times, Washington Post, National Human Genome Research Institute Press Releases and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences - News)

4 RefAware工作流程 創建多達搜索策略 找到匹配書目文獻
* 學科 * 檢索詞 * 除外條款 找到匹配書目文獻 * RSS 訂稿 * 9,000 多個來源 *幾分鐘內即得 根據個人喜好通報結果 * 電郵、 RSS、RefAware * 每天、每週、每月 * 包括引文、摘要 書目管理 * 鏈接RefWorks書目管理系統 * 查看作者簡介 * 查看全文(開放式查看/訂閱) This slide shows a streamlined overview of the RA process: RA users create up to 30 search strategies Links to new references are delivered to a user’s account OR a user logs in to his account to see the most recent references Users export their RA citation to RW or another BMS. (Users should export citations they wish to keep; RA only keeps citations for the last 90 days.

5 RefAware登入 RefAware登入指南 注册、登入

6 RefAware登入首页 下一次當你要使用RefAware時,只要在這個畫面以你的帳號和密碼登入即可 首次登入,你必須先註冊個人帳號

7 RefAware登入 ) 你將會收到一封註冊完成的確認郵件,其中包含帳號,和密碼等個人資訊, 通過電子郵件指示,你可以登入RefAware 選擇連接 RefWorks的帳戶 和輸入你的RefWorks的帳戶登入資料 完成後按“Create Account”即可

8 RefAware登入 RefAware登入指南 注册、创建、登录

9 設置搜索策略 “Create Search Strategies”

10 登录 設置搜索策略
After log-in, you’re taken to your search results from your default strategy. In this case the default strategy is “Spider silk;” I could change this to “Architecture and Development” or “Tensile Strength” in the Profile section, which we’ll look at soon. But first let’s review some of the features on this page. The page consists of two window panes; the pane at the top shows the citation, which is highlighted in blue, from the list of citations in the lower pane. The size of the panes can be adjusted with the mouse. *If I need to edit the search strategy for “Spider Silk” I’ll click the edit button *I can delete this search strategy *I can delete results from the journal “BioMaterials” from this strategy. *Mark this article as unread *Export this individual citation to RefWorks; or save as a .RIS file for exportation to another BMS *Delete the citation *If a FT link is available for this citation, I can navigate there; or I can see if this article is available at my institution via an OpenUrl resolver In the lower window pane, I can do all of the aforementioned functions with a group of citations: *Mark as read or unread *Export to RW, other BMS *Delete You can choose to look at your citations three ways: Expanded, Standard, compact In a moment, I’ll show how to create a couple searches but let’s now navigate to the profile

11 RefAware設置搜索策略 設置搜索策略 給予搜索策略名稱 學科、來源設置
*First, select the Discipline(s) that you wish to search. In this account, a couple “Custom Source Sets” have been created, and these could be selected as part of the search strategy too—we’ll look at how to create these in a moment. *Using the PD menu under “Search Criteria”, you can choose to run an Term, Author, or Journal Search. Each of these three criteria has separate guidelines that must be considered when entering information in the search strategy; consult ‘Help” for more information about these guidelines. *In term searching, All words in a search criteria are AND-ed together, if not specified otherwise *Separate search criteria are OR-ed *RA stems terms when searching 關鍵術語 、作者 、來源設置Terms, Authors, Sources

12 RefAware便捷的搜索結果書目資料、全文、圖像、學者信息
If I have too many—or too few—results, I can edit the search strategy.

13 RefAware便捷的检索结果 参考文献、全文、图像、学者信息
After running the search again, you’ll have a set of results with both “Copper Nitrite” and “CO Nitrite” in the citation. If you navigate to the 5th citation (as of ) you’ll see a citation with an image rather than an abstract; when an image is present in an RSS feed, RA will display the image. However, you can usually access the Abstract by clicking “View Full Text”.

14 RefAware便捷的搜索結果書目資料、全文、圖像、學者信息
After running the search again, you’ll have a set of results with both “Copper Nitrite” and “CO Nitrite” in the citation. If you navigate to the 5th citation (as of ) you’ll see a citation with an image rather than an abstract; when an image is present in an RSS feed, RA will display the image. However, you can usually access the Abstract by clicking “View Full Text”.

15 RefAware便捷的搜索結果書目資料、全文、圖像、學者信息
免費連接全球最大學者庫 COS Scholar Universe If the author’s name is hyperlinked (citation #11 , as of ), clicking will take you to a free version of that author’s profile in Scholar Universe; if you’re a subscriber to Scholar’s Universe, you’ll be taken to the full profile in that database.

16 自定來源、要求列入新來源 “Create A Custom Source Set” “Request A Source Inclusion”

17 自定來源 自定來源 *First, select the Discipline(s) that you wish to search. In this account, a couple “Custom Source Sets” have been created, and these could be selected as part of the search strategy too—we’ll look at how to create these in a moment. *Using the PD menu under “Search Criteria”, you can choose to run an Term, Author, or Journal Search. Each of these three criteria has separate guidelines that must be considered when entering information in the search strategy; consult ‘Help” for more information about these guidelines. *In term searching, All words in a search criteria are AND-ed together, if not specified otherwise *Separate search criteria are OR-ed *RA stems terms when searching

18 自定來源 “Create A Custom Source Set”
設置來源 “source coverage” (Return to profile page) *You can view all the sources for all the disciplines by clicking “all” then run search, or check mark one or more disciplines to see those source sets. *Some sources may belong to more than one discipline; if that’s the case, you’ll see other letters corresponding to other disciplines in that column * You can also type in the name—or part of the name– of a journal to see if it exists in our sources (e.g. “American Journal of P…”)

19 要求加上新的來源 “Request a Source for Inclusion”
Exporting citations from RW to RW concludes the RA research process, and so this is a good place to wrap things up. One last thing I’d like to show however, is the “Request a Source for Inclusion”, this can be found in when clicking the “Create Search Strategy” button.

20 配合高效RefWorks書目管理軟體 “Integrate with RefWorks to keep important references”

21 自動匯入RefWorks書目管理軟體 點擊即自動匯入RefWorks書目管理軟體以保存重要書目
*Mark a single citation, a group off citations, all on the page, or all of the citations in the search set, and click the export to RefWorks icon.

22 使用者資訊 “Profile”

23 使用者可設個人喜好 設置電郵頻率 指定學科 自動連接RefWorks 指定來源
*You can change any of the information in your profile by making changes, then clicking update. *You can change the layout orientation of the window panes *You can change the default disciplines指定學科for your search strategies *You can create a custom source set, which is a source set based on sources that you customize * Each of the 6 disciplines is hyperlinked; clicking will take your to that discipline’s source set (next slide) 指定來源

24 使用者線上幫助資訊 幫助資訊 An online help database is available; one of the subjects in the database that you’ll probably want to look at is “Creating and Modifying a Search Strategy”—which is what we’re going to do next, by clicking the button in the upper right corner “Create Search Strategy.”

25 為什麼選擇 RefAware? RefAware 是所有研究人員不可或缺的最佳工具。 最新研究和出版 涵蓋重要資料來源
綜合性、全球性、多學科 方便、節省時間 基於 Web, 可隨時隨地使用 根據個人喜好來提供 配合高效RefWorks書目管理軟體 RefAware 是所有研究人員不可或缺的最佳工具。

26 謝謝. 查詢與聯 繫: Esther Ko (高珣) RefWorks COS, ProQuest 電郵地址: esther
謝謝! 查詢與聯 繫: Esther Ko (高珣) RefWorks COS, ProQuest 電郵地址:

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