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洞悉现在,发现未来 (1) -ISI Web of Knowledge数据库在科研中的作用与价值

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1 洞悉现在,发现未来 (1) -ISI Web of Knowledge数据库在科研中的作用与价值
张 辉 汤森路透科技与医疗集团

2 提纲 认识ISI Web of Knowledge平台及Web of Science
利用管理功能,跟踪课题的最新进展 利用数据库选择投稿期刊,更快更好地发表SCI论文 利用Endnote Web高效率写作研究论文 利用数据库洞悉科研产出以及国际影响力

3 >100万篇学术论文 >200万个专利文献 >20万篇会议文献 报告,标准……
科研信息的现状 国家对科学研究的投入越来越大 每年新增 >100万篇学术论文 >200万个专利文献 >20万篇会议文献 报告,标准…… 3

4 如何在大量文献中发现关键信息及其发展脉络?
Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides. Synthesis of Amino Acids Synthesis and/or collection of Synthesis and/or collection of amino acids is critical for cell survival. They not only serve as the building blocks for proteins but also as starting points for the synthesis of many important cellular molecules including vitamins and nucleotides.

5 Web of Science:只收录最重要的学术期刊
Sciences Social Sciences Arts & Humanities 综合全面的学科 高质量的核心期刊 严格评估和长期跟踪期刊的影响和质量,决定取舍 选择过程是毫无偏见、全面并经过时间考验的 致力于帮助研究人员专注高质量信息 收录来自230多个学科领域近9000种核心期刊 “布莱德福定律 (Bradford‘s law) ” : 少数的核心期刊汇集了足够的信息,反映科技的最新最重要的成果与进展 高质量的结果是发现的关键: 每一本Web of Science 期刊都经过严格的评估和长期的跟踪,根据其影响和质量而决定取舍 选择的过程是毫无偏见、全面的和经过时间的考验的 时间是宝贵的,研究人员需要专注于高质量的研究信息 收录来自230多个学科领域近9,000种核心期刊 “布莱德福定律 (Bradford's law) ” 少数的核心期刊汇集了足够的信息,反映科技的最新最重要的成果与进展 期刊数 5

6 引文索引的概念: 收录论文的参考文献并索引
Dr. Garfield 1955年在 Science 发表论文,提出将引文索引作为一种新的文献检索与分类工具, 将一篇文献作为检索字段从而跟踪一个Idea的发展过程 Dr. Eugene Garfield Founder & Chairman Emeritus  ISI, Thomson Scientific “Our ultimate goal is to extend our retrospective coverage of the scientific literature back to the twentieth century. The Century of Science initiative makes that dream come true.”

7 … 参考文献Cited References 越查越旧 相关记录Related Records 越查越深
2006 2005 施引 文献 2008 2007 从一篇高质量的文献出发 沿着科学研究的发展道路… 2004 参考 文献 2003 1999 2002 1980 相关 记录 2008 2000 2002 2001  引用 分析: 学科分布、发展趋势、机构/作者等 … 参考文献Cited References 越查越旧 施引文献Times Cited 越查越新 相关记录Related Records 越查越深 7

8 Science Citation Index Expanded, 7,631种, 1900-
Social Sciences Citation Index, 2,325种, 1956- Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 1,246种, 1975- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) Current Chemical Reactions, 100万条化学反应,1840- Index Chemicus, 260万个化合物,1993- 8




12 提纲 认识ISI Web of Knowledge平台及Web of Science
利用管理功能,跟踪课题的最新进展 利用数据库选择投稿期刊,更快更好地发表SCI论文 利用Endnote Web高效率写作研究论文 利用数据库洞悉科研产出以及国际影响力

13 获得良好Idea的基础 扎实的专业基础知识是看懂文献的前提 广泛阅读文献:始终关注国际动态,本领域的核心期刊做到耳熟能详!
学会阅读文献,读透文献。只看核心期刊。看10-20篇review后再看研究性论文。 研究性论文-先看标题,从问题入手,思考 这篇论文会做哪些内容来说明其标题? 作者为什么要做这项工作? 如果论文是近半年内发表的,该论文解决了什么问题?引出了什么问题(结合你看的综述)? 仔细看摘要,比较你的想法与作者的是否吻合 看实验结果,想想有什么地方不完善?是否可继续深入或拓展? 在科研前必须弥补基础知识,这是看懂文献的基础 广泛阅读文献是支撑。硕士至少查阅600篇,粗看300篇,细看100篇,研读50篇。博士至少再多一倍,并始终关注国际动态。本领域核心期刊应该耳熟能详! 明了近几年来同行在做的研究,了解自己的领域里有哪些题目尚未有人研究。跨领域的思维,用原本的学科背景,去诠释新的领域研究,就是一种创意。 学会阅读文献,读懂文章。建议先review再article,先中后英;尽量多看核心期刊,其他不看;看10-20篇review后看研究性论文。拿到一篇研究性论文,先看标题,立即停住,问自己几个问题:(1)想想别人这文章是怎么做的(可参考材料方法)?会做哪些内容来说明其标题?(2)明白他为什么要做这个吗?(3)如文章是近半年内发表的,该文章解决了什么问题?引出了什么问题(结合你看的综述)?接下来仔细看摘要,就知道你的想法是否与别人吻合?(4)看完实验结果,再思考有什么地方不完善?有没有深入或拓展到底?

