研究成果與期刊投稿 陸偉明 成大教育所特聘教授.

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1 研究成果與期刊投稿 陸偉明 成大教育所特聘教授

2 科學研究 1. 思考:閱讀、寫作、停頓 2. 行動:資料蒐集與分析、實驗進行、 討論活動 兩者交互進行
2. 行動:資料蒐集與分析、實驗進行、 討論活動 兩者交互進行 You should constantly think about writing your paper at every stage of your research activities.

3 一個良性循環 沒有寫出來都不算:我手寫我口? 沒有印出來都不算 沒有經過審查(學術社群的對話與批判)都不算

4 研究日誌

5 空間 掌握最新期刊論文研究成果 文獻、研究手稿log、論文檔、與投稿信件分檔案夾分門別類放置

6 時間 有原則:找出做最想做、最擅長的事 「有哪些事,會對你個人產生重大影響,而卻拖延沒有做?」
Set priority. Put first things first. 有毅力:與其說在管理時間、不如說是管理使用時間的自己! Discipline:Take action! You are paid for what you are playing. 不積跬步,無以至千里;不積小流,無以成江海。

7 科學八股寫作 1. Tell a good story: have a strong story line
2. Outline and logic (order of paragraphs) 3. Short is better. Stick to the point. Don’t lose the focus. *Topic sentence and supporting details 4. Result: 有顯著差異

8 5. Take-home message 新發現是什麼? (最多三點) 為什麼這個發現很重要? 6. Abstract: background, purpose, setting, subjects, research design, data collection and analysis, findings, conclusions

9 Writereditorwritereditor
Have respected colleagues critique and edit. You can always be better. Revision is the key to effective writing

10 投稿 遵從APA 格式 掌握Scientific Writing Accuracy Brevity Clarity 事先計畫Outlet
TSSCI SSCI 或其他學報及出版社 *國科會人文處教育學門網站內有許多投稿及寫作之建議 *建立投稿追蹤表

11 Accept rejection as part of review process. Don’t take it personally.
在開始的過程中,都有一個門檻值的障礙、或是摩擦阻力。 不好的開始,不代表一定會失敗;好的開始,也不一定會成功。 瓶頸,通常不是外在的環境,而是自己的心境。 Enumerate revisions 經驗會帶動進步

12 成功的道路,就在那曲曲折折間…... 絕對不是孤獨的路 寄一份reprint
Bailey, S (2006). Academic writing- a handbook for international students, 2nd ed. Routledge. Day, R. A. (1989). How to write and publish a scientific paper. Cambridge. Klingner, J. K., Scanlon, D, & Pressley, M. (2005). How to publish in scholarly journals. Educational Researcher, Nov., McInerney, D. M. (2001). Publishing your psychology research: A guide to writing for journals in psychology and related fields. Sage. Sternberg, R. (2003). The psychologist’s companion: A guide to writing for students and psychologists. Cambridge. Thompson, B. (2001). Publishing your research results: Some suggestions and counsel. Journal of Counseling & Development, 73, Guide to publishing in psychology journals. Edited by R. J. Sternberg. Cambridge. San Francisco Edit: Symptoms and cures for writer’s block: owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/567/01/ 英文論文寫作技巧(2005)。眾文圖書。

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