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How to prepare the seminar?

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Presentation on theme: "How to prepare the seminar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to prepare the seminar?
Read through the paper several times. Think ! What’s the main question of this paper? How do the authors design the experiments? What’re the results of this paper? What’re the contributions of their work? Try to prepare excellent powerpoint file! Rehearsal it with your classmates!!

2 課程名稱:專題討論(下) 學分數: 1 開課系所:生科三(甲) 上課時間: Wed, PM: 3:40~5:30 任課教師:賴金美老師 (Office : LS303,分機:3595) 目的: 為培養學生閱讀及表達科學性論文之能力,本專討將由老師指定或同學自行選訂與細胞生化相關之期刋論文為題材,藉由課堂的報告與問題討論以增進同學在生化科學方面的實力。 * 以抽籤方式決定各人之論文報告組別及次序。 * 由前一週同學負責借用及歸還投影機並擔任該週報告之主持人(負責介 紹及發問)。 評分: Presentation: 70% [Power point (30%); presentation & discussion (40%)] Raising question: 20% 出席率: 10% (遲到扣分: 0.5分/次)

3 週次 日期 課程內容 1 2月18日 專討課程介紹與評分方式 10 4月22日 G5: 謝宗佑、郭碧晴 2 2月25日 專討諮詢(不上課) 11 4月29日 G6: 許竣閔、李姿嫻 3 3月04日 12 5月06日 G7: 羅順耀、張家豪 4 3月11日 13 5月13日 G8: 黃暐琇、簡鉅洋 5 3月18日 G1: 李依庭、鄭錦慧 14 5月20日 6 3月25日 G2: 周振鎏、莊斐媮 15 5月27日 7 4月01日 G3: 吳泰昇、楊德厚 16 6月03日 8 4月08日 G4: 莊承翰、林艾樺 17 6月10日 9 4月15日 期中考週(停課) 18 6月17日 期末考週

4 Click

5 1. Key word or Ex. j biol chem [ta] biochem j [ta]


7 You can choose “type of article”
“date” “author”








15 you should go to the library
or you should go to the library to print the article directly!!



18 輸入帳號及密碼!



21 Nucleotide exchange factor GEF-H1 mediates cross-talk
Example: 題目 Nucleotide exchange factor GEF-H1 mediates cross-talk between microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton Krendel M, Zenke FT, Bokoch GM. Nat Cell Biol Apr;4(4): Jin-Mei Lai 作者, 出處, IF 報告者, 學號

22 Introduction 至少 6 頁 Cytoskeleton --- composed of three well-defined
filamentous structures - Microtubules (tubulin) - Microfilaments (actin) - Intermediate filaments Moter protein --- is used to move cellular cargo. - Microtubules : kinesin, dynein. - Microfilaments (actin) : myosin

23 The aim in this article To address that GEF is responsible for regulating Rho activity in response to microtubule depolymerization. modulate actin filament organization and myosin sontractility.

24 除非為特殊技術, 否則儘可能同張slide解釋實驗方法及實驗結果! 請簡要說明研究目的及給予小的結論!
“Methods and Results” To address the apparent discrepancy between the fact that all GEF-H1 Constructs have similar activity in vitro and that only non-microtubule-bound GEF-H1 constructs induced a Rho-dependent change in cell morphology. To analyse the ability of various GEF-H1 versions to activate Rho GTPase in vivo. HeLa cells contransfect GEF-H1 and Myc-RhoA GTP-boune RhoA was precipitated with GST-RBD Western a-myc RBD/PBD pull-down assays

25 Summary GEF-H1 localized to microtubules.
non-microtubule-bound GEF-H1 constructs --- with highly active guanine nucleotide exchante activity --- induced a Rho-dependent change in cell morphology.

26 Conclusion A model for the regulation of GEF-H1 activity by microtubules.

27 Discussions 有Discussion則加分!

28 If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!!
Lab: LS303 TEL:

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