Class and Stationery Objectives

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1 Class and Stationery Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to Hail a taxi and tell him when to come to pick you up. Ask for permission. Use measure words for different objects. Borrow things from others, such as stationery. Give phone numbers and inquire how to address others. Apologize for being late and explain the reason using words such as “because”, “so”, and “if” Indicate assignments using page numbers

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
jìn zuò wèi zhāng gòu chēng zhī liàn diàn huà qiān zhĭ zhī gĕi guŏ zěn xiáng jiè yīn wèi suŏ yuán chí

3 坐下 原子筆 鉛筆 兩枝鉛筆 電話 紙 兩枝筆 打電話 請進來 兩張紙 qiān bĭ zuò xià yuán zĭ bĭ
Stationery – VOCABULARY 坐下 原子筆 鉛筆 兩枝鉛筆 電話 qiān bĭ zuò xià yuán zĭ bĭ liăng zhī qiān bĭ diàn huà 兩枝筆 打電話 請進來 兩張紙 zhĭ dă diàn huà qĭng jìn lái liăng zhī bĭ liăng zhāng zhĭ

4 頁 作業 遲到 晚了 練習 行 各位 大家好 yè zuò yè chí dào wăn le liàn xí xíng gè wèi
Stationery - VOCABULARY 作業 遲到 晚了 zuò yè chí dào wăn le 練習 各位 大家好 liàn xí xíng gè wèi dà jiā hăo


6 Read Chinese words and translate them.
Stationery – VOCABULARY I Read Chinese words and translate them. 1.請進(來) 9.號/號碼 Please come in Number 2.晚了 10.如果 late If 3.請坐下 11.打電話 Pl. sit down Make a phone call 4.各位 12.給 Everyone (formal) Give to 5.張 13.紙 A Surname/M.W. Paper 6.可以 May 14.借 Lend/borrow 7.稱呼 Address/call 15.夠 Enough 8.電話 Telephone

7 Read Chinese words and translate them.
Stationery – VOCABULARY I Read Chinese words and translate them. 1.鉛筆 9.作業 pencil Assignment 2.原子筆 10.練習 Ballpoint pen Exercise/practice 3.枝 11.頁 Zhi/M.W. Page 4.行 12.大家 Will do/ok Everyone (informal) 5.白 13.一枝原子筆 Surname/white One ballpoint pen 6.因為 Because 14.一張紙 One piece of paper 7.所以 So/therefore 15.一枝鉛筆 One pencil 8.遲到 Tardy/late

8 Weather-I Match English  Chinese
1 paper exercises late 2 page assignment so 3 pencil tardy If 4 because telephone Enough 5 Ballpoint pen number Borrow/ land 6 address Please come in Every-body 請進 晚了 電話 遲到 原子筆 鉛筆 號碼 作業 因為 - 練習 各位 所以 如果 稱呼 夠了

9 Word Search Read and translate the word in each box.
1 2 3 4 5 兩枝 鉛筆 兩張紙 坐下 各位 原子筆 電話 晚了 大家 號碼 打電話 遲到 夠不夠 作業 練習 因為 所以 稱呼 可以 如果

10 Did you know… 1. 請请 is a polite request when followed by a verb. Ex. 請请坐 2. 各位= everybody is a formal way to address everyone. It is often used in the beginning of a speech to get everyone’s attention. 3. 張张 is one of the popular surnames among Chinese. It is also a measure word for a flat object. For example: 一張张紙纸 Normally if there is no number or question word involved (幾几,多少duō shăo /how much) there is no need to use measure words. 4.可以 is used for asking or giving permission. Ex. Student says,“我可以去上 廁厕所嗎吗?” Teacher says, “你可以去上廁厕所。” 5. 給给= give Ex. 給给我一張张紙纸= Give me a piece of paper. 打電电話 话给给我= give me a call 6. 枝支 is a measure word for a stick shaped object. Ex. 一枝支筆笔 7. 可不可以=可(以)不可以 Sometimes when a word is two characters, the 2nd character of the first can be omitted. Ex. 喜(歡欢)不喜歡欢,打球不打球=打 不打球,游泳不游泳=游不游泳。

11 V. Rewrite the following questions using the pattern: (P. W. + N. W
V. Rewrite the following questions using the pattern: (P.W. + N.W. = Q.W.) 1. 我可以去上廁所嗎? 2. 各位有問題嗎? 3. 妹妹會打電話嗎? 4. 文化課老師用102教室嗎? 5. 小姐姓白嗎? 6. 張太太去北京嗎? 7. 用原子筆行嗎? 8. 你的電話借她用嗎? 9. 一張紙夠嗎? 10. 給他兩枝鉛筆嗎?

