1. 誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 Greetings to our new friends.

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1 1. 誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 Greetings to our new friends.
報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. 誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 Greetings to our new friends. 2. 這週飯食和整潔的服事是普慕拿分家。 Pomona home group will be in charge of today’s cleaning service. 3. 今天愛筵後在正堂將有詩班練習,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。 Choir practice will be held after lunch in the sanctuary. 4. 今天愛筵後在副堂史密斯夫婦將與孩童的父母們有交通, 歡迎家長們參加。 Parents’ meeting will be held after lunch in the dining hall. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication

2 5. 本週六(5/13),在西區仍有主日學老師訓練課程,歡迎主 日學老師、家長及想參與主日學事工的弟兄姐妹參加。
報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. 本週六(5/13),在西區仍有主日學老師訓練課程,歡迎主 日學老師、家長及想參與主日學事工的弟兄姐妹參加。 Training classes for teaching children’s Sunday School will be held this Saturday by Pastor Grace in San Gabriel. All Sunday school teachers, parents and whoever wants to serve children are invited. 6. 下主日(5/14)為母親節,教會仍有全家福攝影活動,請弟 兄姐妹邀請母親們一同來拍照留影。 We will have a Mother’s Day photo booth again this year. We would like to invite all mothers and their families to the English room next Sunday after the church meeting to get their picture taken. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication

3 報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 7. 請弟兄姐妹為今年使團在南加舉辦特會的籌備工作同心 禱告,並請弟兄姐妹盡早報名參加。日期在9/1-9/4的勞 工節長週末,地點在 Santa Barbara 大學,今年主題將是 「基督浩大的救恩」,將分別由史伯誠弟兄和貝珍珠教 士擔任信息講員。 2017 Summer Conference of Testimony of Christ Mission (TCM) will be held from September 1st to 4th, 2017, at University of California, Santa Barbara, in Santa Barbara, California.  The theme of the conference is “The Greatest Salvation of Christ”.  The speakers are Brother Newman Sze and Sister Gerda Bocker.  We sincerely invite saints from all over the world to join us because we believe the Lord will greatly bless His children’s gathering in His name. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication

4 8. 四月的收支報告,詳細內容將張貼在副堂公告欄,請弟 兄姊妹記念神家的需要,捐得樂意的人是神所喜悅的。 教會奉獻箱在聚會廳後面接待處。
報告 ANNOUNCEMENTS 8. 四月的收支報告,詳細內容將張貼在副堂公告欄,請弟 兄姊妹記念神家的需要,捐得樂意的人是神所喜悅的。 教會奉獻箱在聚會廳後面接待處。 April Income Statement is also available on the bulletin board in the dining hall. Remember that God delights in cheerful givers. The offering box is located in the reception area outside the meeting hall. 今天信息後將有禱告的服事,弟兄姊妹可以自由留下參加, 或安靜到樓下用午餐。 Please feel free to stay after the message meeting for the prayer ministry. Otherwise, please proceed quietly to the dining hall for lunch. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication

5 H434 信靠耶穌何其甘甜 ‘TIS SO SWEET TO TRUST IN JESUS (節1/4, 頁1/2)
信靠耶穌何其甘甜, ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, 抓祂話語作把握; Just to take Him at His word; 安息在祂應許上面, Just to rest upon ; Just to know, 只知主曾如此說。 “Thus saith the Lord.” Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication

6 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, 我曾證祂多少次; 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, 祂是活神不誤事。
H434 (節1/4, 頁2/2副) 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! 我曾證祂多少次; How I've proved Him over and over! 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 祂是活神不誤事。 O for grace to trust Him more! Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 6

7 信靠耶穌,何其甘甜, 信祂寶血能潔淨; 信心簡單,血有效驗, 疾病醫治,罪洗清。
H434 (節2/4, 頁1/2) 信靠耶穌,何其甘甜, O how sweet to trust in Jesus, 信祂寶血能潔淨; Just to trust His cleansing blood; 信心簡單,血有效驗, Just in simple faith to plunge me 疾病醫治,罪洗清。 'Neath the healing, Cleansing flood! Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 7

8 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, 我曾證祂多少次; 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, 祂是活神不誤事。
H434 (節2/4, 頁2/2副) 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! 我曾證祂多少次; How I've proved Him over and over! 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 祂是活神不誤事。 O for grace to trust Him more! Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 8

9 信靠耶穌,真是甘甜, 救我遠離罪與己; 從祂接受無限恩典; 生命、喜樂和安息。
H434 (節3/4, 頁1/2) 信靠耶穌,真是甘甜, Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, 救我遠離罪與己; Just from sin and self to cease; 從祂接受無限恩典; Just from Jesus simply taking 生命、喜樂和安息。 Life and rest, and joy and peace. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 9

10 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, 我曾證祂多少次; 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, 祂是活神不誤事。
H434 (節3/4, 頁2/2副) 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! 我曾證祂多少次; How I've proved Him over and over! 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 祂是活神不誤事。 O for grace to trust Him more! Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 10

11 何等喜樂,我能信祢, 至寶耶穌,我救主! 信祢與我是在一起, 一直一起到永古。
H434 (節4/4, 頁1/2) 何等喜樂,我能信祢, I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee, 至寶耶穌,我救主! Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; 信祢與我是在一起, And I know that Thou art with me, 一直一起到永古。 Wilt be with me to the end. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 11

12 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, 我曾證祂多少次; 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, 祂是活神不誤事。
H434 (節4/4, 頁2/2副) 耶穌,耶穌,何等可靠, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! 我曾證祂多少次; How I've proved Him over and over! 耶穌,耶穌,我的至寶, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 祂是活神不誤事。 O for grace to trust Him more! Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會 12

13 You unravel me with a melody 祢愛的旋律,釋放我生命, You surround me with a song
“No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (1/6) You unravel me with a melody 祢愛的旋律,釋放我生命, You surround me with a song  祢愛四面環繞我. Of deliverance from my enemies  從仇敵手中,祢拯救了我, 'Til all my fears are gone  懼怕中得自由. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

14 我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God 我是天父兒女.
“No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (2/6) [2x] I'm no longer a slave to fear  我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God  我是天父兒女. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

15 From my mother's womb You have chosen me
“No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (3/6) From my mother's womb You have chosen me 從我母腹中,祢揀選了我,   Love has called my name  祢愛呼喚我名. I've been born again into your family  我重生得救,進入祢家中, Your blood flows through my veins  寶血流入我生命. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

16 我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God 我是天父兒女.
“No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (4/6) [4x] I'm no longer a slave to fear  我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God  我是天父兒女. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

17 “No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (5/6)
[2x] You split the sea 祢將大海分開, So I could walk right through it 使我能穿越. My fears were drowned in perfect love  完美的愛淹沒恐懼, You rescued me 祢拯救我, And I will stand and sing 讓我能興起歌唱, I am a child of God.  我是天父兒女. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

18 我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God 我是天父兒女.
“No Longer Slaves“ 不再被奴役 (6/6) [3x] I'm no longer a slave to fear  我不再被恐懼奴役, I am a child of God  我是天父兒女. Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

19 The “I Will” of Jesus! 主耶穌的“我肯” ! DAVID SMITHERS 大衛史密斯
Christian Assembly of San Gabriel Valley

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