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詩歌本 Hymn Songs # 298 Living for Jesus 為主而活.

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Presentation on theme: "詩歌本 Hymn Songs # 298 Living for Jesus 為主而活."— Presentation transcript:

1 詩歌本 Hymn Songs # 298 Living for Jesus 為主而活

2 (1) Living for Jesus 為主而活
Living for Jesus a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad hearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me. 我願獻身心,為基督而活, 在一切事上討我主喜悅; 歡欣順服主,憑主旨導引, 願背起十架一路隨主行。 1 (1) Living for Jesus 為主而活

3 (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee; For Thou, in Thy atonement, Didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master, My heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. 哦!主耶穌我救主,我心奉獻給祢, 因祢在十字架上,為贖我罪釘死; 我要祢作我救主,來住在我心裡; 我一生一世到永遠,哦!主,完全歸祢。 C (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活

4 (2) More Love to Thee, O Christ 愛主更深
Living for Jesus Who died in my place, Bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace; Such love constrains me to answer His call, Follow His leading and give Him my all. 慈悲主耶穌,受死作中保, 使我免罪孽又與神和好; 感激主人愛,願聽主呼召, 奉獻我一切來隨主引導。 2 (2) More Love to Thee, O Christ 愛主更深

5 (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee; For Thou, in Thy atonement, Didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master, My heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. 哦!主耶穌我救主,我心奉獻給祢, 因祢在十字架上,為贖我罪釘死; 我要祢作我救主,來住在我心裡; 我一生一世到永遠,哦!主,完全歸祢。 C (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活

6 (3) More Love to Thee, O Christ 愛主更深
Living for Jesus wherever I am, Doing each duty in His holy Name; Willing to suffer affliction and loss, Taking each trial as a part of my cross. 無論何境遇,總為主作工, 盡我的本分使主名得榮; 倘或有苦難,我情願忍受, 為主名盡忠得永遠生命。 3 (3) More Love to Thee, O Christ 愛主更深

7 (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee; For Thou, in Thy atonement, Didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master, My heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. 哦!主耶穌我救主,我心奉獻給祢, 因祢在十字架上,為贖我罪釘死; 我要祢作我救主,來住在我心裡; 我一生一世到永遠,哦!主,完全歸祢。 C (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活

8 (4) Living for Jesus 為主而活
Living for Jesus through earth's little while, My dearest treasure, the light of His smile; Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem, Bringing the weary to find rest in Him. 在短瞬世間,願為主而活, 因我心所愛是主的笑容; 深願為我主,尋找迷失羊, 引領疲倦人安息主懷中。 4 (4) Living for Jesus 為主而活

9 (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee; For Thou, in Thy atonement, Didst give Thyself for me. I own no other Master, My heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give, henceforth to live, O Christ, for Thee alone. 哦!主耶穌我救主,我心奉獻給祢, 因祢在十字架上,為贖我罪釘死; 我要祢作我救主,來住在我心裡; 我一生一世到永遠,哦!主,完全歸祢。 C (C) Living for Jesus 為主而活

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