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管 理 學 第三章 組織文化與環境 Organizational Culture and Environment

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1 管 理 學 第三章 組織文化與環境 Organizational Culture and Environment
One does not plan and then try to make the circumstances fit those plans. One tries to make plans fill the circumstances. — General George Patton 交通大學 任維廉 教授

2 1. What is organizational culture. 交大?政大?TSMC. 2. What is environment
1. What is organizational culture? 交大?政大?TSMC? 2. What is environment? What is stakeholders? 3. How culture affects managers? How employees learn culture? How the environment affects managers?

3 綱要 1. 管理者:全能 (omnipotent) 或象徵 (symbolic) 2. 組織文化 (culture)
3. Current organizational culture issues 4. 組織環境 (environment)

4 1. The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?
全能觀點 象徵觀點 綜合觀點 *真理在兩極端之間?

5 Omnipotent View of Management
Managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure. The quality of the organization is determined by the quality of its managers. 討論:切腹下台,提頭來見! 刻板印象,成功模式?

6 Symbolic View of Management
Much of an organization’s success or failure is due to external forces outside of managers’ control. The economy, governmental policies, technology, and the actions of previous managers…… *Managers’ Constraints: organization’s internal and external environment.

7 Parameters of Managerial Discretion
例:面對交警 Managerial Discretion Organizational Culture Organization’s Environment

8 2. 組織文化 1. 定義 (definition), 向度 (dimensions), 衡量 (measurement)
2. 起源,學習,影響 討論: 人格特質 (personality) 之構面:big 5 (p.308) OCA: organizational culture assessment, (Reigle, 2003)

9 The Organization’s Culture
A system of shared meanings and common beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in a large degree, how they act towards each other. Implications: Culture is a perception, shared, descriptive (evaluation). 討論:人人都是無價之寶!

10 台積經營理念 堅持高度職業道德 專注於專業積體電路製造服務本業 放眼世界市場,國際化經營 注意長期策略,追求永續經營 客戶是我們的夥伴
品質,7.創新,8.工作環境,9.管理模式 10. 兼顧員工股東,回饋社會 10

11 Core Values of tsmc: ICIC
Integrity(誠信正值) Customers are partners(客戶是夥伴) Innovation(製程創新) Commitment(對客戶承諾) *台積 DNA (天下): review, align…… 11

12 公司治理指標(里昂證券) *RD IS FAT, 蔡明介:勇氣深思, 誠信正直, 持續學習, 團隊合作, 信任尊重, 創新思維。
Discipline Transparence Independence Accountability Responsibility Fairness Social awareness *RD IS FAT, 蔡明介:勇氣深思, 誠信正直, 持續學習, 團隊合作, 信任尊重, 創新思維。 12

13 Exhibit 3–2 Dimensions of Organizational Culture

14 Exhibit 3–3 Contrasting Organizational Cultures
Dimension Organization A Organization B Attention to Detail High Low Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability Innovation and Risk Taking

15 實做調查 1: 1. 繪製貴公司組織文化雷達圖。 2. 分析貴公司之組織環境, 實例:新竹縣文化中心
比較:政大,交大。華航,長榮。IBM, Apple. 討論:裕隆汽車次文化。效忠公司 vs. 專業。 2. 分析貴公司之組織環境, 討論:走向有利或不利之方向? 15

16 A公司 Innovation 4 3 Stability Attention to detail 2 1 Aggressiveness
Aggressiveness Outcome People Team 16

17 補習班 Innovation and risk taking B 補習班 4 C 補習班 3 Stability
Attention to detail 2 1 Aggressiveness Outcome orientation Team orientation People orientation 17

18 Strong versus Weak Cultures
Are cultures in which key values are deeply held and widely shared. Have a strong influence on organizational members. *The HP Way, The McKinsey Mind Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture Size, Age, Employee turnover rate

19 Sources, Continuation Sources Continuation
The organization’s founder: Vision and mission Past practices of the organization The behavior of top management Continuation Recruitment of like-minded employees who “fit” Socialization of new employees to help them adapt to the culture

20 How Employees Learn Culture
Stories Narratives of significant events or actions of people Rituals Repetitive sequences of activities that express Material Symbols Physical assets distinguishing the organization Language Acronyms and jargon of terms, phrases, and word

21 Stories 飲水思源 Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Be nice. Do your best, Keep it in perspectives.

22 Material Symbols:奧美廣告
皮質萬用盒 紅鉛筆(榮譽榜,講座) 紀念金幣 受邀參觀創辦人城堡 Bonus: 上網找經理人月刊, , p.104

23 How an Organization’s Culture Is Established and Maintained

24 3. Organization Culture Issues
1. Creating an Ethical Culture High in risk tolerance Low to moderate aggressiveness Focus on means as well as outcomes *Be a visible role model. *Communicate ethical expectations. *Provide ethics training. *Visibly reward ethical acts and punish unethical ones. *Provide protective mechanisms.

