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Science Journals 日期:Feb. 2012.

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1 Science Journals 日期:Feb. 2012

2 Science Journals 資料庫 重點主題
生物:生化、生物工程等主題 地球科學、地球物理 地質學 環境科學 數學 氣象學 電機 工程學 ABIC有包含很多的子資料庫及資源,這些都可以單獨販售的. 2 2

3 Science Journals 首頁 ABIC有包含很多的子資料庫及資源,這些都可以單獨販售的. 3 3

4 出版物檢索 點選「出版物」進入檢索頁面 鍵入欲查詢之期刊部分刊名 系統產生符合查詢關鍵字之刊物
Well received feature on other platforms, has tested well for us, too. 4 4 4

5 出版物檢索結果 點此檢視最新一期期刊內容 於此可察看過往之期刊刊期 5 5 5

6 PQ介面檢索 功能&技巧 Simply an opening slide. Presentation begins on the next slide. 6

7 檢索系統自動完成關鍵字 自動完成關鍵字 讀者僅需鍵入幾個字母,系統將自動產生建議關鍵字,節省輸入關鍵字的時間 Autocomplete
Provides suggestions as you type (after 2 or more characters are entered) Built from PQ search logs – with misspellings and terms that return zero results removed Crowdsourcing of a kind. Helps achieve goal of getting users to relevant content quickly Self learning – adds new search terms and phrases as the search engine gets used 7

8 進階檢索 讀者可指定關鍵字檢索欄位,並可任意增刪檢索列 限定檢索範圍於全文或學術期刊,並可指定日期範圍 更多符合個別資料庫特性的篩選欄位
Advanced Search tailored to the content of the product in question Some search options specific to IIMP 更多符合個別資料庫特性的篩選欄位 8 8

9 檢索頁面-顯示包含圖表 可顯示文章所包含圖表, 並可直接連結致文中該圖表位置

10 檢索結果--摘要預覽功能 新功能 移動滑鼠至文章連結右側的「預覽」,即可瀏覽文章摘要,不需離開檢索結果頁面 預覽提供文章連結
由彈出之Preview視窗中,可直接點選文章全文連結,進入文章本身 Preview rollover gives a fairly complete detailing of the content item Can link directly from preview to full doc view page Subject headings – can be used for lateral searching – plus several tools (right place, right time): , Cite this, Save, Export. Well received feature on other platforms, has tested well for us, too. 預覽工具列 預覽視窗下方提供 , 列印 引用及匯出等功能! 10

11 社群網站分享 可將文章連接轉貼至 各大社群網站

12 引用 12

13 摘要及全文翻譯 提供摘要及全文翻譯功能,可翻譯成繁簡體中文等13種語言 Document View:
1st animation: Our user studies have shown that users don’t like to scroll. In an effort to move information up on the screen, we’ve collapsed the Abstract so users can see that full text is available without having to scroll. Click on “Show All” will expand the Abstract 2nd animation: Shows that we continue to offer reference linking. NEW! In the legacy ProQuest platform, users would have to use a series of check boxes and conduct another search to find more articles like the one in this document view. The new FAST search engine will now retrieve similar articles based on usage patterns without having to conduct another search (another example of getting users to content quickly) 13

14 進階檢索-提供不同檢索介面 新功能 關鍵字檢索功能(keyword Search)
專門針對文章的「圖與表格」或期刊文章以外的「資料與報告」進行檢索 「以引文查找全文」:可快速利用手邊現有的書目資料(Ex:篇名、出版物名稱)查詢 Advanced Search tailored to the content of the product in question Some search options specific to IIMP 14 14

15 進階檢索- 尋找相似項目 於「進階」選單中,點選「尋找相似項目」 於檢索欄中貼入一段文字,系統即自動尋找與該文相關之內容
Advanced Search tailored to the content of the product in question Some search options specific to IIMP 於檢索欄中貼入一段文字,系統即自動尋找與該文相關之內容 15 15

16 檢索結果頁面 標明關鍵字 拼字校正 系統提供拼字自動校正功能,避免因輸入錯誤而產生0筆檢索結果 系統提供建議主題
Everything on the search results page is geared towards getting the user to relevant content quickly. Spellcheck in action – if the mispelled term(s) return no results, the search engine will return a set of results based on the corrected spelling (instead of no results). This example shows that “evolutionary biolgy” is misspelled at the top of the page. Search within option Can set up search alerts and rss feeds, and save searches, from this page – the right tools at the right time Keywords in context (KWIC) and Highlighting of search terms in results (KWIC pulled from full text or abstract) Results filters (cover in more detail in a later slide). 標明關鍵字 檢索結果呈現部份內容,並標明關鍵字,方便讀者篩選檢索結果 16 16

17 新知通報功能 新知通報功能 讀者可於檢索結果中,「設定新知通報」(alert)或RSS Feed,亦可儲存檢索(只限儲存於My Research帳號中) Everything on the search results page is geared towards getting the user to relevant content quickly. Spellcheck in action – if the mispelled term(s) return no results, the search engine will return a set of results based on the corrected spelling (instead of no results). This example shows that “evolutionary biolgy” is misspelled at the top of the page. Search within option Can set up search alerts and rss feeds, and save searches, from this page – the right tools at the right time Keywords in context (KWIC) and Highlighting of search terms in results (KWIC pulled from full text or abstract) Results filters (cover in more detail in a later slide). 17 17

18 檢索結果分類功能 檢索結果分類功能:除依來源類型篩選外,也可按出版物名稱、關鍵字、主題等,快速篩選檢索結果。
This faceted navigation replaces the tabs on the ProQuest platform. This navigation now offers the much-requested ability to narrow within existing search results. Visual Date Trail—just read the slide here. Users can use the gray slide buttons at the bottom of the screen to narrow within the existing results set. This is key to point out during the presentation. 視覺化呈現檢索結果分佈的年代,讀者可點選不同的年代,檢視相應之檢索結果 18

19 個人化 My Research功能 於學校網域中,點選右上角之登入,即出現登入視窗 無帳號者,點此建立帳戶
Last 3 slides = Search, Find, Use. That’s our focus Cover My Research, alerts/rss feeds, function, bibliography creation, leveraging RefWorks portfolio, etc. 無帳號者,點此建立帳戶 19

20 儲存及組織文件 可針對已儲存之文件,以資料夾加以組織分類,已分類之文件,「資料夾中」即顯示所屬之資料夾
Last 3 slides = Search, Find, Use. That’s our focus Cover My Research, alerts/rss feeds, function, bibliography creation, leveraging RefWorks portfolio, etc. 可針對已儲存之文件,以資料夾加以組織分類,已分類之文件,「資料夾中」即顯示所屬之資料夾 20

21 謝謝您的耐心閱讀! 謝謝指教! 【台北總公司】 【台南辦事處】 110台北市和平東路三段315號7樓
【台北總公司】110 台北市和平東路三段315號7樓 電話:(02) 傳真:(02) 【中部辦事處】402 台中市學府路173號5樓之 電話:(04) 傳真:(04) 【南部辦事處】710 台南市永康區中華路425號9樓之3 電話:(06) 傳真:(06) 網址: 謝謝您的耐心閱讀! 【台北總公司】 110台北市和平東路三段315號7樓 電話:(02) 傳真:(02) 網址: 【台南辦事處】 710台南縣永康市中華路425號9樓之3 電話:(06) 傳真:(06)

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