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12/9/2018 System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 Service Manager 2012 Orchestrator 2012 洪許寬 Thomas Hung 技術經理 台灣微軟.

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1 12/9/2018 System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 Service Manager Orchestrator 洪許寬 Thomas Hung 技術經理 台灣微軟

2 Data Protection Manager 2006 - 2010
TechReady11 12/9/2018 Data Protection Manager Enterprise Scenarios & Advanced workloads Core Windows Servers to Disk & Tape Branch Files to disk Windows Clients COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 2

3 Data Protection Manager
Online Snapshots (up to 512) Disk-based Recovery Active Directory® System State Disaster Recovery with offsite replication & tape Data Protection Manager Up to Every 15 minutes Data Protection Manager Tape-based Backup file services

4 Data Protection Manager
Windows 應用和檔案伺服器 Microsoft 虛擬化技術 Windows 用戶端 災害復原 高擴充性與信賴度

5 Date Protection Manager 2012
集中化與角色為基礎的管理 基礎架構的改善 Certificate Based Authentication Smarter Media Co-location 備份能力的改善 SharePoint Optimized Item-Level Restore Hyper-V ILR with DPM running in a VM Generic Data Source Protection

6 Service Management 的遠景
提升IT的投資報酬率 確保IT治理、風險管控與法規遵循 適應組織多變的業務活動需求 IT與業務結盟 提供的選項與彈性 提供不受地域與時間限制的服務 提升熱誠與滿意度 支援使用者與資訊資產 IT面臨的壓力 降低服務中斷與問題處理的時間 改善服務可靠度 更容易達到法規遵循 管理機房與IT服務

7 Service Manager: 整合IT營運
Build 1: SC logo with arrows in center, biz above, users and datacenter below Build 2: Add swoosh Build 3: reveal Incident, Change, Asset, SLM (this is the “What is SM” part) Build 4: reveal knowledge, forms, CMDB etc (this is the “integrated, extensible components” part) Build 5: animate MOF arrows NOTE: the black line in the middle is arbitrary and meant to separate SM features from SM platfiorm– need a better graphical treatment for this Service Manager: 整合IT營運 風險管理與法規遵循 資產管理 使用者服務 IT營運知識管理 事件管理 問題管理 變更管理 CMDB Data Warehouse Forms Workflows Knowledge

8 Service Manager 2012 IT Service Management 事件與問題管理 變更與版本管理 服務需求的滿足
Service Level Agreement (SLA) 的支援 IT-as-a-Service Self-service Portal Service Catalog Role-based offerings System Center Integration 提供對 VMM & Orchestrator的新連結器 改善原有的連結器: OM, CM & AD Orchestrator runbooks VMM 私有雲整合 Business Intelligence System Center 資料倉儲 OLAP 分析報表支援

9 System Center Orchestrator 讓流程自動化
IT 流程自動化 (IT Process Automation,ITPA) 也稱為運作資料自動化 (Run Book Automation,RBA),是透過工作流程協調及整合 IT 管理工具的能力 藉由改善對業務的服務,協助 達成策略性的 IT 目標 取代許多手動、需要大量資源,而且容易發生錯誤的活動 經常跨多種 IT 元件、專業領域和/或部門 Opalis is categorized in the ITPA market, Gartner refers to it as RBA, it is the ability to orchestrate and integrate IT mgmt tools via workflow. As we’ve just mentioned Opalis helps customers achieve those 3 key goals, automation, optimization and simplification – and this translates into real business value:, Automation helps IT to meet strategic goals both in terms of reducing costs and improving services to the business. ITPA replaces repetitive manual processes, which are resource intensive and error prone –also optimizes the use of your IT resources, from a staff and technology investments perspective It also removes the latency and associated with processes that cross IT tools and reliance on experts which simplifies datacenter management Now that we’ve talked about the value of automation, lets dive into a deeper discussion on the way processes are handled today.

