預備大而可畏的日子(2 of 3) 9/13/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "預備大而可畏的日子(2 of 3) 9/13/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 預備大而可畏的日子(2 of 3) 9/13/2015

2 “悔改月“ (Teshuvah) 8/14~ 9/23/2015: 悔改的四十天 (40 days of Teshuvah)
9/13 (Elul 29 ): Shemitah year安息年過了 9/13 :吹角節/猶太新年 9/23: 贖罪日(上帝封上審判的日子) 禧年从赎罪日9/23开始 9/28: 第4次月蝕 9/28 ~ 10/4: 住棚節

3 9/13吹角節—悔改 警告悔改: 以色列以此為新年, 吹角節Rosh Hashanah =“一年之始”,“世界的誕生日”,”創造的紀念日”
猶太新年是與神之間細心自省的時刻 (利23:23-25; 民數記29:1):吹角守節一天「叫醒」猶太人离恶行善 The fullness of time. 1.吹角節── 吹角節是神國的起床號。我們的靈會常常睡著,所以神想辦法把我們吹醒,免得我們被魔鬼吞吃。 可畏的日子── 這十天內,神要我們特別多花時間親近神、尋求神。 2.贖罪日── 這是為了過去的錯誤和玷污悔改,以恢復我們與神的關係。神規定百姓要在這天禁食,清理靈裡所有的垃圾,預備潔淨身心靈,暢通屬靈的管道,好讓我們能毫無攔阻的與神面對面。 And 3. Sukkot Remember what the drama played, the wall of poverty, the wall of addition fell when you went to the proximity of the portal. Do you know why the wall of Jericho fell before Joshua? Because Rosh Hashanah is the time for breakthrough. Whatever blocking you will fall. Why the red sea separate? Not the faith of Israelites, but that was the time of Passover - deliverance. When Israel came to the red sea at the time of deliverance, what is blocking will separate. Feast is the proximity of what you are looking for. When it’s the set time and you came to the right place at right time, it’s going to happen anyhow. If it is going to happen anyhow, and the time is set, and you have great faith, I wonder how much more you are going to receive. Turn to the next person say ‘something new is shifting for you – you are going to possess’! This is a very prophetic time right now. Because this is the time for fullness - possession. God opened the heaven portal to let us take possession. When you come to the portal the wall will fall. No matter what kind of wall. 號聲:宣告而且釋放末了的榮耀和爭戰來到,Transition from anointing to glory參與在神得地為業的行動,進入新的季節. Jesus came did not conform with the matter on this earth. He conformed with the words. That’s why he walked on the water because he walked on the word not on the water. Peter did not walk on the water neither. When Peter turned his eyes from Jesus (words) to the water (matter on earth), he fell. When we observe the feast, the set time of God, the portal, we conform to the words, not the matter on earth. So matter does not matter anymore. There is nothing in poverty, weak and brokenness in God. What we are conformed with, the word, is Abraham’s blessing. Whatever blocking us will fall.

4 9/13/2015 吹角節-審判日:美國置以色列於危險之中?
美國國會從7/14日開始有60天的時間可以決定是否批准或否決伊朗核協議。最終決定的期限是9/12日 根據聖經日曆,今年的吹角節(新年)開始於9/12晚上, 十天後的贖罪日9/23是上帝封上這些審判的日子 美國關於核協議的最終決定將在吹角節和贖罪日之間的這段日子宣佈

5 歐巴馬有足夠票贊成伊朗核交易

6 歐巴馬有足夠票(2/3)贊成伊朗核交易,儘管美國國會任何初步的拒絕仍會過關



9 美國向斷定谷前進中



12 9/13–9/14吹角節–UN & US 進入新的季節 9/15 – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins. France plans to introduce a resolution which will give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state.

13 9/13–9/14吹角節–UN & US 進入新的季節

14 9/13–9/14吹角節–UN & US 進入新的季節

15 9/13–9/14吹角節–UN & US 進入新的季節

16 9/13–9/14吹角節–UN & US 進入新的季節 9/15 – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins. Up until now, the U.S. has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Obama has already indicated that things may be different this time around.

