IT基础设施运营管理服务 – 定义、实现、展示

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1 IT基础设施运营管理服务 – 定义、实现、展示
Avocent始终相伴 季晓文

2 每一天 运营服务商面临着如下的挑战... 事半功倍... 创新 降低数据中心成本 提升效率和生产力 实现 ROI
Every day the pressures of enabling your business rain down on the IT staff. Now more than ever, your IT staff must Deliver more with less budget, fewer resources, and less time, decrease overall cost of ownership, and extend the life of assets to lower overall data center costs. IT is expected to increase efficiencies by working smarter and leverage technologies to drive up productivity. At the same time, IT is expected to be innovative by looking for methods, resources, skills and technologies to improve their ability to deliver value to the company And They need to do all this while still delivering Return on Investments. 每一天

3 辅助设施 (场地、配电、制冷、新风、消防) 物理(虚拟)IT基础设施 业务应用逻辑 业务应用数据 逻辑IT基础设施 / IT基础架构

4 您的客户可能不关心IT服务是如何完成的,但是您的客户是否需要能够确切了解他/她的IT资产对业务的支撑能力么?
服务设计与投放 服务运营 服务持续完善 您的客户可能不关心IT服务是如何完成的,但是您的客户是否需要能够确切了解他/她的IT资产对业务的支撑能力么? 使得客户通过服务接口了解服务内容、过程、质量是获得客户信任,实现服务成功的关键。

5 客户 您需要向您的客户展现您的服务内容与过程 IT服务流程管理 IT基础设施配置管理 电源与环境管理 IT基础设施访问 服务展现
KVM Serial Power Embedded Avocent provides IT Operations Management solutions for the Datacenter to manage the physical, Virtual, and embedded technologies, on the desktop, with solutions to manage power across the enterprise. We provide the IT organizations with the ability to improve insights and increase efficiencies by stronger implementation, monitoring and management of policy and processes. Full solutions to implement and enhance service desk to full service management solutions, as well as additional capabilities to extend that functionality. Avocent’s software products are brought together on an open architected software platform, allowing for enhanced integration of Avocent and 3rd party products to increase IT’s capabilities. What differentiates Avocent from other vendors, is a long history of physical and system level connectivity to your infrastructure, and is a leader in KVM, Serial, and Power Appliances, as well as embedded technologies from leading vendors and manufacturers. IT 基础设施

6 ? 您是否被询问过以下的问题? 你能告诉我,我的机架空间利用率是多少么,为什么? 我想回顾一下这一年来的机房使用情况,你能帮我整理一下么?
按照我现在的业务增长速度,我租用的机房还能维持多久? 如果我迁移Web应用到虚拟服务器上,能节省我多少耗电成本? 下个月要进场100台服务器,制冷有问题么? 你能告诉我,我的IT基础设施管理的成本构成是怎样的? 6 6

7 您是否还在使用:AutoCAD + Visio + Excel
不能在同一视图中获得数据中心的全面了解 数据分散在不同工具软件中,难以构建统一的管理信息平台 数据相关性管理无法自动完成,需大量的人工参与 数据难以共享,缺乏一致性管理 难以应付大型数据中心的管理需求 无法提供定制的报告 信息是否易于理解和展现

8 AMIE帮助您建立基于配置信息的管理方法
目标 在合理的前提下,最大程度地挖掘数据中心设施对IT的支撑能力,从而获得代价最小的数据中心设施构建成本。 方法 构建数据中心设施环境的CMDB(配置管理数据库),基于基础设施与IT资产相关性数据的分析,从而获得数据中心的最优化配置。 优势 获得可视化的数据中心配置管理能力,规避运营过程中存在的风险,延长数据中心使用周期,降低数据中心使用成本。 数据中心内的 物理资产

9 配置信息的逻辑分层与管理

10 您与您的客户都能了解数据中心的承载状况 数据中心是一个承载IT基础设施的容器 容量管理的多个维度 空间、电量、承重、散热、网络接口

11 帮助您建立对IT基础设施配置变更的完整管理

12 您客户的资产不会迷失在庞大的数据中心内

13 您可以向您的客户提供各种报告,以展现服务内容
报告类别 资产基于机房 资产基于机架 资产基于设备商 消耗报告 …. 还有更多

14 您需要能够向您的客户展现... IT Professionals choose Avocent as a partner to increase their IT Operations Management Capabilities 更灵活 更省 更好 Every day Avocent is chosen by customers to help them improve their IT Operations Management. Operate IT Better Deliver IT Cheaper Deploy IT Faster… IT management is working tirelessly to increase manageability and control, achieve seamless integration across the infrastructure, increase overall capabilities, and drive to new levels of performance. At the same time, there’s a need to reduce complexity, significant pressure to control and eliminate costs, save on manual labor and administration, and avoid continually re-engineering and evolving the IT infrastructure to meet these new demands. 每一天

15 为数据中心建立完善的能耗与环境的监测点 15

16 运营服务过程中,您关注于异常的发现与处理

17 您可以向您的客户展现能耗效率 能耗的对比分析 能耗的趋势分析 整体能耗支出分析 数据中心之间 不同IT配置之间 高峰时段与低谷时段的能耗
计算数据中心能耗效率 PUE= Total Facility Power IT equipment Power 17

18 每一天 您的客户依然需要获得对他的资产的控制... 安全 连接
So, what are some of the operational and business driven initiatives that IT faces every day? Changes in business directives, requiring IT to quickly plan, monitor, and implement those changes in the datacenter. The need for secure access to the right resource at the right time. Increased requirements for an agile infrastructure, that evolving both the datacenter and desktop environments in a reliable fashion to serve your business Risk reduction and elimination by proactive monitoring of infrastructure assets and the environment. How about some good news! 每一天

19 DSView 3安全地汇聚IT资产访问与控制

20 IT 运营管理 Avocent帮助您构建IT运营全面管理解决方案 Avocent Management Platform®
Process Management Infrastructure Incident & Problem Change & Configuration Avocent Management Platform ® Security Business Management of IT Operations ITIL & Other Process Frameworks Service-level, Availability, Performance & Capacity Management Incident and Problem Management Inventory, Change , Config and Release Mgmt Real-time Infrastructure and Operations Architecture Avocent Management Platform® Asset Identification & Management Control and Manageability Power Management Service Management Security & Compliance 20 20


22 谢谢

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