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一世紀的 職業服務 A Century of Vocational Service

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1 一世紀的 職業服務 A Century of Vocational Service

2 第二服務部門 自從第一個扶輪社組織一個職業秩序委員會之後已成為扶輪精神不可或缺的一部分
The second Avenue of Service has been integral to the spirit of Rotary ever since the first Rotary club organized a committee on business methods.

3 服務愈多 獲益愈大 1912年扶輪國際年會代表們採用了芝加哥扶輪社社員Arthur Frederick Sheldon 所提出之
Delegates at the 1912 Rotary Convention adopted the motto He Profits Most Who Serves Best, introduced by Arthur Frederick Sheldon, a member of the Chicago Rotary club.

4 建立在職業分類上的社員資格 是扶輪特色之一, 並是其早期驚人成長的基礎。
是扶輪特色之一, 並是其早期驚人成長的基礎。 Classification-based membership was one of Rotary’s distinguishing features and the basis for phenomenal growth in its early years.

5 “每一位扶輪社員是理想主義的扶輪與他同業或職業中間的一條連接的鍊環。”
“Each Rotarian is a connecting link between the idealism of Rotary and his trade or profession.” —Rotary founder Paul Harris

6 扶輪道德規律 於1915年採用,意味著扶輪領導人向貪污與不公平的職業業務宣戰。
The Rotary Code of Ethics, adopted in 1915, signified Rotary’s leadership in fighting corruption and unfair business practices.

7 在1943年, 四大考驗 In 1943, 國際扶輪理事會將 列為職業服務理想的正式要素。
Herbert J. Taylor and The Four-Way Test In 1943, RI’s Board of Directors made The Four-Way Test an official component of the vocational service ideal.

8 職業服務 也是扶輪宗旨的一個重要的部份: 職業上高職業道德標準 對所有有用職業的尊重 每一種職業是服務社區的一種機會
Vocational service is also a key part of the Object of Rotary: High ethical standards in businesses Worthiness of all useful occupations Each occupation an opportunity to serve society

9 扶輪歷史 第一個十年, 職業服務的觀念著重在扶輪社員個人的奉獻於其自己的工作職場裡。
For the first decades of Rotary’s history, the vocational service concept focused on Rotarians’ personal contributions in their own workplaces.

10 於六十年代, 案例研究方法 In the 1960s, 扶輪社採行 於扶輪社例會與行政會議上推廣職業服務以及探索職業與道德的兩難困境。
Rotary clubs used the case study method to promote vocational service and explore business and ethical dilemmas in club meetings and assemblies.

11 團體研究交換─ 結合了職業服務與國際瞭解─扶輪基金會於1965年推行並延續至今最普遍的計劃之一。
Ro Club of Ashland, Kentucky, USA PHOTO: Jefkin/Elnekave Photography, LLC Group Study Exchanges— combining vocational service and international understanding—were introduced in 1965 and remain one of The Rotary Foundation’s most popular programs.

12 在最近的十年, 擴大定義 扶輪社業已對職業服務 包括了舉辦職業訓練研習會及職業研討會 In recent decades,
clubs have expanded the definition of vocational service to include vocational training workshops and career seminars.

13 在1987年, 國際扶輪職業服務委員會─四十年來頭一次再次召集 ─職業服務正式成為扶輪社員個人以及扶輪社在職場及社區的責任。 In 1987, the Vocational Service Committee—reconvened after 40 years—made vocational service the individual and club’s responsibility within the workplace and the community.

14 扶輪社員 事業及專業宣言 1989年通過 此一宣言,將扶輪宗旨所指的崇高道德標準詳細清楚說明。
扶輪社員 事業及專業宣言 1989年通過 此一宣言,將扶輪宗旨所指的崇高道德標準詳細清楚說明。 The Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions, adopted in 1989, spells out the high ethical standards referred to in the Object of Rotary

15 改善生活品質。 並強調扶輪社員的責任是運用其職業於其社區來
and emphasizes Rotarians’ obligation to use their vocations to improve the quality of life in their communities.

16 當它擴大涵括了扶輪義工計劃時,職業服務在1990年代有更進一步的演變。
Vocational service evolved further in the 1990s when it was broadened to include the Rotary Volunteers program.

17 扶輪聯誼 提供會員運用他們的職業技能去服務他人的一種機會。
Rotary Fellowships offer yet another opportunity for members to use their vocational skills to serve others.

18 理想付諸行動 扶輪社員繼續將 就像他們以一種持續擴展陣容的職業服務計劃去幫助他人。
Rotarians continue to put ideals into action as they help others in an ever-expanding array of vocational service projects,

19 包括了促進識字, including the advancement of literacy,

20 舒緩貧窮 the alleviation of poverty,

21 以及增進健康 and the improvement of health.

22 於此百週年當中 慶祝扶輪 義工們將繼續以他們的職業技能去協助他人並做職業道德行為的楷模來
During this centennial year, volunteers will Celebrate Rotary by continuing to use their vocational skills to help others and set examples of ethical behavior.

23 欲發現扶輪對職業服務的承諾在過去一百年是如何逐步形成的,請訂購一本
一個世紀的服務: 國際扶輪的故事 Discover how Rotary’s commitment to vocational service has evolved over the past 100 years by ordering a copy of A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary International. Click here to order

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