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Published byJeremy Randolf Thompson Modified 6年之前
The Research of Constructing the Integrated and Generalized Traffic System in Taipei 建構台北市整合式通用化交通系統之研究 Ming-Che Lin*1, Kai-Jie Chang*2 and Rong-Ping Lai*3 Ben Wen-Pin LIN*4, Eileen Yeh-Lin LU*5 林敏哲*1 張凱傑*2 賴榮平*3 林文賓*4 盧業琳*5
Eden Social Welfare Foundation:Non-Profit Disability Organization
Founded by Ms. Liu Hsia, a wheelchair writer, in 1982 Vision: Serving the Weak to Witness Christ Mission: Speak for the minorities , promote comprehensive care by welfare and gospel Size : *79 service centers in TW / 2 overseas branch service centers / 2 brother organizations overseas *1,800 employees,25% staffs are PWDs,85% staffs are providing direct services Annual Budget:US$ 47 million
Comprehensively human care
Service Introduction: Eden Social Welfare Foundation New Immigration Accessible Service Early Intervention Employment Daily Care Social Marketing Visually Impaired Children Adult Senior Comprehensively human care For PWD Social Welfare ●Everyday 8,000 people from age 0-65 received EDEN service ● 215,000 PWDs received EDEN service in past 30 years
資料來源:內政部調查資料 From Ministry of Interior
全國身心障礙人數比例 The population of PWDs in Taiwan 資料來源:內政部調查資料 From Ministry of Interior 人數(單位:萬) 全國肢障者40萬人 Physical Disabilities 400,000人(People) 37% 合計107萬人 Total 1.07 million 全國其他障別 67萬人 Other Disabilities 670,000人(People) 63%
In Taipei city, the public can take the personal
vehicles, secondary public transportation system and public transportation system to go outside. 台北的交通,民眾可利用個人交通工具、次要大眾運輸 系統、及大眾運輸系統等方式外出。
Accessible Public Transportation
無障礙大眾運輸工具 Accessible Public Transportation 無障礙運輸工具 Accessible Transportation 飛機 Aircraft 高鐵 HSR 捷運 MRT 公車 Bus 復康巴士 Accessible Van 三輪機車 Tri-wheels motorcycle 電動代步車 Scooter 電動輪椅 Power wheelchair 一般輪椅 Manual Wheelchair
However, with the increased numbers of the disabled and the elderly, how to meet their needs of traffic becomes a big issue. 身心障礙者、高齡者的人數日益增多,如何滿足這些行動不便者的交通需求,尚無妥善的解決對策。
The integrated concept was used to provide the complete plan of traffic system in this study. Using mass-transportation characteristic of Mass Rapid Transportation (MRT), the problem about the insufficient number of small fu-kang bus or low-floor bus can be solved. On the other hand, regarding the small fu-kang bus or low-floor bus as shuttle bus may solve the problem that the public can’t take MRT to arrive destination directly. 本研究以整合概念提出交通系統方案,利用捷運系統大量運輸之特性,解決小型復康巴士或低地板公車數量不足的問題;將小型復康巴士、低地板公車等作為接駁交通工具,解決捷運系統無法直接抵達目的地之問題。
The planning content includes: taking Taipei MRT for long distances and taking shuttle bus for short distances(the route from home to MRT station or from MRT station to home). 其規劃內容為:中間長距離搭乘台北捷運系統,從住家至捷運車站或捷運車站至目的地,兩端短距離搭乘接駁交通工具。
Integration transportation system 整合式通用化交通系統
A (home) MRT station MRT transit station MRT station 住家 捷運車站 捷運轉乘站 捷運車站 B (destination) 目的地
Accessible Transportation service Network
無障礙交通服務網 Accessible Transportation service Network 從捷運站還可連接其他交通系統,增強整合式交通系統的功能 Integrated Transportation System Home 住家 Transfer post 轉運站 轉運站 ◎ Transfer Post Destination 目的地 1.高鐵系統HSR 2.鐵路化系統Rail 3.接駁客運系統Highway Bus 4.捷運系統MRT 5.公車專用道BRT 6.接駁公車系統Bus 7.松山機場、中正機場Airport ◎ 四鐵共構的時代 Public transportation
室內空間表達 The developing trends of mass transportation are to replace the general bus to low-floor bus in five years and to set up the accessible taxi in the end of this year. In this way, the public can take these two vehicles as shuffle bus. Therefore, the normal people and the disabled will have same choices of traffic vehicles. 最近的發展趨勢,5年內將一般公車全部改為低地板公車,還有年底即將設立無障礙計程車。可利用低地板公車、無障礙計程車等作為接駁交通工具。因此,一般人與行動不便者共同搭乘台北捷運系統之外,搭乘接駁交通工具也趨近一樣。
MOVE FREE 台灣環島鐵路 Railway 離島服務 Off-Shore Island Service
改善無障礙環境倡議 Advocacy for Accessible Environment
彩繪復康巴士 Colored Drawing Accessible Van
復康巴士 Accessible bus
捷運接駁專車 MRT Accessible Shuttle Van
中型巴士後方升降設備 Left Equipment of the medium Accessible Bus
離島服務 Off-shore Island Service
桃園中正機場接送 Pick-up Service between Airport to downtown
Establishment of Welfare Vehicle Hardware
The welfare car installed with a welfare chair The rental car installed with a welfare chair.
Difficulties & Expectation
困境與期待 Difficulties & Expectation 1.政府政策法條對NGO投入接駁服務影響 Governmental Policy 2.行動不便者(老人、身障者)社區生活行動(環境無障礙化)Accessible Environment 3.各地方政府復康巴士接駁整合(聯合行控計畫)Inter-area mobility control program 4.政府社會福利資源整合(老人、身心障礙者、學生)資訊溝通整合 Integrated information 5.適用車款開發、尋求(輔具研發計畫)R & D project for Assistive Technologies 6.聯合研發、聯合採購機制、資訊互通(跨國策略聯盟平台) International Strategy Alliance Platform 食衣住行育樂 Mobility needs 香港 Hong Kong 台灣 Taiwan 國際策略聯盟 網際網路平台 International Network 服務需求者 Service receivers 港台合作模式 Agreement mode
Eden fighting for the personal mobility rights of PWDs and be the advocator as well as pioneer for promoting accessible transportation service ensure PWDs could move free to the world. ~ Hope the end being another opening. ~
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