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元培景觀 Ⅰ 晨曦大道 噴水池
元培景觀 Ⅱ
元培景觀 Ⅲ 休閒小道
元培景觀 Ⅳ 休閒小棧
校內活動 Ⅰ 聖誕樹
校內活動 Ⅱ 市集
元培科技大學 健康學院 醫護與福祉學院 產業與管理學院
醫護與福祉學院 醫學影像暨放射技術系(碩士班) 醫務管理系(碩士班) 醫學檢驗生物技術系(碩士班) 護理系 生物醫學工程系(福祉科技與醫學工程碩士班) 視光系
醫護與福祉學院 Ⅰ ◎科技與人文兼顧:教育學生具備基本現代資訊知識與語言能力,並兼具人文藝術及醫學倫理素養,熟練基本技能及創新應變之能力,以成為能獨立思考與創新能力的專業人才。 ◎理論與實務並重:為培育優秀理論與實務兼備的醫事科技人才,除強化教師專業能力職業倫理,並安排醫學影像暨放射技術、醫學檢驗生物技術、於大四時至各醫院、及業界實習,以逹到理論與實務教學並重之目的。
醫護與福祉學院 Ⅱ ◎學術與產業合一: 1.整合跨院科系之研究主題及結合研究團隊,以邁向國際化及追求卓越的目標作努力。 2.配合國家發展的需要,推動整合型的研究,將研究成果貢獻予社會。 3.在研究發展上,本院強調醫學影像暨放射技術、醫學檢驗生物技術基礎與臨床研究群的合作、醫事科技的創新及開發、資訊工程及視光科技與產業實質的合作。
醫護與福祉學院 Ⅲ ◎學院與社區融合:本院師生、社區民眾與公益團體共同參與新竹市香山區健康營造中心的各項活動,將健康行為生活化的,並展現地區特色,結合區域性健康與人文特質,以提昇健康品質與建立香山區特有文化素養為目標。
Technology, Nursing and Wellbeing
College of Medical Technology, Nursing and Wellbeing With healthcare engineering, molecular biomedicine and medical technology as the core of pedagogy and research, the college meets the demand of national development with the system development and software programming support from biomedical and information engineering and the clinical practice of radiological and medical technology.
Technology, Nursing and Wellbeing
College of Medical Technology, Nursing and Wellbeing Also, the Medical Technology Program and Medical Instrument Testing Center are established to develop homecare service and connect with the global trend of biomedical development for designing a PhD program for biomedical engineering and information engineering.
醫學影像暨放射技術系(所) 本系大學部的培育目標在培養放射診斷、核子醫學、放射治療、輻射防護與影像處理等診療操作技術與理論兼備的醫事放射師。
專業證照: 醫事放射師專技高考、輻射安全技師高考、輻射防護人員專業證照:原子能委員會主辦,包括輻射安全證書、輻射防護員與輻射防護師三級,可從事輻射相關工作 。
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Technology
Department Features 1.A consultation multimedia education network for web-based curriculum and e-learning as part of developing a regional radiological and medical imaging research center. 2.Enhanced protection and safety management to ensure technologist and patient safety. 3.A consultation multimedia education network with IT and academics-practice integration. 4.Integrates skills and theory in a progressive curriculum design covering fundamentals and clinical practicum in 13 professional laboratories to improve students’ professional competencies. 5.Courses covering fundamental radiology, medical imaging, radiological diagnosis, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and clinical practicum.
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Technology
Professional Licences Medical radiation technologist, radiation protection technologist and personnel, and radiation safety certificate
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Technology
Future Careers 1.Students can pursue a higher degree in radiology-related fields at YPU or schools at home and abroad. 2.Students can develop a career at a radiology department in public or private healthcare institutions. 3.Students can take part in the examination of civil servant (senior examination level 3-atomic energy and special examination level 3-technical personnel for custom). 4.Students can conduct research or engage in work related to radiation protection and radiation application.
Department of Healthcare Management (Institute of Health
Industry Management) Department Features 1.The Department of Healthcare Management (DHM) combines professional hospital management principles and techniques with the theories and practice of medical administration. It also focuses on proper clinical history taking, medical information management and health management. It also delves on the breakthroughs of medical science, language learning, humanistic community studies and statistical measurements. 2.The DHM also gives emphasis to professional practical and informational education and dedicated in producing efficient entry level and middle level medical administrative staff. DHM also endows its students with the ability to lead healthcare teams with professionalism armed with the most current information available.
Department of Healthcare Management (Institute of Health
Industry Management) 3.The professional level curriculum is divided into three principal parts namely: medical administrative management; health management; and clinical history and medical information management. It stresses the importance of proper application of theories into practice as well as the effective use of good communication and coordination skills. The department continuously seeks to improve its curriculum not only to improve foreign language and information technology skills, but also to teach its students professional ethics and humanistic approach so that they will have adequate knowledge and practical ability upon completion of the course.