17 誰分裂以色列國的土地,就審判那國 當聯合國允許分裂以色列國、欺壓神的子民,大地必承受大震動,人們將面臨更大的混亂與爭戰
美國向斷定谷前進中 誰分裂以色列國的土地,就審判那國 當聯合國允許分裂以色列國、欺壓神的子民,大地必承受大震動,人們將面臨更大的混亂與爭戰 Remember what the drama played, the wall of poverty, the wall of addition fell when you went to the proximity of the portal. Do you know why the wall of Jericho fell before Joshua? Because Rosh Hashanah is the time for breakthrough. Whatever blocking you will fall. Why the red sea separate? Not the faith of Israelites, but that was the time of Passover - deliverance. When Israel came to the red sea at the time of deliverance, what is blocking will separate. Feast is the proximity of what you are looking for. When it’s the set time and you came to the right place at right time, it’s going to happen anyhow. If it is going to happen anyhow, and the time is set, and you have great faith, I wonder how much more you are going to receive. Turn to the next person say ‘something new is shifting for you – you are going to possess’! This is a very prophetic time right now. Because this is the time for fullness - possession. God opened the heaven portal to let us take possession. When you come to the portal the wall will fall. No matter what kind of wall. 號聲:宣告而且釋放末了的榮耀和爭戰來到,Transition from anointing to glory參與在神得地為業的行動,進入新的季節. Jesus came did not conform with the matter on this earth. He conformed with the words. That’s why he walked on the water because he walked on the word not on the water. Peter did not walk on the water neither. When Peter turned his eyes from Jesus (words) to the water (matter on earth), he fell. When we observe the feast, the set time of God, the portal, we conform to the words, not the matter on earth. So matter does not matter anymore. There is nothing in poverty, weak and brokenness in God. What we are conformed with, the word, is Abraham’s blessing. Whatever blocking us will fall.

18 “悔改月“ (Teshuvah) 8/14~ 9/23/2015: 悔改的四十天 (40 days of Teshuvah)
9/13 (Elul 29 ): Shemitah year安息年過了 9/13 :吹角節/猶太新年 9/23: 贖罪日(上帝封上審判的日子) 禧年从赎罪日9/23开始 9/28: 第4次月蝕 9/28 ~ 10/4: 住棚節 9/20 FRCC Israel Prayer

19 攻擊以色列的任何耶路撒冷土地交換的事

20 戰兢-存敬畏事奉耶和華.在命令沒有發出之前“君王應當省悟,世上審判官該受管教”
吹角節聽到號角吹響時 - 禱告1: 戰兢-存敬畏事奉耶和華.在命令沒有發出之前“君王應當省悟,世上審判官該受管教” 神震动逆轉歐巴馬政府凡為攻擊以色列的任何耶路撒冷土地交換的事, 美國要再在聯合國安全理事會阻擋”承認巴勒斯坦國”這樣的決議 求主赦免美国”伊朗核武協議” 容許伊朗進入核武門檻國, 歐巴馬政府成為義的器具,美国 - 要进入你的呼召中,再成为以色列的祝福: 照著神的心意,為真理公義保護錫安

21 吹角節禱告2 為長兄以色列禱告,我們的猶太長兄們対神向他們曉豫的吹角節蘇醒過來
耶31:33-34耶和華說…我要將我的律法放在他們裏面,寫在他們心上.我要作他們的 神,他們要作我的子民.他們各人不再教導自己的鄰舍和自己的弟兄說‘你該認識耶和華’因為他們從最小的到至大的,都必認識我 <2-3 people as a group, repent for careless for Jews. Pray for Jews.><3 min>

22 我接受主的邀請與祂一起在吹角節警醒,在吹角節突破的天門打開時,推倒攔阻我的高牆
Play Youtube (吹角) 我接受主的邀請與祂一起在吹角節警醒,在吹角節突破的天門打開時,推倒攔阻我的高牆 This is the time of repent and possession. This is the time of searching my soul. To make my heart right in front of God. God is turning your circumstance around when we turn away to God. Joel, Hagai, and Paul literally speak about the same time. Fear not oh the land be glad and rejoice! Repent and you will possess at Rosh Hashana. <let’s wait upon the Lord 2 min, listen to what is the wall in my life to fall?> <Let’s all stand up, shout to the Lord. Let the wall fall……declare what is falling down!><5 min> Release your expectation for Rosh Hashana! Be glad you children of Zion and rejoice, when you are facing your circumstance. So be glad and rejoice. God is turning it around. Devil has retracted us with circumstance. So you turn away from circumstance to rejoice, God will turn your circumstance around. This is the time of break through.

23 宣告出你的耶利哥城牆,呼喊使它倒下 1.盡心地愛神: 2.盡性地愛神: 3.盡意地愛神:是羨慕今生,還是永恆的?
尋求祂的旨意並順服 在乎別的人事物(財富、地位、被尊重、婚姻)勝過神自己和他的同在 2.盡性地愛神: 我注重個人得失,或合一? 說信心盼望,還是批評負面的話? 3.盡意地愛神:是羨慕今生,還是永恆的? 4.盡力地愛神:誠實奉獻,擺上時間? 5.愛人如己: 愛惜自己(飲食,睡眠,運動,情緒,思想),按神的眼光看待自己? 培育和父母,配偶,孩子的關係? 調整改善和同工,同事,領袖關係? 原諒甚麼人,尋求誰的原諒? <Let’s all stand up, shout to the Lord. Let the wall fall……declare what is falling down!><5 min> Release your expectation for Rosh Hashana! Be glad you children of Zion and rejoice, when you are facing your circumstance. So be glad and rejoice. God is turning it around. Devil has retracted us with circumstance. So you turn away from circumstance to rejoice, God will turn your circumstance around. This is the time of break through.

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