做飯 花錢 電話 功課 冷氣 有意思 作業 暖氣 加州 誰 太熱了 但是 睡覺 可樂 很難 帥哥 涼涼的 不容易 辣妹 酸酸的 電腦 漂亮

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Presentation on theme: "做飯 花錢 電話 功課 冷氣 有意思 作業 暖氣 加州 誰 太熱了 但是 睡覺 可樂 很難 帥哥 涼涼的 不容易 辣妹 酸酸的 電腦 漂亮"— Presentation transcript:

1 做飯 花錢 電話 功課 冷氣 有意思 作業 暖氣 加州 誰 太熱了 但是 睡覺 可樂 很難 帥哥 涼涼的 不容易 辣妹 酸酸的 電腦 漂亮
Vocabulary review (Google translate) say it in Chinese and write the English meaning 做飯 花錢 電話 功課 冷氣 有意思 作業 暖氣 加州 太熱了 但是 睡覺 可樂 很難 帥哥 涼涼的 不容易 辣妹 酸酸的 電腦 漂亮 找錢 電視 上海 一百元 現金 北京 找錯了 週末 台北 走錯了 考試 哪兒人 看錯了 回家 哪國人 別說話 練習

2 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
táng tián suān chī hóng liáng niú guā shāo bàn huáng wàng dài cuò chǔ guān qīng xi hăi tīng măi cān bié zhăo máo zài shī

3 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Vocabulary 生詞
師傅 米飯 好吃 白飯 雞肉 炒飯 糖醋魚 涼拌 黃瓜 紅燒 紅燒豆腐 牛肉 飯卡 豬肉 清楚 沒關係

4 Quiz Dining II Pork: Fish: Beef: Sweet & sour fish: Chicken meat:
Extremely sour: Total: Tasty: Give change: Master: Meal card: Wrong: It’s OK: Bring money: Two dollars: Clear: Cold tossed: Cooked rice: Pickle: Forget: Fried rice: Fried noodle: White rice: Tofu braised in Soy Sauce: Too spicy:

5 涼拌黃瓜liáng bàn huáng guā 紅燒魚hóng shāo yú 麵miàn 蛋花湯dàn huā tāng
niú 牛肉 豬肉 Zhū ròu 米mĭ 米飯 mĭ fàn 白飯 bái fàn 炒飯chăo fàn niú ròu Zhū 黃瓜huáng guā 涼拌黃瓜liáng bàn huáng guā 紅燒魚hóng shāo yú 麵miàn 蛋花湯dàn huā tāng

6 How do you say it in Chinese
Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 How do you say it in Chinese

7 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Reading and speaking Exercise
Click on the word for translation Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Reading and speaking Exercise 1. 師傅 11. 極 Master worker Extremely 2. 好吃 12. 米飯 Tasty Cooked rice 3. 魚 13. 白飯 Fish White rice 21. 清楚 Clear 4.糖醋魚 14. 炒飯 Sweet & sour fish Fried rice 22. 沒關係 It’s ok 5. 紅燒 15. 涼拌 Cold tossed Braised 16. 黃瓜 6. 紅燒豆腐 cucumber Braised tofu 17. 忘 7. 牛肉 Beef Forget 8. 豬 18. 帶 Pig Bring 9. 豬肉 19. 飯卡 Pork Meal card 10. 麵 20. 錯 Noodle Wrong

8 III. Use 再來…(In addition to...you add another order)
Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Describe an object using 的 Use 來 when ordering food I. Adj. + 的(txbk p.53, wkbk p.41D) 高高的,甜甜的, 酸酸的,辣辣的,涼涼的 … 來/再來…(txbk p.54, 55D-56, wkbk p.41) II. Use 來instead of 給我 when ordering food. However, measure word is always required when using來. Compare 給我一盤酸辣魚 with 來一盤酸辣魚 III. Use 再來…(In addition to...you add another order) 再來一碗炒飯

9 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 What are these food like?
Textbook p.53 p.54 F Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 What are these food like? Describe 3 dishes with pictures Bring in Chinese menu and learn to say your favorite Chinese food in Chinese. Describe what are those dishes taste/look like: Ex. 糖醋魚: 酸酸的, 甜甜的, 紅紅的, 有一點兒辣辣的…好吃極了!