14 选题时查找和阅读参考文献 尽可能全面的信息 相对高质量的文献 多角度分析文献,快速了解课题的来龙去脉 新的研究方法和研究思路 相关的交叉学科
密切相关但自己开始没有注意到的文献 相对高质量的文献 读一篇高质量文献和一篇低质量文献要花费相同的时间 取法乎上,得乎其中 多角度分析文献,快速了解课题的来龙去脉 据美国科学基金会(National Science Foundation,NSF)统计,一个科研人员花费在查找和消化科技资料上的时间需占全部科研时间的51%,计划思考占8%,实验研究占32%,书面总结占9%。由上述统计数字可以看出,科研人员花费在科技出版物上的时间为全部科研时间的60%。

15 论文的选题 –课题的调研 追踪溯源 – 检索某个课题的综述文献 快速锁定本课题相关的高影响力论文 分析研究发展趋势
了解某特定课题的学科分布情况 了解与自己研究方向有关的研究机构 了解某著作的被引用情况帮助获取思路,激发研究思想

16 利用Web of Science进行选题 从一个主题角度开始 从一篇高质量论文开始 从一个化学结构式开始 找出主题词
检索并从中找到研究的思路 从一篇高质量论文开始 了解目前论文所涉及到内容的最新动态 现有的理论基础和经典方法 从一个化学结构式开始 跟踪最新的合成技术 聚焦新化合物的快讯报道

17 Boolean Operator 布尔逻辑算符
检索包含所有关键字的数据。 标题: “stem cell*” AND lymphoma 检索含有“stem cell”或者”stem cells”同时含有及词语 “lymphoma”。 等效于检索“stem cell*” lymphoma 检索的数据中至少含有一个所给关键字。用于检索同义词或者词的不同表达方式。 标题: aspartame OR saccharine OR sweetener* 检索至少含有一个关键字的数据。 排除含有某一特定关键字的数据。 标题: aids NOT hearing 检索含有“aids”的数据,排除含有“hearing”的文献。 以下是一些额外的有关使用检索连接符的范例。 “AND”连接符检索含有所有所给词语的文档。此处所给的范例将检索含有短语“stem cell”以及词语“lymphoma”的数据。 当使用“OR”时,将检索至少含有一个所给关键字的数据。检索“Aspartame OR saccharine OR sweetener” 将得到包含所给的任何一个词语的数据。 “NOT”连接符被用来从您的检索中排除不需要的内容。检索“Aids NOT hearing” 将得到有关“AIDS(一种疾病)” 而不是“hearing aids(助听器)”。 17 17

18 * ? $ Wildcards 通配符 符号 意义 零个或多个字符 gene* gene, genetics, generation
零或一个字符 colo$r color, colour ? 只代表一个字符 en?oblast entoblast, endoblast 截词符,也叫“通配符”,可被用来检索复数形式及不同的词语拼写。在Web of Knowledge有三种不同的通配符。星号<演示>,是我在上面的检索中使用的通配符。这是最灵活的符号,可代表任何数字或符号(包括零个字符)。 美元符号<演示>代表零个或一个字符,可被用来同时检索英式拼法及美式拼法。 问号<演示>代表一个字符,可用来检索拼写时的变体。 这些中断符可以用在检索词或者词组中,或是用在检索词或词组的末尾。您不可以将截词符用在检索词的开头。 18 18

19 Exact Search 精确检索 词组检索 如果希望精确地检索某个短语,应将其放置在引号内。 范例: “stem cell” Same
Same算符连接的关键词必须在同一句话内,但关键字前后顺序不限。在关键词字段检索时,利用“SAME”连接符得到的检索结果是同一个短语中的出现检索词的记录。 范例: stem SAME cell 若您希望寻找含有某个精确的短语的记录,请将这个短语置于引号内。您可以在检索时使用中断符来检索词语的变式或复数形式。 我们为您提供了一个额外的连接符:“SAME”,它可以帮助您聚焦您的检索。“SAME”与“AND”很类似,但是检索限制更严格。要求两个关键字都必须出现,但必须同时出现在同一个‘文句’中,前后顺序不限。一个“文句”可代表文档摘要中的一句话、文档标题、一个关键字串或是作者的地址。 19 19

