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The Invitational School Survey Revised (ISS-R)

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1 The Invitational School Survey Revised (ISS-R)

2 What is Invitational School Survey Revised (ISS-R)
ISS-R 是針對學校在5P ( People, Places, Policies, Programs and Processes)工作的評量報告。報告的根據是持份者透過完成ISS-R問卷調查所得的分析。 邀請學校調查修訂 (國際空間站-R) 是一種易於設計來衡量的程度學校歡迎五個基本領域的完整清單: 人物、 地點、 政策、 程式和進程。

3 Function of ISS-R To assess the “Invitational Quality” (I.Q.) of schools To Identify schools that are eligible to receive the Inviting School Award. To recognize areas in which the school is doing well and what it might want to do better. To use as an assessment tool to see how administrators, staff, teachers, students, parents, and the community perceive the school. It can also be a pre-post measure by educators who are implementing a plan to improve their total school environment and culture

4 Go to the Web page and click ISS-R
How to start the ISS-R ??? Go to the Web page and click ISS-R IAIE web-site


6 相關行政工作 填妥申請表(Schools Demographics Form)
電郵申請表給Dr. Ken Smith 付費 選抽樣對象 把使用者名稱及使用者密碼配對給抽樣對象 安排抽樣對象按時完成問卷(網上/紙上) 全數問卷遞交後四星期可收到問卷調查結果和相關分析。

7 How much does it cost? The charges for administering the ISS-R as an Inviting School Award Applicant are: $ (USD) for up to 100 administrations $25.00 (USD) for additional bundles of 50 administrations Data Analysis and Report 免費 The survey sample can be adjusted according to your school size (number of students).

8 How to pay?

9 How to choose the samples?
Administrators Teachers Parents Students (P4-6) Others(optional): - miner staff - school volunteers

10 When to start? 申請及遞交問卷宜於十一月底至十二月中前完成。

11 How to use the report? 了解學校在5P的整體表現,從而作出優化或改善
ISS-R報告需連同IE portfolio一起提交。 按ISS-R的統計,過往取得IE Award 的學校ISS-R在每一個P及學校的整體分數均在85分或以上。

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