Formal Pivot to both Language and Intelligence in Science

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1 Formal Pivot to both Language and Intelligence in Science
The Double Matrix Constructed by Numbers and Characters 用数字和汉字建构的双重矩阵(双字棋盘) Formal Pivot to both Language and Intelligence in Science 语言科学与心智科学的形式化枢纽 邹晓辉

2 邹晓辉
1. Introduction 引言 This paper aims to achieve human-machine interaction and optimize interpersonal communication with specific Chinese characters chess board and Chinese language chess manual. 本文旨在采用具体的汉字棋盘和汉语棋谱来实现人机互动,并优化人际交流。 They are practical application of the double matrix constructed by numbers and characters. 它们是用数字和汉字建构的双重矩阵的实际应用。 邹晓辉

3 Formal Pivot to both Language and Intelligence 语言与心智的形式化枢纽
Furthermore, this paper will reveal the formal pivot to both human intelligence based on the language and artificial intelligence based on the mind and its scientific principle. 进而,揭示基于语言的人类智力与基于心智的人工智能的形式化枢纽及其存在的科学原理。 Clearly expounded theoretically: the relationship logically between sequence and location, the relationship of function between independent variable and dependent variable, and the relationship of translation between numbers and characters, can reveal the three basic laws. 从理论上清晰地阐述:次序与位置的逻辑关系、自变量与因变量的函数关系、数字与汉字的翻译关系,即可揭示出三大基本定律。 邹晓辉

4 邹晓辉
2. Method 方法 The following steps are the method comprises: the first step, depicting the ideal blueprint; the second step, constructing the theoretical model; the third step, making the typical software. 该方法的基本步骤: 第一步,描绘其理想蓝图,第二步,建构其理论模型,第三步,制作其软件样板。 邹晓辉

5 The first step, depicting the ideal blueprint 第一步,描绘其理想蓝图
Visible from the seven milestones, the ideal blueprint for the near future, is to break from the fifth milestone as the beganning. 由七个里程碑可见,近期未来的理想蓝图,是从破解第五个里程碑开始的。 邹晓辉

6 Break from the fifth milestone 从第五个里程碑突破

7 The second step, construct its theoretical model 第二步,建构其理论模型
By the dual approach and five levels visible, the theoretical model is built from the second approach to the successful establishment. 由双重进路和五个层次可见,该理论模型,是从打造第二进路成功建立的。 邹晓辉

8 dual approach and five levels双重进路和五个层次

9 The third step, the production of its software model 第三步,制作其软件样板
Perspective from structure, formalization and automation of the big data of abstracts in Chinese, the key is the double matrix constructed by numbers and characters. 由中文摘要大数据的结构化、形式化和自动化进程可见,关键是用数字和汉字建构的双重矩阵(双字棋盘)。 邹晓辉

10 matrix constructed by numbers and characters 双字棋盘

11 邹晓辉
3. Results 结果 Results: obtaining the foundational implementation example of concrete application, which can make teachers and students of liberal arts, science subjects and engineering disciplines all understand and participate in the corresponding part of the event. 结果:获得其具体应用的基础实施例,可让文科、理科和工科的师生都能理解,并且可参与相应的那部份活动。 邹晓辉

12 obtaining the example of application 获得应用样板

13 邹晓辉
4. Conclusion 结论 Conclusion: from one point to entire area, which not only can peep a spot known the whole leopard, but also it can be put into action. The specific performance is a series of pilot and the application. 结论:由点到面,不仅可窥斑知豹,而且能付诸行动。具体表现为一系列的试点和各方面应用。 邹晓辉

14 Recent systematic application 近期的系统化应用
Recent systematic application of the most prominent can make it be popularized and used for the thinking, memory and communication, especially academic exchanges and art exchanges, and it also can be used for computer bilingual information processing, storage and interaction, and significantly improve the efficiency of labor of human intelligence and quality of artificial intelligence software. 近期最突出的系统化应用就是可把它推广普及用于自然人的思维、记忆和交流,尤其是学术交流和艺术交流,同时还可用于计算机的双语信息处理、存储和交互,并显著提高人类智力劳动的效率以及人工智能软件的质量。 邹晓辉

15 It plays a role in computer aided 在计算机辅助诸方面发挥作用
Especially it plays a role in computer aided education and research, service and leads the social development, international exchanges, cultural inheritance and innovation, and other aspects. 特别是在计算机辅助教育与研究、服务、引领社会发展、 国际交流、文化的传承与创新等诸方面发挥作用。 邹晓辉

16 邹晓辉
Appendix 1 附件1 冯志伟的棋谱 邹晓辉

17 邹晓辉
Appendix 2 附件2 钟义信的棋谱 邹晓辉

18 邹晓辉
Appendix 3 附件3 史忠植的棋谱 邹晓辉

19 邹晓辉
Appendix 4 附件4 赵川的棋谱 邹晓辉

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