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Windows Vista 的用戶端零接觸部署

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1 Windows Vista 的用戶端零接觸部署
謝合宜 微軟特約技術顧問 MCSE : Security/Messaging MVP/MCT BS7799/ISO27001 Lead Auditor

2 預備知識 熟悉Windows作業系統的安裝部署 IT Pro有關企業架構的Microsoft 解決方案架構 Level 200

3 講題大綱 什麼是 BDD的使用架構 Lite Touch的使用 Zero Touch的使用
Microsoft Solution Accelerator? Business Desktop Deployment(BDD)? BDD的使用架構 Lite Touch的使用 Zero Touch的使用

4 什麼是 Microsoft Solution Accelerator For Business Desktop Deployment?
一對一的指南、最佳典範以及關於有效計畫、建置與部署Windows OS與Office的工具集 根基在真實世界的經驗與業界的最佳典範案例 增加全自動化 減少相關的花費 Manual Deployment US$500 - $1000 per PC Light Touch ~US $350 per PC Zero Touch Less than US$100 per PC

5 Reference Architecture (previously “MSA”)
Business Desktop Deployment Microsoft Solution Accelerators 找出、定位 IT Pro 在商業挑戰上所面對的技術難題 Reference Architecture (previously “MSA”) Microsoft Solutions for Security Solution for UNIX Migration Solutions for Small & Medium Business Operations Framework Microsoft Solutions for Infrastructure & Management

6 什麼是 BDD? Microsoft Solution Accelerators
定位在常見的客戶實例 整合人員、處理程序與各種技術 涵蓋計畫、建置、管理的整個生命週期 完整定義、測試與驗證 Microsoft有技術支援 <SLIDETITLE>Microsoft Solution Accelerators</SLIDETITLE> <KEYWORDS>MSSA, Solution Accelerators, Business Deployment</KEYWORDS> <KEYMESSAGE> BDD is a combination of techniques, best practices, and tools. </KEYMESSAGE> <SLIDEBUILDS>3</SLIDEBUILDS> <SLIDESCRIPT> [Build3] Microsoft Solution Accelerators, including Business Desktop Deployment, are targeted at defined customer scenarios. In the case of BDD, the scenario is for the deployment and management of 250 or more desktops. The Solution Accelerators are integrated people, process, and technology. We know that the solution to your IT challenges is not just a piece of software but the guidance on its application as well as the resources to best use these tools in your environment. Solution Accelerators covers the entire lifecycle of your enterprise. Along with partners and consultants, we engineer, test, and validate Solution Accelerators. Case studies are available of how Solution Accelerators have been applied in other enterprises. Microsoft and Microsoft consultants are prepared to support the deployment of these Solution Accelerators. </SLIDESCRIPT> <SLIDETRANSITION>BDD is a conjunction of several years of work at Microsoft developing deployment tools.</SLIDETRANSITION> <ADDITIONALINFORMATION><ITEM> </ITEM></ADDITIONALINFORMATION> Microsoft Solutions for Infrastructure & Management

7 BDD的歷史 1999 2005 BDD Standard Edition BDD Enterprise Edition
Zero Touch Provisioning Automated Purposing Framework BDD Standard Edition Zero Touch Install BDD Version 1 (2002, TechEd2003) BDD Enterprise Edition SMS OS Deployment Feature Pack (2004) Zero Touch Install on OSD

8 二○一九年一月三日 BDD Today © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 8

9 BDD Vista Road Map Q3 2006 Q4 2006 Today 2007 Windows Vista Beta 2
Lite Touch only Windows Vista only Uses all Windows Vista deployment tools BDD Vista beta release SCCM2007 Task Sequencer integration Office 2007, XP support added Zero Touch added (OSD Update) BDD Vista release Windows Vista RTM OSD Update RTM Windows DS RTM BDD Vista updated Support for SCCM2007 SCCM2007: System Center Configuration Manager 2007 9

10 BDD Vista 持續來減少整體擁有成本與部署的花費 和 BDD 2.5 一樣會提供下載 使用者可自訂的XML架構的設定值 簡化
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista 持續來減少整體擁有成本與部署的花費 簡化 一致的流程 使用最新的工具 和 BDD 2.5 一樣會提供下載 使用者可自訂的XML架構的設定值 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 10

11 BDD Vista的使用重點 簡化 使用 Windows Vista 的各種部署工具 針對 Windows Vista 新功能的指南
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista的使用重點 簡化 另外增加的自動化、精靈與檢查清單 Lite Touch and Zero Touch一般會使用的Script程式與工具 完整的Lite Touch重寫 使用 Windows Vista 的各種部署工具 Windows System Image Manager, XIMAGE, Windows PE 2.0, Windows Deployment Services, USMT 3.0, SMS 2003 OS Deployment Feature Pack Update, Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.0 針對 Windows Vista 新功能的指南 User account control, BitLocker™, MUI 等等 Office 2007 部署、轉移與轉換指南 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 11

