Jesus is King and I will extol Him,

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus is King and I will extol Him,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus is King and I will extol Him,
Give Him the glory and honour His name, He reigns on high, enthroned in the heavens, Word of the Father, exalted for us. 耶穌是王,我要向祂稱頌, 榮耀全屬祂,高舉祂尊名, 主已高升,已登榮耀寶座, 神的活道,我們高聲讚美。 Stanza 1 (1) Jesus Is King 耶穌是王

2 We have a hope that is steadfast and certain,
Gone through the curtain and touching the throne, We have a priest who is there interceding, Pouring His grace on our lives day by day. 我得盼望,祂裏穩固牢靠, 得進入幔內,到施恩座前, 主是中保,為我時常代求, 傾倒恩典,每天生活得力。 Stanza 2 (2) Jesus Is King 耶穌是王

3 We come to Him, our Priest and Apostle,
Clothed in His Glory and bearing His name Laying our lives with gladness before Him; Filled with His Spirit we worship the King. 來朝見祂,主是祭司使者, 今披戴基督,我全歸祂名, 何等喜樂,我已獻上全身, 敬拜我王,聖靈作我印記。 Stanza 3 (3) Jesus Is King 耶穌是王

4 O holy One, our hearts do adore You;
Thrilled with Your goodness we give You our praise. Angels in light with worship surround Him. Jesus, our Saviour, forever the same. 至聖的主,我們全心敬拜, 因祢的美善,俯伏讚美祢, 同眾天使,圍繞寶座頌讚, 我的救主耶穌,永不改變。 Stanza 4 (4) Jesus Is King 耶穌是王

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