耶稣,耶稣 Jesus, Jesus 敬拜赞美诗歌189首.

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Presentation on theme: "耶稣,耶稣 Jesus, Jesus 敬拜赞美诗歌189首."— Presentation transcript:

1 耶稣,耶稣 Jesus, Jesus 敬拜赞美诗歌189首

2 耶稣,喔,耶稣,圣洁的救赎主。 耶稣、耶稣,丰富赏赐者。 耶稣,喔,耶稣,至高的得胜者。 耶稣、耶稣,全能医治主。
Jesus, O Jesus, Holy Lamb of God. 耶稣、耶稣,丰富赏赐者。 Jesus, Jesus, Gracious Giver. 耶稣,喔,耶稣,至高的得胜者。 Jesus, O Jesus, Exalted Holy King. 耶稣、耶稣,全能医治主。 Jesus, Jesus, Mighty Healer.

3 让凡有气息都说: 圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。 你是昔在永在的全能主, 永不改变。 You never change.
Everything that has breath proclaims: 圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。 Holy, Holy is the Lord. 你是昔在永在的全能主, You’re forever and ever the Living God, 永不改变。 You never change.

4 让凡有气息都说: 圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。 唯有你是配得一切荣耀, 尊贵和颂赞。
Everything that has breath proclaims: 圣哉、圣哉、圣哉。 Holy, Holy is the Lord. 唯有你是配得一切荣耀, Only You are worthy of all our praise, 尊贵和颂赞。 glory and honor.

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