10 時間與金錢 – 逐步分析 68 分鐘的工作時間 總執行時間又是多久? 收集 CI 服 務資料,檢查已知的 停機狀況 更新並關 閉票證與 事件
開啟票證, 填入收集 的資料 透過票證 編號更新 事件 驗證解決 方法 事件驗證 解決事件 分級 診斷 呈報 修正 報告 7 分鐘 20 分鐘 10 分鐘 3 分鐘 18 分鐘 在不同層級間可能必須呈報而花較多時間 7 分鐘 3 分鐘 If we look at incident management processes, once Operations Manager flags a critical alert (click), IT staff typically go through a round of tests to triage and diagnose, ruling out false positives and uncovering the cause of the error. To do this, they may reach out to the infrastructure to get CI data, check for known outages, ping a server, query a CMDB, run diagnostic scripts and once enough information is retrieved, they forward it on to level 2 support by creating a service desk ticket.(click) If following ITIL best practices, that ticket will contain the results of the test and should reference the original event… (click) at some point this incident is resolved (click) and verified, which could take minutes or hours depending on the availability of experts required to fix the problem. (click) the final step is to update and close both the service desk incident as well as the originating alert from Operations Manager. In this example, resolving one incident takes 68 minutes of work time, but in reality, if we factor in the lag time, this alert could stay open for hours or even days. … multiply this by the number of tickets that get generated a day or week, and you can start to imagine how many of these incidents get piled up in an operators queue, why best practices are not followed and how human errors can great unanticipated downtime. 68 分鐘的工作時間 總執行時間又是多久?

11 ROI – 逐步分析 總時間少於 8 分鐘 收集 CI 服 務資料,檢查已知的 停機狀況 更新並關 閉票證與 事件 開啟票證, 填入收集
開啟票證, 填入收集 的資料 透過票證 編號更新 事件 驗證解決 方法 事件驗證 解決事件 分級 診斷 呈報 修正 報告 1 分鐘 1 分鐘 1 分鐘 數秒鐘 3 分鐘 1 分鐘 數秒鐘 監控 Ops Mgr 警示 檢查服務 可用性 查詢相關 的 CI 尋找排定 的變更 建立與填 入服務台 票證 更新 Ops Mgr 警示 還原服務 驗證服務 可用性 更新 Ops Mgr 警示 關閉服務 台票證 Opalis takes this same process and codifies it using a workflow environment. (click) Using Opalis you can see the end to end process, which systems are involved, and what step of the process you are in. (click) Using Opalis, we have reduced the time to run the process to less than 8 minutes total time. Automating IT processes removes the time it takes to re-enter data, run tasks and wait for the result. It also removes the lag time created as operators move from console to console or team to team. Opalis processes do not replace the need for IT mgmt tools, it leverages them to orchestrate the datacenter tools you have in place. 總時間少於 8 分鐘

12 Orchestrator 架構 Orchestrator 元件 11 流程類別目錄 自動化平台 整合套件 GUI 資料存放區 動作伺服器
資產 - CMDB 事件管理 備份 工作流程 設計師 作業人員的 主控台 設定管理 事件管理 變更與設定 網路 佈建 安全性 服務管理 與佈建 服務台 We have talked a little bit about how Opalis technology provides differentiators that impact time to value, this is achieved by the way we deliver the solution On the right, we have process catalogs which contain pre-built workflows so IT folks can hit the ground running In the middle, the Opalis automation platform offers a workflow designer and a operator’s console to view the status of running jobs, The integration packs on the right, offer pre-built, reusable automated activities around a specific IT tools, and plug right into the workflow designer This architecture simplifies the complexity of the underlying IT infrastructure and removes the burden of figuring out how to integrate tools so users can focus on creating meaningful processes and achieve rapid ROI, GUI 資料存放區 動作伺服器 存放裝置 (設計、管理、報告) (儲存流程邏輯) (執行流程) 虛擬 流程類別目錄 自動化平台 整合套件 12

13 Orchestrator 把功能聚合在一起
Service Management Provisioning Configuration Monitoring Protection . Integration Automation Orchestration Service Manager HP Service Manager Software Make your IT service desk enterprise strength You can break down the core capabilities required to manage a Datacenter into 5 key areas. And in all likelihood, you will have a range of solutions in your datacenter from a variety of vendors. The System Center suite provides solutions to all of these areas, and with the addition of Orchestrator to the suite we also provide the mechanism to integrate to the 3rd party solutions. This is an investment that we are committed to and will continue to maintain as part of Orchestrator. There are 3 words we associate with Orchestrator/Orchestrator. The first is Integration. Bringing all of the components of your datacenter together and being able to communicate and execute across all the different moving parts is the first step. This brings us to Orchestration. Once you have integrated your datacenter and can reference it is a single entity, then you can start to map out how to co-ordinate all the different parts to work together. And then you can automate all of this to deliver consistent and repeatable results. OpenView Operations

14 2011. For informational purposes only

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