Praise the Lord, O My Soul

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Presentation on theme: "Praise the Lord, O My Soul"— Presentation transcript:

1 Praise the Lord, O My Soul
我的心,你要稱頌耶和華 Praise the Lord, O My Soul Psalm 103 Tracie Lin, Sandy Yu CCLI #

2 Praise the Lord, O my soul And forget not all His benefits
我的心,你要 Praise the Lord, O my soul 稱頌耶和華 Bless His Holy Name 不可忘記祂的恩惠 And forget not all His benefits 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #

3 Who forgives your sins and iniquities Who heals all your diseases
\ 祂赦免你一切過犯罪孽 Who forgives your sins and iniquities 醫治你疾病復原 Who heals all your diseases 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #

4 Praise the Lord, O my soul And forget not all His benefits
我的心,你要 Praise the Lord, O my soul 稱頌耶和華 Bless His Holy Name 不可忘記祂的恩惠 And forget not all His benefits 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI #

5 Who crowns you with love and compassion With justice and righteousness
祂以仁愛慈悲為你冠冕 Who crowns you with love and compassion 為受屈的人伸冤 With justice and righteousness 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI # CCLI #

6 For as high as heavens above And so great is His love towards us
天離地有何等的高 For as high as heavens above 祂的慈愛也何等的深 And so great is His love towards us This is Chorus: slide 3 & 4 CCLI #

7 東離西有多麼的遠 祂使我的過犯也離我多遠 For as far as the East from the West
So as far have my transgressions been removed This is Chorus: slide 3 & 4 CCLI #

8 For our Lord is mercy and love He’s abounding with freedom and grace
耶和華有憐憫的愛 For our Lord is mercy and love 且有豐盛無盡的恩典 He’s abounding with freedom and grace 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus CCLI # 8

9 Praise the Lord, O My Soul
從亙古直到永遠 Forever, till eternity 耶和華祂是我的神 Jehovah He is my God 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 我的心﹐你要稱頌耶和華 Praise the Lord, O My Soul CCLI # 9

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