Sherlock holmes and the Myster of Boscombe Pool I’m 福爾摩斯.

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Presentation on theme: "Sherlock holmes and the Myster of Boscombe Pool I’m 福爾摩斯."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sherlock holmes and the Myster of Boscombe Pool I’m 福爾摩斯

2 人物簡介 Basil Rathbone .... Sherlock Holmes William Austin .... Stranger Frank Baker .... Tompkins (uncredited) May Beatty .... Mrs. Jameson Frank Benson .... Cockney (uncredited) Hillary Brooke .... (uncredited) Nigel Bruce .... Doctor Watson E.E. Clive .... Inspector Bristol of Scotland Yard Harry Cording .... Cragin (uncredited) Robert Cory .... Sentry (uncredited) Frank Dawson .... Dawes, Moriarty's Butler David Dunbar .... Scotland Yard Man (uncredited) Herbert Evans .... Scotland Yard Man (uncredited) Neil Fitzgerald .... Clerk of the Court (uncredited) Mary Forbes .... Lady Conyngham

3 福爾摩斯精采片段欣賞(1969)


5 福爾摩斯博物館 小說中福爾摩斯所居住的地方為貝克街(Baker St) 221b號,1990年在這個地點成立了福爾摩斯博物館 (Sherlock Holmes Museum),館內的佈置擺設都以 小說中提及的情節為佐,更增添福爾摩斯舊居的真實 性。 地址 221‧B Baker Street 地鐵 到達Baker Street站下車 開放時間 9:30 ~ 18:00 電話 (0207)

6 倫敦地鐵Baker Street站

7 福爾摩斯博物館周邊道路圖

8 相關書籍 請各位同學多多利用時間閱讀英文書 1.THE ADRENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES
2.The Return of Sherlock Holmes 3.Sherlock Holmes short stories / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 4.The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes 5.Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Oxford Progressive English Readers Series) 6.The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 7.Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 8.The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (The Oxford Sherlock Holmes) 請各位同學多多利用時間閱讀英文書

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