12 BDD Vista 電腦映像檔處理步驟 Gather source files BDD Server Configure build
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista 電腦映像檔處理步驟 Windows Vista Applications Drivers Gather source files BDD Server Configure build BDD Workbench MMC Windows System Image Manager Build Lab CD (Windows PE) BDD Workbench MMC PE IMG (behind the scenes) Windows PE 2.0 SETUP.EXE XIMAGE Lab CD Install Windows Vista Reference computer SCCM2007 task sequencer Applications (maybe), settings Sysprep Windows Vista Execute task sequence Lab CD Capture image Windows PE 2.0 XIMAGEX © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 12

13 BDD Vista 電腦映像檔的系統設計 Windows Vista 提供更多的選擇 最簡單的選擇---只做OS的處理
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista 電腦映像檔的系統設計 Windows Vista 提供更多的選擇 與硬體(HAL)不相干的映像檔 離線的服務(drivers and security updates) 提供做為 Sysprep 映像檔 最簡單的選擇---只做OS的處理 Gather source files Windows Vista Applications Drivers Configure Unattend.xml BDD Workbench MMC Windows System Image Manager © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 13

14 Install BDD BDD Workbench

15 BDD Vista Lite Touch的使用情境 Lite Touch 的部署方法 更新系統 (Windows 2000+)
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista Lite Touch的使用情境 更新系統 (Windows 2000+) 升級 (Windows XPSP2+) 全新的電腦 電腦取代 (Windows 2000+) Lite Touch 的部署方法 網路分享 (UNC 路徑) Windows Deployment Services (所有情境) CD/DVD © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 15

16 BDD Vista Lite Touch部署設計
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista Lite Touch部署設計 Gather 以規則來定義 使用 Zero Touch 安裝技術 Prompt 以精靈的架構來執行 輸入沒有定義的設定值,或者覆蓋收集到的設定值 Execute 處理套用收集到的設定值 執行工作順序 (SCCM2007 Task Sequencer) © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 16

17 BDD Vista Lite Touch部署設計 – 執行工作順序
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista Lite Touch部署設計 – 執行工作順序 Capture User State ZTICapture.wsf USMT 3.0 Old OpSys And more… Back up computer ZTIBackup.wsf XIMAGE Windows PE Apply new image ZTIApply.wsf SETUP.exe SCCM2007 Task Sequencer ZTIConfigure.wsf Unattend.xml Drivers, Updates Configure OS Install Applications ZTIApplications.wsf New OpSys And more… Restore User State USMT 3.0 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 17

18 BDD Vista Zero Touch的設計
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista Zero Touch的設計 與 Lite Touch 共享元件 Scripts, 設定檔, 規則,工作執行順序 與 Lite Touch 的差異 沒有精靈 有些元件由 SMS 2003 operating system Deployment Feature Pack 的功能來取代 應用程式透過 SMS packages 來安裝 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 18

19 BDD Vista Zero Touch的使用
二○一九年一月三日 BDD Vista Zero Touch的使用 提供簡易的轉移路徑---從現存的 BDD 2.5 Zero Touch Installation 與 SMS 2003 OSD 簡易的轉移路徑到SCCM2007(Systems Center Configuration Manager 2007) 增強的功能 整合SCCM2007 task sequencer 完整的電腦備份 更多的驅動程式使用 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 19

20 BDD Lite and Zero Touch Installation

21 相關的Vista工具

22 Windows PE 2.0 支援程式安裝處理 離線設定 Windows Vista 提供系統還原的功能 更多的 WMI 支援
二○一九年一月三日 Windows PE 2.0 支援程式安裝處理 離線設定 Windows Vista 提供系統還原的功能 更多的 WMI 支援 32 MB RAM disk 更多的資訊 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 22

23 Office 2007部署工具 企業的部署、轉移與轉換工具(available after Office 2007 Beta 2)
二○一九年一月三日 Office 2007部署工具 企業的部署、轉移與轉換工具(available after Office 2007 Beta 2) Office Migration Toolkit Converters for compatibility Consolidated Office Customization Tool BDD Vista 會提供指南來使用 Office 2007 工具 Initial guidance Full guidance by Windows Vista RTM Guidance for upgrades too © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 23

24 Windows Deployment Services 技術概觀
二○一九年一月三日 Windows Deployment Services 技術概觀 RIS的下一代升級 Windows Vista RTM時會提供為Windows Server 2003 SP1的一個修正程式 包含在未來的Windows Longhorn Server 增加對於 Windows Vista 部署工具的支援 WIM images Windows PE 2.0 可延伸的擴展模型 避免與 PXE servers 的競爭 會受到 SMSv4(SCCM2007) 的影響 自定架構的可能 提供可自訂的開機系統映像 (i.e. BDD Lite Touch) APIs and 命令列介面 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 24

25 在未來 Business Desktop Lifecycle Management
二○一九年一月三日 在未來 Business Desktop Lifecycle Management © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. 25

26 講題總結 BDD希望提供更方便的電腦系統的部署處理方式 結合Windows Vista與Office2007的部署工具

27 For More Information… TechNet Windows Vista
Windows Vista Windows Vista: Resources for IT Professional MVP Community社群網站

28 For More Information Microsoft Discussion Groups
Desktop deployment: SMS Tools: Business Desktop Deployment Solution Accelerator


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