25 2. Creating an Innovative Culture
Challenge and involvement Freedom Trust and openness Idea time Playfulness/humor Conflict resolution Debates Risk-taking

26 3. Creating a Customer-Responsive Culture
Hiring the right type of employees Having few rigid rules, procedures, and regulations Using widespread empowerment of employees Having good listening skills Reduce role ambiguity and conflict, increase job satisfaction (內部顧客) Having conscientious, caring employees willing to take initiative

27 4. Creating a culture that support Diversity
Increasing heterogeneity in the workforce More gender, minority, ethnic, globalization…… Inclusive: 關羽,包拯,Johnny, Anderson…… Aging workforce: Older employees who work longer and do not retire, increased costs. 二次大戰後新生的大量嬰兒,被社會學家稱為 嬰兒潮世代(baby boom),紀律 1960~1979, 五六年級,為X世代 (generation X), 七八年級為Y世代 ,創意,行銷 27

28 5. Workplace Spirituality
Strong sense of purpose Focus on individual development Trust and openness Employee empowerment Toleration of employees’ expression 討論:威盛,長榮,杜俊元,游芳來。

29 3. 組織環境 1. 定義 2. 特定 (specific) 環境: CSCP 顧客,供應商,競爭者,壓力團體 3. 一般 (general) 環境: STEPGD 社會文化,科技 ,經濟,政治法律, 全球,人口統計。 *HMO, PEST, 寵物商機,少女化,一把槍一個子彈

30 External Environment Those factors and forces outside the organization that affect the organization’s performance. Components Specific: external forces that have a direct and immediate impact on the organization. General: broad economic, socio-cultural, political/legal, demographic, technological, and global conditions that may affect the org.

31 The External Environment
Global General Environment Suppliers Customers Economic Political The Organization Public Pressure Groups Competitors Demographic Sociocultural Specific Environment Technological

32 Exhibit 3–10 Important Legislation
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act of 1988 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Child Safety Protection Act of 1994 U.S. Economic Espionage Act of 1996 Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act of 2000 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003

33 How the Environment Affects Managers
Environmental Uncertainty Complexity of the environment: the number of components in an organization’s external environment. Degree of change in environmental components: how dynamic or stable the external environment is.

34 Exhibit 3–11 Environmental Uncertainty Matrix

35 Stakeholders Relationships
Any constituencies in the organization’s environment that are affected by the organization’s decisions and actions Stockholders, Shareholders

36 Exhibit 3.8: Organizational Stakeholders

37 討論:誰的觀點最重要? 股東,管理者,員工,董事會?
1. 利潤最大化 2. 股東財富最大化 3. 市場佔有率 4. 顧客忠誠度 5. 員工滿意度 6. 其他 Stakeholders 37

38 Do your assignment: 1~5組 1. Case study: a manager’s dilemma (p.60)
2. Thinking critically about ethics (p.68) 3. Internet-based exercise (p.82) *3. choose a student organization, evaluate its culture *4. choose two organizations, identify their stakeholders *5. choose two organizations, compare their GE, SE

39 回顧 比較:1. 管理者之全能,象徵觀點 2. 個人人格 VS. 組織文化 3. 一般環境 VS. 特定環境

40 討論:未來學者如 J. Naisbitt, 可以預測環境?
1.全球經濟持續成長 6. 太平洋經濟重心 2. 藝術取代運動 7. 女性出頭 3. 走向資本主義 8. 生物科技及爭議 4. 流行文化 9. 宗教復甦 5. 解除管制 10. 重視個人貢獻 常用詞: change, greenwashing, Chinglish… 新創詞: leisure sickness, cyberchondriac, youthanasia…

41 Terms to Know omnipotent view symbolic view organizational culture
strong cultures socialization workplace spirituality external environment specific environment general environment environmental uncertainty environmental complexity stakeholders

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