12 SPEAKING PRACTICE Textbook.p.103
Translate the following into Chinese: Can I call you? Sorry, I am late. No problem, please come in. How do I address you? Can you lend me a pencil? May I go to the bathroom? What is your phone number? Do you have paper? Will ballpoint pen do? Two pieces of paper are enough.

13 ORAL DRILL Convert the following verbs into polite forms: 聽,說,看,寫,進,坐,問,用 Replace the underlined words with the words given: 1.你們可以稱呼我林太太 (王先生,李老師,小白,老張) 2. 你可不可以借我一張紙 (一個球,一枝筆,一張畫) 3. 你可不可以給我一張紙 (你的電話,一枝筆,你的畫) 4. 如果有問題打電話給我 (李太太,王老師,小林)

14 Fill in the blanks using the given words
1. 因為 所以 (錶表慢了…來晚了,走錯路…遲到了,沒有紙…沒有寫作業) 2. 如果 可以 (有時間…一起去,有三枝筆…借他一枝,喜歡她…打電話給她)

15 Unscramble the sentences - Stationery
可以 同學 稱呼 你們 我 林 您 稱呼 我 請問 怎麼 我 晚了 起來 遲到了 因為 所以 可以 不 一枝筆 可以 借我 您 下課了 你們 沒有 如果 問題 可以 幾號 你的 電話 請問 號碼 北京 昨天 我 剛到 時差 還有 我有 一枝 鉛筆 借你 如果 兩枝 可以 今天 從 第九頁 第一頁 寫到 的作業 練習 的作業 你們 請給我 昨天

16 SPEAKING PRACTICE 2. You are the speaker of a workshop, but you are late because you just arrived in China last night and you have a time difference. You apologize to the class and tell them how they can address you.

17 CHAPTER 8 “Stationery” DIALOGUE II
美:請問這兒是246號教室嗎? 張:是的,請進。 美:對不起,我來晚了,因為昨天下午剛到中國,還有時差,所以遲到了。 張:沒關係,請坐下。各位同學,我姓張,你們可以稱呼我張老師。這是我的電話號碼,如果各位同學有問題可以打電話給我。 美:對不起,我怎麼稱呼你? 白:我姓白,叫我小白。 美:小白,你可不可以借我一張紙? 白:没問題,兩張夠不夠? 美:夠了!謝謝你。 白:你有沒有鉛筆? 美:我只有一枝鉛筆,原子筆行不行? 白:行!我也是昨天剛到中國,還有時差。 張:各位同學,這是今天的作業練習;從第一頁的練習一寫到第二頁的練習二。如果没有問題,大家可以下課了。

18 VIII. Read the dialogue in chapter 8-II. Write your answer in English.
1. What is the place the person is asking? 2. What is the person‘s excuse for being late? 3. Who tells the person to come in? 4. Why the teacher gives telephone number to the class? 5. What does the person borrow from Xiao Bai? 6. How many did Xiao Bai offers? 7. Did the person lend Xiao Bai a pencil? Explain your answer. 8. What does the person and Xiao Bai have in common?

19 IV. Read the chapter dialogue and fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
1. 這兒是246號教室嗎? 2.是的, 。 3. ,我來 了。 4. 沒關係, 。 同學,我姓張,你們 稱呼我張老師。這是我的 ,如果各位同學有問題可以 給我。 5. 對不起,我怎麼 你? 6. 我 ,叫我小白。 7. 小白,你可不可以 我一 ? 8. 没問題,兩張 ? 9. !謝謝你。 10. 你有沒有 ? 11. 我只有 鉛筆, 行不行? 12. !我也是昨天剛到中國,還有時差。 wkbk p.146

20 VII. Write a dialogue based on each given situation:
wkbk p.147 A. You are in the classroom #407 and you ask the teacher to make sure it is. She says yes and tells you to come in. You are late because you just arrived in China last night and you still have a time difference. You apologize to the class.

