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Presentation on theme: "叫我抬起头的神."— Presentation transcript:

1 叫我抬起头的神

2 耶和华是我的主,必不至动摇, 有耶和华的帮助,还要惧谁呢, 耶和华是我牧者,必不致缺乏, 有耶和华作我旌旗,必全然得胜。

3 耶和华是我四围的盾牌, 是我的荣耀 , 又是叫我抬起头的神, 一宿虽然有哭泣, 早晨我们必欢呼, 你是我的盘石我的帮助。


5 叫我抬起头的神 The Lifter of My Head

6 Lord, You are my solid Rock, I shall not be moved. 有耶和华的帮助,还要惧谁呢,
耶和华是我的主,必不至动摇, Lord, You are my solid Rock, I shall not be moved. 有耶和华的帮助,还要惧谁呢, With You as my Provider who is there to fear? 1/4

7 Lord, You are my Shepherd, I shall not want. 有耶和华作我旌旗,必全然得胜。
耶和华是我牧者,必不致缺乏, Lord, You are my Shepherd, I shall not want. 有耶和华作我旌旗,必全然得胜。 With You as my Banner, There will be victory. 2/4

8 耶和华是我四围的盾牌, 是我的荣耀 , 又是叫我抬起头的神,
For You are my shield and my defender, 是我的荣耀 , Glory of my life 又是叫我抬起头的神, And You are the lifter of my head C3/4

9 Weeping may remain at night, But at dawn we will rejoice.
一宿虽然有哭泣, Weeping may remain at night, 早晨我们必欢呼, But at dawn we will rejoice. 你是我的盘石我的帮助。 You’re my solid Rock, Lord, You are my Help. C4/4

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