Department of Healthcare Management (Institute of Health
Industry Management) Professional Licences Healthcare administrator, health administrator, disease management and classification licences
Department of Healthcare Management (Institute of Health
Industry Management) Future Career Students can pursue a higher degree at home or abroad in related fields, such as health industry management, healthcare management, public health and management. Students can develop a career in hospitals, health-related industries and healthcare institutions.
醫學檢驗生物技術系(所) 本系為中部以北技職體系中,唯一培養優秀醫學檢驗技術專業人才之科系,配合本系豐富之基礎醫學及醫學檢驗課程與師資,本系課程為著重基礎醫學、臨床醫學檢驗與生物技術各領域之均衡發展。 參加醫事檢驗師國家執照考試,擔任醫院檢驗科醫事檢驗師。病理科檢驗師、細胞抹片醫檢師。 生理檢查科超音波、腦波、心電圖、肺功能操作醫檢師。健康管理中心及健檢中心醫檢師。
Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology
Department Features 1.Winner of the first-class level evaluation given by Ministry of Education for cultivating professional talents in medical laboratory science and medical biotechnology. The curriculum emphasizes on balanced development in basic medicine, clinical medical testing and biotechnology. 2.R&D emphasizes on development of rapid diagnostic reagents, research mechanism on anti-cancer substances, cancer research, and discussions on pathopoiesia and protection of microbes. 3.Emphasis on teaching of foreign languages and information, together with curriculum planning in theory and practice. Students are given practical hospital training for professional capabilities which are beneficial for employment after graduation.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology
4.Offers hands-on experiences in medical monographics, where students are able to take part in experimental research. Great opportunity for critical-thinking, problem-solving and training for experimental operations, thus cultivating the discipline of self-study.
Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology
Professional Licences: Medical technologist Future Careers Students can pursue a higher degree in biomedicine-related fields at home and abroad. Students can develop a career as medical technologists in healthcare institutions, medical laboratories, forensic science centers, cord-blood companies or biotechnology businesses, as well as being assistants at research institutions such as The National Health Research Institution or Academia Sinica.
護理系 護理系辦學目標 慎選學生,施以護理教育,進而取得護理師執照,使之成為「稱職」並為病人/家屬與民眾所信賴的護理師。
Department of Nursing Department Features
1.Fosters professional nursing personnel with social concern and holistic care abilities. 2.Emphasizes theory and practice together, along with teaching and licensing together, and includes a focus on holistic education using models, speeches and lectures, scenario-based lessons and systematic education. 3.All instruments, models and teaching devices are complete, including demonstrative laboratories of fundamental nursing, medical and surgical nursing, obstetric and pediatric nursing, community health nursing, and physical assessment, etc.
Department of Nursing Department Features 4.The annual examination passing rate of professional registered nurses is about 30% higher than the national average. In 2007, the examination passing rate of professional registered nurses was 78.7%, while the national average was only 39.6%. 5.The student employment rate in teaching hospitals recommended by the school is over 80%, including Teaching Hospital at National Taiwan University, the Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital, the Guotai General hospital, and the Chang Geng Memorial Hospital, etc.
Department of Nursing Professional Licences
Professional registered nurse, nurse, RN, and Japanese health manager licenses.
Department of Nursing Future Career
1.Students can pursue a higher degree in related fields at home or abroad. 2.Students can participate in Gao Pukao, holds an office the public or private hospital, the clinic, the health agency and nursing of department or the research unit the healthcare center, is engaged in clinical work and so on nursing or research assistant. 3.Students can run their own businesses, such as homecare agents, postpartum care centers, elder care centers, etc.
生物醫學工程系 (福祉科技與工程碩士班) 1.培養學生兼具生物醫學與工程科學之專業知識(1)培養生物醫學及健康照護專業知識
(2)培養工程科學專業知識 2.培養學生於健康福祉產業之生物醫學工程實務技術,具備從事相關醫療器材之開發、安裝與維修工作。 (1)熟悉醫療器材及輔具之設計原理 (2)熟悉醫療器材及輔具之製作方法 (3)了解醫療器材及輔具之臨床應用
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Institute of Wellbeing Science and Technology and Engineering) Department Features 1.Equips students with professional biomedicine and engineering knowledge, cultural literacy and technological creativity. 2.Emphasizes practice-based development supported with theory to equip students with operational skills, along with the design, maintenance and marketing abilities needed in handling medical instruments.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Institute of Wellbeing Science and Technology and Engineering) 3.It cultivates in students the abilities of design and development, manufacturing and improvement, assessment and procurement, installation and maintenance, as well as detection and verification in connection with medical instruments, prosthetic devices and assistive devices in order to satisfy the demands of society.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Institute of Wellbeing Science and Technology and Engineering) 4.Students of this department are qualified to solve the problems of biology, medicine or engineering in the course of medical instrument design. The overall curriculum design emphasizes complementary learning and resource sharing among students to cultivate cross-field technology and the medical engineering talents with professional quality and ability as well as competency in system integration.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Institute of Wellbeing Science and Technology and Engineering) Professional Licences Clinical engineer, medical engineer, medical equipment technician, and other licences related to electron and electrical machine, 3D drawing and IT.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Institute of Wellbeing Science and Technology and Engineering) Future Career 1.Students can pursue a higher degree in biomedical engineering-related fields at home or abroad. 2.Students can find job in medical treatment institutions, government or related institutions of medical equipments review and management, medical equipments and assistive rehabilitation equipments manufacturer or agencies of medical equipments. 3.Students can be engaged in the research, development, and maintenance work related to electronic machine, electron, IT and machine.
