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Computer Organization and Design Fundamental

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1 Computer Organization and Design Fundamental
第 5 章 Boolean Algebra Computer Organization and Design Fundamental 書籍作者:David Tarnoff 投影片製作者:陳鍾誠

2 5.1 Need for Boolean Expressions
• Both schematics and truth tables take too much space to describe the operation of complex circuits with numerous inputs. • The truth table "hides" circuit information. • The schematic diagram is difficult to use when trying to determine output values for each input combination.

3 5.2 Symbols of Boolean Algebra
AND OR NOT 0 = = 0


5 5.3 Boolean Expressions of Combinational Logic

6 NOT 的效果 注意:

7 將布林式轉為電路

8 5.4 Laws of Boolean Algebra

9 交換律 OR

10 布林代數基本法則 交換律 結合律 分配律

11 5.5 Rules of Boolean Algebra

12 5.5.1 NOT Rule

13 5.5.2 OR Rules

14 5.5.3 AND Rules

15 5.5.4 XOR Rules

16 5.5.5 Derivation of Other Rules

17 證明範例

18 5.6 Simplification

19 簡化的範例 1

20 簡化的範例 2

21 簡化的範例 3

22 簡化的範例 4

23 簡化的範例 5

24 5.7 DeMorgan's Theorem

25 DeMorgan 定律的應用




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