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Presentation on theme: "祢是配得."— Presentation transcript:

1 祢是配得

2 圣哉圣哉全地唱 昔在今在以后永在 圣哉圣哉全能神 永远在宝座上 永远在宝座上 永远在宝座上

3 祢是配得 配得 配得尊崇和赞美 祢是配得 配得 万物敬拜祢

4 祢是圣洁 圣洁 圣洁荣光在全地 祢是圣洁 圣洁 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢

5 愿尊贵 荣耀 权柄和能力 都归全能神 原各族 各方 万国和万邦 敬拜神羔羊 Bridge 4/6

6 祢是配得 配得 配得尊崇和赞美 祢是配得 配得 万物敬拜祢

7 祢是圣洁 圣洁 圣洁荣光在全地 祢是圣洁 圣洁 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢


9 祢是配得 You are Worthy

10 圣哉圣哉全地唱 昔在今在以后永在 永远在宝座上 forever on the throne
Holy, holy, all nations sing 昔在今在以后永在 Everlasting, the King of kings 圣哉圣哉全能神 Holy, holy, Almighty God 永远在宝座上 forever on the throne 1/6

11 Worthy of the power and praise 祢是配得 配得
You are Worthy, worthy 配得尊崇和赞美 Worthy of the power and praise 祢是配得 配得 万物敬拜祢 Lord, we worship You C2/6

12 祢是圣洁 圣洁 圣洁荣光在全地 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢
You are Holy, holy 圣洁荣光在全地 The earth is filled with Your glory 祢是圣洁 圣洁 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢 In Your holiness, we worship C3/6

13 愿尊贵 荣耀 权柄和能力 都归全能神 敬拜神羔羊
All glory, honor, majesty, and power 都归全能神 Be to You alone 原各族 各方 万国和万邦 All people, nations, and all creation 敬拜神羔羊 Worship You alone Bridge 4/6

14 Worthy of the power and praise 祢是配得 配得
You are Worthy, worthy 配得尊崇和赞美 Worthy of the power and praise 祢是配得 配得 万物敬拜祢 Lord, we worship You C5/6

15 祢是圣洁 圣洁 圣洁荣光在全地 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢
You are Holy, holy 圣洁荣光在全地 The earth is filled with Your glory 祢是圣洁 圣洁 以圣洁妆饰敬拜祢 In Your holiness, we worship C6/6

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