視光系 教學與發展特色 北台灣第一所大學層級的視光系,以培養視力保健與檢測的專業視光人才為目標。
課程設計參考國內外各大名校視光系課程,融合本校醫事技術長才,並結合管理課程,課程設計豐富而多元。 重視理論與實務的結合,安排業界校外實習專業課程,落實學用合一教育。 成立現代化國際水準的視光專業實驗室,讓學生能與世界同步學習。 強調醫學概念的視光技術實作課程,兼具視光基礎理論與管理的專業訓練:結合本校訓練師級醫事技術嚴謹的態度,落實到視光專業基礎及核心課程。
視光系 專業證照 乙級眼鏡鏡片製作、驗光師等相關證照。 未來發展 本系與國內多家大型連鎖視光業者策略聯盟,提供高額獎學金與就業保障。
報考本校醫學工程、生物技術或管理相關領域研究所,或國內外視光、光電或光學科技領域研究所。 任職眼鏡連鎖店擔任視光師、店長;醫院或診所的眼科部門擔任專業視光師或自行開業執業。 任職生物科技、預防醫學推廣等視光產業發展規劃師;視光及光電科技產業之專案管理師與研發工程師。
Department of Optometry
Department Features 1.The first optometry department at the university level in Northern Taiwan to foster professional optometrists. 2.Comprehensive curriculum designed with reference to the worldwide collegiate optometry discipline and integrated with the medical technology expertise of YPU and management. 3. Emphasizes theory with practice integration by arranging off-campus practicums. 4.Establishing an international-level modern optometry laboratory for students to connect with the world. 5.Attention to medicine-focused optometric practical training that integrates optometric fundamentals and management training, and applies the strict healthcare training of YPU into fundamental and core courses.
Department of Optometry
Professional Licences Level B glass lenses technician and optometrist licenses
Department of Optometry
Future Career 1.High scholarship is provided for students in each semester and employment opportunities are afford for graduation students. 2.Students can pursue a higher degree at home or abroad in related fields, such as in the medical engineering and biotechnology or management departments of YPU, and in optometry or optoelectronic/optical technology. 3.Students can develop a career as an optometrist in optical retail stores or shopkeeper, or as a professional optometrist in the ophthalmology department of hospitals or clinics or open personal optical store. 4.Students can develop a career as hospitals as a development planner in the optometric industry adjunct to biotechnology and preventive medicine, or as a project manager or development engineer in the optometric and optoelectronic industries.
視光系 元培視光十全十美 北部唯一 證照考照率第一 實務師資最優 大四提供就業學程 設備最新 海外研習 獎學金最高 就業率100% 獲獎無數
保障就業, 起薪三萬以上
北部唯一: 就業沒煩惱(無競爭對手)
獎學金最高: 每年提供平均50萬獎學金
獲獎無數: 視機能檢測-理論與實務結合
大四提供就業學程: 大四工作就業沒煩惱
海外研習: 獲得教育部獎學金, 選送優秀學生出國研習半年
就業發展多元 1.眼科醫療助理專業人員。 2.眼科驗光師。 3.眼科雷射諮詢專業人員。 4.近視雷射驗光師。 5.眼科儀器操作技術人員。
元培視光系擁有四大優勢與三大特點 位置最夯-北台灣唯一大學層級的視光系,以培養視力保健與檢測的專業視光人才為目標,畢業即就業。 課程最優-參考國內外各大名校視光系課程,融合本校醫事技術長才, 並結合管理課程,課程設計豐富而多元。 訓練最扎實-重視理論與實務的結合,安排業界校外實 習專業課程,落實學用合一教育。 資源最豐富-與醫界與產業界建立策略聯盟,每學期 提供高額獎學金與就業機會,讓學生在學、畢業沒煩惱。 每年提供平均50萬元高額視光專屬獎學金 保障就業 保證三萬起薪 就學期間提供各種校內及眼科、眼鏡公司等校外 工讀機會,強化學習興趣進而提高學習成效。
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 謝謝您的觀賞~
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