Scaling up ERT Programme For Better Emergency Response

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1 Scaling up ERT Programme For Better Emergency Response
加强救援队建设 提升专业化救援能力 Scaling up ERT Programme For Better Emergency Response

2 机遇之窗 Window opportunity 2008年四川汶川地震 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
引入ERU——医疗、供水/卫生、大本营 Importation of medical, water and sanitation ERUs

3 首次独立施援 First deployment 2010年青海玉树地震
2010 Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province 供水、大众卫生和医疗 Water, mass sanitation and medical ERTs deployed.

4 中国模式 Chinese model 与医疗机构等合作组成救援队
To work with partner medical institutions and other organizations to form ERTs 依靠专职人员和志愿者参与 To count on RC staff and volunteers to operate ERTs 边干边学 Learning while doing 4

5 救援队类型 Type of ERTs 赈济 Relief 医疗 Medical 供水 Water 大众卫生 Mass sanitation
搜救 Search and rescue 心理 Psychological support 水上安全 Water rescue 通讯(?)Communication ?

6 2013 Lushan earthquake operation
2013芦山地震救援 2013 Lushan earthquake operation 5类救援队,共计37支 37 ERTs in five types operational 是唯一可以在国内提供综合救援的社会公益组织 RC as the only organization of public good in the country delivering different ERT services to the victims in one operation.

7 Gaps in comparison with ERU
标准化 Standardization 人员素质与构成 Personnel quality and composition 仍立足于国内 Operational only in the country

8 Continuous effort to build up ERT programme
仍在不断完善的救援队建设 Continuous effort to build up ERT programme 五年规划 Five-year plan 优先组建国家救援队 National ERTs prioritized 灾害多发省至少建立一支救援队 At least one ERT in very disaster-prone province

9 有条件的地、县建立适应本地的救援队 ERT(s) to be formed in any prefecture and/or county where conditions are met 规范化培训与演练 Standardized training/simulation/drilling to be conducted 依托合作机构,专职人员与志愿者并举 Continue to work with partners with participation of RC staff and volunteers

10 加强国内外交流合作 Enhanced cooperation/exchanges with partners both at home and abroad

11 期待更上一层楼 Projected goals 所有灾害易发省份拥有自己的救援队,能够基本满足本地需求
All disaster-prone provinces having their own ERTs to cover basic needs during an emergency 形成多层次的全国救援队网络 Multi-tiered nation-wide ERT networking in place 参与国际救援活动 International deployment

12 谢 谢 Thank You

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