21 VII. Write a dialogue based on each given situation:
wkbk p.148 B. You are teaching English in a Bilingual Chinese school. In your first day of the class you introduce yourself to your students: You are the student of The Foreign Language College. You are learning Chinese in China Culture College. Tell them to address you teacher [your surname]. Give the class your phone number if they have questions, they can call you.

22 VII. Write a dialogue based on each given situation:
wkbk p.148 C. On your first day of your private tutoring, you identify yourself to the student’s Mom and ask how to address her. You then find out you have no pen and paper with you. You borrow them from the Mom and apologize to her because you just arrived in China last night and the time difference .

23 IX. Read the dialogue and answer the questions in English:
wkbk p.149 白:白先生 (Mr. White) 林:小林 小文:文 白:請問 這兒是林小文的家嗎? 林:是的 ,請進 。 白:對不起 ,我來晚了,因為走錯路了 。 林:沒關係,白先生請坐。 白:謝謝!我怎麼稱呼您? 林:我是小文的姐姐,你可以叫我小林。小文,這是白老師,他來教你英文。 文:白老師您好。你的中文說得很好。 白:哪裏,哪裏。你的英文說得好不好?

24 文:我會寫,可是不會說。你教我聽和說好嗎? 白:好,没問題!我們明天早上九點一刻上課,上一個半鐘頭的課;十點四十五分下課,行不行? 文:行! 白:太好了!這是我的電話號碼,如果有問題打電話給我。 文:謝謝! 白:不用謝谢。

25 1. Whose house Mr. White is looking for?
IX. Read the dialogue and answer the questions in English 1. Whose house Mr. White is looking for? 2. What is Mr. White’s excuse for being late? 3. Who is the person invites Mr. White in? 4. What is Mr. White here for? 5. How is Mr. White’s Chinese, according to xiao wen? 6. What can xiao wen do about English? 7. What does xiao wen ask Mr. White to teach her? 8. How long the lesson will be? When does it start and when does it end? 9. Why does Mr. White give xiao wen his phone number? 10. How is xiao lin and xiao wen related? wkbk p.149

Listen to the conversation, write your answers in English. 男:請問這是108 號教室嗎? 女:是的。 男:對不起,我來晚了。 女:沒關係! 男:因為昨天晚上剛到北京,還有一點兒時差。 女:我們怎麼稱呼您? 男:我姓張,我是你們的英文老師。 女:張老師您好! 男:你可不可以借我一枝原子筆? 女:對不起,張老師我沒有原子筆,鉛筆行嗎? 男:行!各位同學,這是我的電話號碼,如果有問題,可以打電話給我。

27 Listen to the conversation Answer the following questions in English
1. Where is the conversation taking place? 2. Who is the man? 3. Why is the man late? 4. What does he try to borrow? 5. What does she lend to him? 6. Why does he give the students his phone number?

28 Wrap up test - Stationery Write a dialogue based on the given scenario.
A dialogue between an American English teacher and Interviewer: A:Teacher confirms this is the classroom 208. ( I: Yes, please come in.) A: Apologize for being late because you went the wrong way. (It’s ok.) Interviewer asks when you arrived in Beijing. (Last week, only 4 days) I: And if you are experiencing jet lag? No, but this is your first time to China. Inquire about the class schedule; I: Starts at 8:45 am and ends at 12:30 pm. B. First day of teaching English A: Introduce yourself, they may address you as Teacher (name) Student A: Ask for a pencil (Sa), Student B: Ask for paper (Sb) A: How many (is two pieces enough) and you only have one pencil (is ballpoint pen ok?) “Ok, do we have homework today?” A: The assignment is the exercises from page 1 to 2. Ask for the teacher’s phone number if you can call for questions. A: Phone number is (class dismiss)

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