Good Tidings of Great Joy ﹝Luke 路加福音 2:8-14﹞

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1 Good Tidings of Great Joy ﹝Luke 路加福音 2:8-14﹞
《大喜的信息》 Good Tidings of Great Joy ﹝Luke 路加福音 2:8-14﹞

2 Salvation for the world 3. 賜人平安 Peace to all mankind
「我報給你們大喜的信息,是關乎萬民的; 今天在大衛城裏,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。」 I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  1. 關乎萬民 About all people 2. 拯救世人 Salvation for the world 3. 賜人平安 Peace to all mankind

3 ※【和平】之君 The Prince of Peace 一、《與神和好》Reconciliation with God:
1.為人贖罪 An atonement for our sins 2.拆毀隔牆 Breaking down of barriers 3.靠血和好 Reconciliation through the blood ※耶〔耶和華〕;穌〔拯救〕 Jehovah & Savior

4 二、《心中平安》Peace in our Hearts: 1. 一無掛慮 No anxiety〈Php 腓4:6/8〉 2
二、《心中平安》Peace in our Hearts: 1.一無掛慮 No anxiety〈Php 腓4:6/8〉 2.不住禱告 Pray unceasingly 3.凡事感謝 Give thanks in all things 4.保守心思 Guard our hearts

5 三、《世界和平》Peace in the world: 1. 不再有戰爭 No more wars〈Isa. 賽2:4 〉 2
三、《世界和平》Peace in the world: 1.不再有戰爭 No more wars〈Isa.賽2:4 〉 2.動物間和睦 Animals will live in harmony 3.神國的平安 Peace of God’s kingdom 〈 11:6-10 〉 4.大自然和平 Harmony in nature〈Isa.賽35:1-7〉

6 結論 Conclusion: 但你們可以放心,我已勝了世界。」(Jn 約14:27; 16:33) 「在至高之處~榮耀歸與上帝!
「耶穌說:我留下我的平安給你們。 在世上有苦難; 但你們可以放心,我已勝了世界。」(Jn 約14:27; 16:33) My peace I give you. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 「在至高之處~榮耀歸與上帝! 在地上~平安歸與他所喜悅的人」   Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests. (Lk 路2:14)

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