10 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Recommend/not recommend dishes
A Field Trip Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Recommend/not recommend dishes Describe your experience eating in a Chinese restaurant: Example: 我點了一杯冰水,一碗酸辣湯和一盤素餃子. 我喜歡他們的酸辣湯, 因為他們的酸辣湯辣辣的, 酸酸的. 他們的酸辣湯不太辣也不太酸. 他們的酸辣湯有青菜和豆腐. 還有豬肉, 很好吃. 酸辣湯一碗兩塊半, 一點兒也不貴. DON’T FORGET…. 我付了$.... 服務員找了我$... 我給了$....小費 (or 我沒有給小費) 我一共付了$...

11 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Ordering Food speaking exercises
Workbook p.37 W: waiter C: 小張 & 小謝 Read p.36 C and place the order on p.37. C: Order the three dishes first for both people based on the paragraph, and say “Don’t put 辣椒.”. W: Repeat the dishes C ordered and reply “…not hot.”. W: Soup? C: (Place your order accordingly.) W: Drink? W: Rice? C: Total? W: (Tell the total price)

12 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Ordering Food contest (10分鐘)
Wkbk p.37 Speaking exercise Pick 3 people in each group. Give each group a menu (workbook p.37) Assign one student in each group as a waiter Each person should order at least one dish and enough for everyone to eat as a meal(Ex. 三菜一湯) Waiter write done the order in Chinese and figure out how much in total with the help of the teammates. Based on $ to pay the bill plus tip Make sure the change is correct Winner is the group that complete the order by having the 服務員 repeating the order and telling the total amount plus giving the change back correctly.

13 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 What do you say in the following situations?
Ask about what they serve for dinner? Describe the tasty sweet and sour pork, and tell your customer to buy it. Suggest your friend to order beef since you have already ordered fish. Order one more bowl of white rice. Ask how much in total. You forget to bring money. Tell the chef he gives you wrong change; two dollars extra. The total is You give change for $2.41. Apologize for not seeing it clearly. Tell the customers to come again.

14 Acting out: (You are eating in the school cafeteria)
Dining in School Cafeteria (Wrap up Dinning chapter) 1. Students prepare a school cafeteria menu (Optional) 2. Translate the following into Chinese, sentence by sentence Y: You M: Master worker Acting out: (You are eating in the school cafeteria) You ask what food they serve today. The worker’s response depends on what your menu says (or make it up). You order Hong Shao beef but they’ve sold out. The master worker asks you to change to fish because you have already had the same dish (Hong Shao beef) yesterday. (Describe the taste of the dishes.) You order a bowl of rice, one Sweet & Sour fish, Cold cucumber. Master worker asks you if you would like to have beef noodle soup? You can’t finish it, but you ask for another bowl of rice. The worker asks if you want drinks? (a bottle soda $1.00) Ask for the total price. rice $1.50 each, fish $7.20, cucumber $ Tips free. You forget to bring your meal card so you pay by CASH ($15.00). The master worker give you wrong changes ($1.00) 10 cents extra. He apologizes and explains he didn’t see it clearly. “Come again next Friday”, he says.

15 Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Recommend/not recommend dishes
A Field Trip Chapter 12 Dining- II 吃飯 Recommend/not recommend dishes Wkbk p.45 Storytelling You are dining out with friends/family/Chinese class. I. Record what you have ordered, which including drink. You also need to mention what kind of soup and rice you had. II. Indicate how much each dish cost and what is the total including the tip (小費). Did you or did you not get change back. III. Describe your favorite/non-favorite dishes when return from the Field Trip (Six sentences each excluding the dishes ordered.)

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