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I hold in my hand the Word of God 我手中有神的话

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1 I hold in my hand the Word of God 我手中有神的话
I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus 我有耶稣的宝血救赎我 I am filled with the Holy Spirit 我有圣灵充满我 I commit to do what Jesus tells me 我愿意遵从耶稣的话去做 Today I am taught the Word of God 今天我要领受神的话 I declare my mind is alert and my heart is ready to receive the Word 我宣告我有警醒的心并预备领受神的话 I ask this in Jesus name, AMEN. 奉耶稣的名祈求,阿们!

2 God – Transmitter 神-传送者 Learning To Hear From God 学习聆听神的声音 Believer – Receiver 相信者-领受者 These are filters in our mind 我们的心思意念有过滤器: – prejudice, ignorance, pride, fear, bitterness, ….偏见,无知,骄傲,惧怕,苦毒…

3 Learning to hear God 学习聆听神的声音
“When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. 你们中间若有先知,我耶和华必在异象中向他显现,在梦中与他说话。 But this is not true of my servant Moses, he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord.” Num. 12:6 我的仆人摩西不是这样;他是在我全家尽忠的。我 要与他面对面说话,乃是明说,不用谜语,并且他必见我的形像。民数记12:6 Faithfulness – intimacy with God, establish in the church, understand God’s purpose. 2 Cor. 3:18. Gen 32:30 忠心-与神亲密,在教会中建造,明白神的旨意。哥后3:18,创32:30

4 Learning to hear God 学习聆听神的声音
“….in the last days God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people, Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions your old man will dream dreams, even on my servants both men and women….” Acts 2:14-18 “…在末后的日子,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说预言;你们的少年人要见异象;老年人要做异梦。我的仆人和使女…” 使徒行传 2:14-18 We are living in the Holy Spirit era 我们正处在圣灵的时代 God speaks through His Spirit in us - partakers of divine nature 神透过住在我们里面的圣灵向我们说话-有份于神自己的生命

5 Learning to hear God 学习聆听神的声音
“He inquired of the Lord, but the Lord did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.” 1 Sam 28:6 他求问耶和华,耶和华却不藉梦,或乌陵,或先知回答他。 撒上28:6 You cannot use unholy means to win God’s favor 你不能用不圣洁的方式来得到神的恩宠。 Saul already disobeyed God. Sin blocked God’s flow in our lives. 扫罗已经不顺从神。罪会拦阻神在我们生命的流通。 We all hear through our filters 我们透过我们的过滤器听到声音。

6 Learning to hear God 学习聆听神的声音
“He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” John 8:47 “出於神的,必听神的话;你们不听,因为你们不是出於神。 “约翰福音8:47 “If any man is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has passed and the new has come.” 2 Cor .5:17 “若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人,旧事已过,都变成新的了。”哥后5:17 “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me”. John 10:27 “我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟着我。”约翰福音10:27

7 Implications on hearing God 聆听神隐含的意思:
Distraction – we have too many filters. 分心-我们有太多的过滤器 God speaks to individual more often than for others. God wants to build character. 神向我们个人更胜于向他人说话。神要建立我们的品格 We all have difficulty in hearing and obeying God even full time workers! 即使是全时间的事奉者,我们都面对聆听及顺从神的困难 Be skeptical if someone says God says or I have a clear word from God 如果某人说神说或神向我清楚地说时,我们要带着怀疑的态度 5. Be discerning. Test all spirits. 要分辨诸灵

8 Learning God 聆听神 You must be conscious that God is speaking to you. Then you can be walking, sleeping, listening to music or in a retreat to expect God to speak. 你要意识到神向你说话,那么无论是在行路,睡觉,听歌,或退修,你都会听到神的说话。 2. The voice of God sound like your own voice, or someone who speaks with authority. 神的声音会可能像你自己的声音,或某个带着权柄说话的声音 3. The Holy Spirit now resides in your spirit and the communicative channel is your spirit and conscience. 圣灵现在住在你的灵里面,沟通的管道就是你的灵及良知。

9 Learning God 聆听神 4. Depending on your personality profile, God’s word comes to you in short phrases, one word, pictures, impressions, dreams or visions, audible voice is very rare and feeling ( needs discerning). 按照你的个性,神向你说话可能是短短一句话,一个字,一个 图画,异梦或异象,听得见得声音是非常罕见及感觉(需要分 辨) 5. Major decisions that affect your purpose – buying a house, choosing a wife, career. 会影响你人生目标的重要决定:购买房子,选择伴侣,事业。

10 Avoid deception ( you, God, devil) 避免受骗(你,神,魔鬼)
Is it in line with the Bible? 这是符合圣经吗? Does it make me more Christ like? 我这么做会让我更有基督的样式吗? If it is serious matter, I must share it with my prayer partner or pastor or elder or parents. 如果这是一件重大的事,我一定要和我的祷告伙伴,或牧师,或长老,或父母分享。 Is it consistent with my spiritual gifts and personality? Design reveals purpose! 这符合我的属灵恩赐及个性吗? 所有的设计都是带有目的的!

11 Avoid deception ( you, God, devil) 避免受骗(你,神,魔鬼)
5. Is it convicting or condemning? 这是带来确信还是谴责? 6. Do I sense any peace, if not wait. 我有平安吗?否则我就要 等候。 7. Does it concern my responsibility? Is it some thing to obey? 这 是与我的责任有关系?是否需要我顺服? 8. Does my conscience approves the decision? 我的良心满意我的决定吗?

12 Final Pointers 最后要项 Does God always speaks to us? 神常常向我们说话吗? God’s presence is always with us. You know and are conscious. 神常常与我们同在,你知道并且意识到。 b. God speaks 神说话 c. Some people have continuous words or pictures over a few days. 一些人会在几天得到持续的话语及图画。 d. Sometimes you want God to speak to you about a bible passages, verses or how God will feel about your friend 有时你要神向你说关于一段经文,或者神对你的朋友的想法。

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