20 巨磁阻效应的相关研究 巨磁阻效应是指当铁磁材料和非磁性金属层交替组合成的材料在足够强的磁场中时电阻突然巨幅下降的现象。

21 检索词: "Giant Magnetoresistance*"
检索实例1: 有关巨磁阻的相关研究 检索词: "Giant Magnetoresistance*"

22 检索结果页面

23 互联网上学术网站

24 快速了解巨磁阻研究概况-综述 精炼检索结果 - 快速检索综述文献

25 排序功能: 被引频次—锁定高影响力的论文

26 了解巨磁阻涉及的学科类别


28 多角度进行分析,了解巨磁阻相关研究的趋势
强大的分析功能 - 能够处理10万条记录, 多层次的分析

29 对检索结果按照不同角度进行分析 9个角度的深入分析: 著者 出版年 机构名称 来源出版物 学科领域 国家与地区 文献类型 文献语种 会议标题

30 出版年:了解课题的发展趋势 在 1988年(1) and 2008年(347) 之间,有关该课题的文献量增加了300多倍。 保存至本地.txt文档,用Excel格式打开.txt文档并作图

31 来自剑桥大学的一位物理学家Tony Bland介绍说:“这些材料一开始看起来非常玄秒,但是最后发现它们有非常巨大的应用价值。它们为生产商业化的大容量信息存储器铺平了道路。同时它们也为进一步探索新物理——比如隧穿磁阻效应(TMR: Tunneling Magnetoresistance)、自旋电子学(Spintronics)以及新的传感器技术——奠定了基础。但是大家应该注意到的是:巨磁阻效应已经是一种非常成熟的旧技术了,目前人们感兴趣的问题是如何将隧穿磁阻效应开发为未来的新技术宠儿。” 巨磁阻效应

32 著者: - 发现该领域的高产出研究人员 - 有利于机构的人才招聘 选择小同行审稿专家 选择潜在的合作者 机构
了解与自己研究方向有关的机构,密切关注在该研究领域和方向的顶尖group所发表的论文并认真研读。对于本研究领域的国际领袖人物和实验室,应该多花一点时间去研究他们的主页。 机构 - 发现该领域高产出的大学及研究机构 有利于机构间的合作 发现深造的研究机构 32

33 查看记录,再次分析,发现中国在该领域: 国家与地区 - 发现该领域高产出的国家与地区 引领机构, 高产出, 高影响力的作者
经常发表中国作者论文的期刊 与中国学者合作的国家和机构 该课题在中国的发展趋势


35 选定感兴趣的文献阅读

36 全记录的引文链接(参考文献) 浏览该文章的参考文献

37 全记录的引文链接(施引文献) 了解该文章被引用的情况

38 全记录的引文链接(相关记录) 查找该文章相关记录

39 引证关系图-将引用关系可视化

40 跟踪本研究的国家地区

41 全文链接: 查看全文 查阅馆藏

42 利用Web of Science获取思路,激发研究思想
被引文献检索的特点: 以一篇文章、一个作者、一个期刊、一篇会议文献或者一本书作为检索词,进行被引文献的检索。在不了解关键词或者难于限定关键词的时候,您可以从一篇高质量的文献出发,了解课题的全貌。 某一理论有没有得到进一步的证实?是否已经应用到了新的领域? 某项研究的最新进展极其延伸? 某个实验方法是否得到改进? 如何了解某篇论文/某部论著被引用情况,揭示其影响力. 被引文献检索(Cited Reference Search): 谁引用这篇论文?引用这篇论文的文献讲了些什么? 论文之间的引文连接:反映了科学交流的网络、结构及其随时间的变化、学科间的互动 引文统计作为一种文献计量和科学计量的指标:告诉分析人员首先应该关注什么 科学研究贵在创新,一篇在严肃的科学期刊上发表的研究论文,必须在某些方面有所创新,否则就没有发表的价值。但是所有的科学研究又都是建立在前人工作的基础之上,在此基础上有所发展,因此又必需对前人工作给以充分的评价。在论文中必需充分回顾与本人结果直接有关的前人工作,然后再恰如其分地介绍自己工作中的创新之处… … - 邹承鲁,“我的科学之路”,2003年 引证和被引证的关系揭示了信息的交流与反馈, 42

43 检索举例2- C60在半导体材料表面取向工作新进展
Identifying molecular orientation of individual C-60 on a Si(III)-(7x7) Surface Hou JG, Yang JL, Zhu QS,etal, Physical Review Letters,83: (15) , Oct 11,1999 用STM观测C60单分子在半导体材料表面取向研究工作的最新进展及其应用: 跟踪最新的发展,了解研究的思路,设计下 一步的研究计划 从改变研究要素组合中选题


45 输入被引文献作者、被引文献名、被引文献出版年
被引文献作者:Hou jg 被引文献名:phy* rev* lett* 被引文献出版年:1999

46 在引文索引列表中选择文献

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