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Unemployment ECON 100 Introduction to Economics – Section 2 Group 4 –

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1 Unemployment ECON 100 Introduction to Economics – Section 2 Group 4 –
12/28/2018 Unemployment ECON 100 Introduction to Economics – Section 2 Group 4 – Wong Ka Leung, Cyclops 05S021 Chan Wun Ming, Cherry 05S036 Leung Hoi Ning, Janet 05S045 Wong Ho Lun, Daniel 05S073

2 12/28/2018 Introduction

3 Introduction The near-term employment outlook has been dampened by:
12/28/2018 Introduction The near-term employment outlook has been dampened by: An increase in the relocation of support services across the border A wave of company restructuring announcement The US economic downturn

4 Introduction employment should pick up as:
12/28/2018 Introduction employment should pick up as: Demand for high-end business services will remain solid The expected widening management gap in the Mainland will provide lots of employment opportunities for the HK workforce

5 12/28/2018 Introduction In order to take maximum advantage of this opportunity, our labour force must be more flexible. Therefore, we choose this topic.

6 Unemployment situation
12/28/2018 Unemployment situation

7 Unemployment situation
12/28/2018 Unemployment situation Source: HKSAR - Census and Statistics Department, BOCHK Research

8 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate?
12/28/2018 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate? Are the professionals and skilled workers face less employment pressure?

9 澳門料將吸納逾三萬名本港建造工人 建造工會積極協助輸出勞工
12/28/2018 澳門料將吸納逾三萬名本港建造工人 建造工會積極協助輸出勞工 二零零五年三月三十日 澳門近年大興土木,當地建造業人力不足,澳門政府估計高峰期間會吸納三萬名香港建造業工人到澳門工作。

10 政府宣布恢復賣地 政府宣布會在今年一九九九年四月起恢復賣地。
12/28/2018 政府宣布恢復賣地 政府宣布會在今年一九九九年四月起恢復賣地。 規劃環境地政局局長蕭炯柱說:「政府經考慮過所有相關的因素後,決定由四月一日起恢復賣地。我們的政策目標是要維持樓市穩定,並提供足夠的土地應付香港的各項長遠需要。」

11 12/28/2018 西環迎賓酒樓結業有員工 到勞工處求助 位於西環干諾道西的迎賓酒樓,突然結業。受影響員工有四十人,拖欠薪金四十萬元。

12 酒樓結業欠薪七十多萬 旺角道新煌酒樓結業,七十多名員工指僱主合共拖欠薪七十多萬元。
12/28/2018 酒樓結業欠薪七十多萬 旺角道新煌酒樓結業,七十多名員工指僱主合共拖欠薪七十多萬元。 【大紀元訊】將軍澳一間酒樓昨早突然結業,約八十名員工受到影響。有指僱主拖欠薪金過百萬,而這次是在同址開辦酒樓再次結業。

13 12/28/2018 酒店結業 市民掃夜冷 【明報專訊】尖沙嘴凱悅酒店自元旦結業後,昨日起將酒店內過千款用品廉價出售,吸引大批市民到場搜購。由於搶購人潮太激烈,警方一度要限制入場人數。

14 12/28/2018 雙失青年 歌曲:雙失青年 主唱:Fritz Chen 作曲:Adrian Wan 填詞:Vicky Chow 編曲:Adrian Wan & Benedict 歌曲介紹: 音樂源自生活,這旋律是 Adrian 歐遊時的心情紀錄,從來沒想過會成為一首歌曲。一次偶然的機會下給填詞人聽過,提議寫一個朋友的真實故事。歌中的雙失青年,今天已經找到他的「壓軸情人」。這首歌的誕生,和故事主角的際遇,正好說明了生命中處處有驚喜的阿甘哲理。

15 12/28/2018 我要創業!!! 「市場機會」創業的契機。 市場的需求,是由商人引發的需求,創業人士必須充分把握此等機會,在市場仍有需求時,及時提供服務或產品,促成商業活動,以求獲取利潤。

16 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate?
12/28/2018 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate? Source: HKSAR - Census and Statistics Department

17 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate?
12/28/2018 Which sector has the highest unemployment rate? It affirms common belief that professionals and skilled workers face less employment pressure.

18 Problems and solutions
12/28/2018 Problems and solutions

19 Problems and solutions
12/28/2018 Problems and solutions Source: HKSAR - Census and Statistics Department

20 Problems and solutions
12/28/2018 Problems and solutions The main problem of unemployment in Hong Kong is the teenager unemployment Labour mismatch Teenager joined into the labor force too early Government put in some job program > effect is low , short turn Less subsidies to the manufacturing industry , but more to construction Long term solution

21 Future expectation of HK unemployment rate
12/28/2018 Conclusion Future expectation of HK unemployment rate

22 12/28/2018 Conclusion We believe a robust China will offer many employment opportunities to the local workforce and high-end business services will flourish in HK. They reinforce each other. A ‘Made in HK’ manager would make professional services available in HK more accessible to Mainland firms.

23 12/28/2018 Conclusion As the success of HK professionals in the Mainland would create demand for services in our city, it generates additional job opportunities. The successful relocation of our manufacturing facilities has brought trade-related business opportunities to HK.

24 Conclusion HK brings ‘Made in China’ products to the West.
12/28/2018 Conclusion HK brings ‘Made in China’ products to the West. HK brings the business expertise learned into the Mainland. This is where our labour force should place its priorities to carry HK to next peak.

25 12/28/2018 - END -

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